Ideas on how to get through this - track rentals?

Jack Bierbower

PR Addict
Anyone have any creative ideas on getting in some riding within the rules?

setting up some kind of private rental first to reserve your spot type of thing?

Looks like washougal is doing some rental times - ram jam has a good rental system.

I think we’re all pretty desperate for some seat time.
Really starting to think 2020 spring mx may not happen here in southeast MI. Once the big three shut down you know things are getting serious. With nearly 800 cases I don’t see mx or much happening anytime soon. Stay safe back home in northeast Ohio.
I was up for some track rental till this s**t just went side ways..looks like I’m going to have to practice riding wheelies up and down the street now for 2 weeks..
Well at some point I’m sure they will shut that down to...any way. Back to the rental..I am in if anyone is organizing a group thing,..
Rode all day here today. Track was prime. And the limit is 10 now. Private tracks with really small groups is it now.
See I don’t agree with this bullshit. I got more personal protective equipment on my dirtbike with helmet and goggles than what can be provided for me at a damn hosptial currently because of the shortage of supplies.

i doubt we gonna contract covid by racing eachother. this is all stupid. Not hard to maintain 6 feet distance at an outside moto track.

Plus I’m not confident Ohio has the resources to even understand to enforce anything out in the country where we all ride. They’re all busy keeping people out of restaurants.
Honestly, I just wish people would hunker down some what for the next two weeks so that we all can move past this s**t and get on with our lives.
I rode at crow canyon today. Went out back to the old motocross track in the back and made a turn track in the hills - good day.

I believe the Ohio bill said bike trails would be open. Just sayin'
“Bike trails”

I mean, I can interpret all motocross tracks as “bike trails.” We are good to go.

Alright whose opening tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ? Stagger em up boys.
Competition riders of bike trails of America. CRbtA

Ohio bike trail motocross association ObtMA

Malvern bike trail park.
Briarcliff bike trails
Tvland, bike trails and more
Smith road bike trail
Youngstown bike trail x.
Pymatuning bike trail raceway.
NAP trail

Ohio bike trail international raceway ObtIR . (Open only to Ohio riders during quarantine)
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Just curious if anyone thinks people should just all stop for a couple weeks so that we all can get back to normal life in a couple weeks?

My niece works in an ER and it's crazy right now and the extra precautions, etc. If you were to have a serious injury requiring an ER visit, is it worth it? Or should we all just try to hunker down for a couple weeks so we all can get on with life, whether it is right or wrong?
The normal runny nose ER cloggers aren’t here. The ER is dead. They’re cutting staffing. Nows the best time to go in my opinion.

The Er I work in was insane before all this pandemic drum up. Now everyone’s scared so they stop using ER like a doctor office. Not saying it can’t be crazy elsewhere but it markedly slower now. I cover two hospitals. Both slow.
Everyone is anxious to ride, I get it. But half of the next 10 days are wet.
It's Spring in Ohio.

Lord, I hate to say this but I agree with John 250!

If we are 8-11 days behind Italy and Spain. We've yet to see the worst of this.
NPR had a story of a writer in Seattle who got the virus and recovered and she described it as the worst 2 weeks imaginable.
It's not the flu. It's respiratory.
My friends Dad used to tell us to "Think before you move." and that totally applies here.
Obey the order, stay at home and let's all get through this.

I'm not an attorney but it would be a stretch to count a motocross facility as an essential business:
My niece works in an ER and it's crazy right now and the extra precautions, etc. If you were to have a serious injury requiring an ER visit, is it worth it? Or should we all just try to hunker down for a couple weeks so we all can get on with life, whether it is right or wrong?

I actually fell off a ladder yesterday for real while putting up ceiling boards in new workshop. Amazing how many times that has been my "cause of injury" in the past and yesterday I actually really did it. I was lucky to not get hurt but was thinking how sucky it would be to have to go to the ER right now.