2020 Loretta Lynn Qualifiers and Regionals

Yeah but that kid still didn’t make it. Whether it was bike problems, crashes or bad starts he’s still didn’t make it fair and square. If I anyone can show up and race the ranch, I think that’s unfair to the riders of the past 35+ years who worked there a***s off to get there, I mean does anyone else see the point I’m trying to make?
No, because your not showing up to make the main your showing up to qualify. Those that try and qualify and don’t make it will not go down in the history books as Loretta’s finishers. I wasn’t referring to a kid that crashed out or had bike problems. There’s geographic areas that just plain have a higher concentration of fast kids than others.

I’ve worked for large government institutions. Department of va. And that big defense organization you might know of called the army. If you think emailing is the way to get them to move....I hate to tell you, you’re going to be disappointed.

Staffers reply all: blanket feel good message. And then they go to lunch or home.

I have only ever been able to make headway in the government by face to face communication. I never made headway at the VA. and I quit. You can’t change that institutionalized nightmare. I’ve only ever been able to get things done in the army by calling and knocking on doors. If you pester them like a gnat, they’ll move to get you out of their hair so they can go back to their other obligations...like....elections and personelle evaluations.

I’ve worked for large government institutions. Department of va. And that big defense organization you might know of called the army. If you think emailing is the way to get them to move....I hate to tell you, you’re going to be disappointed.

Staffers reply all: blanket feel good message. And then they go to lunch or home.

I have only ever been able to make headway in the government by face to face communication. I never made headway at the VA. and I quit. You can’t change that institutionalized nightmare. I’ve only ever been able to get things done in the army by calling and knocking on doors. If you pester them like a gnat, they’ll move to get you out of their hair so they can go back to their other obligations...like....elections and personelle evaluations.
I can’t say what the Army does but this was not the case in my 16 years in the Air Force. Has not been the case with the VA either or the last 6 I’m working exclusively for the DOD. Been through the entire process, too many injuries, bought out, medically separated disability.
Haven’t had the same experience with the emails and the FB posts either. As I screen shotted and shared one reply, have received multiple others. I have also received the “auto reply” from many. Many representatives are interacting with people on fb, and Twitter. I know they are 5 votes away from the required 2/3 votes needed to take action against the governors orders. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I need to learn your techniques. I can’t get anyone to move over an email. I gotta go face to face. Then, they’re more than happy to get it done....I do agree Squeaky wheel and not taking no as a definitive answer when there is wiggle room is for sure the way to go.
I can’t say what the Army does but this was not the case in my 16 years in the Air Force. Has not been the case with the VA either or the last 6 I’m working exclusively for the DOD. Been through the entire process, too many injuries, bought out, medically separated disability.
Haven’t had the same experience with the emails and the FB posts either. As I screen shotted and shared one reply, have received multiple others. I have also received the “auto reply” from many. Many representatives are interacting with people on fb, and Twitter. I know they are 5 votes away from the required 2/3 votes needed to take action against the governors orders. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

We need to hammering them with emails, we need those 5 votes! I saw somewhere that Indiana's 5 step plan to re-open doesn't allow events like MX till July 4th, or just after. Now don't think for second that Dewine's plan isn't the same or worse. He just doesn't want to tell anyone.
We need to hammering them with emails, we need those 5 votes! I saw somewhere that Indiana's 5 step plan to re-open doesn't allow events like MX till July 4th, or just after. Now don't think for second that Dewine's plan isn't the same or worse. He just doesn't want to tell anyone.
Dewine doesn’t want to tell you what his plan is. He loves the daily briefing and his 15 minutes of fame. I have a close friend that works in that building. Social distancing till 2021 is the plan.
Preble county, has a meeting yesterday. The county commissioner with the full support of the sheriff and the local health department just seemed all their business essential. They are open. Shits gonna get more weird than that time you dated goth chicks.
I need to learn your techniques. I can’t get anyone to move over an email. I gotta go face to face. Then, they’re more than happy to get it done....I do agree Squeaky wheel and not taking no as a definitive answer when there is wiggle room is for sure the way to go.
If your taking anout the Army I can’t help you, I head that branch is all kinds of clogged up. If it’s the VA you need there are resources to help.

(direct patient care droplet precautions has absolutely no use in public), what you got here is A bunch of politicians that don’t know s**t about any of this jockeying for the vote on the basis of “Look I did something and something is better than nothin.”

something ISNT always better than NOTHING.
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Dewine is getting ton a of pressure from the house. On Monday it was mandatory masks.
Tuesday they changed to suggesting masks because of political pressure. On Thursday he extended the Stay at home until May 29th. And ORDER is even capitalized. On Friday they claimed it's not stay at home, its Stay Safe Ohio. Once again political pressure, they looked and acted like beat pups in that Friday press conference. If this was about your health, they would not roll over on their positions 24 hours later due to polling and political pressure.

Week before last there was a conference call with the state house members and the Governor. It got extremely heated. Members of the house had a open up plan for May 1, and the governor got defiant and basically told them it was his decision, not theirs. The House Speaker then fired off that letter to the governor. The go into session on Monday. So we will see if it's just political charades or if they will actually put something to a vote to pull power away from the Governor and Dr. Acton. I am chair of the Greene Co. Board of Elections. Trust me the Governor and Dr Acton already screwed up by canceling in person voting March 17th. The legislature then put every BOE in a bad spot by agreeing to all mail by April 28 to settle a Democrat filed lawsuit. They should have said no, and let the governor and the SOS figure it out.

There are now about 6 counties that took votes to open up every business in their county May 4th. More counties all need to do this, there is a "home rule" provision in the Ohio Revised Code that allows them to do this. I think more counties need to do it, then Columbus just looks silly.

Let's be honest the Governor and the Doctor have been wrong from day one. She claimed 10,000 new cases a day on may 1. Just two weeks ago she was claiming 6000 to 8000 a day by may 1, and she is not even close to the real number. The Governor went on the news this morning and said that hospitalizations are still going up, that's false. Been going down for over a week. And why is that a cumulative number? How many have went home, tell us how many are currently hospitalized.

Either way, I think we will be lucky to see any races in the midwest until July if we are lucky.
Well, they’re afraid if they open it up and it ends up getting bad then asshats will go after them with hindsight 20/20 bullshit. SEE YOU OPENED TO EARLY. YOURE RESPONSIBLE. it’s easier for politickers to sentence you to house arrest for the greater good because if it gets bad they can say: “SEE WE TRIED EVERYTHING UNAVOIDABLE!!!” By the way....vote for....me? Dewine, probably.

But really what they gonna do at the regional and Loretta’s ? Start every other gate? No block passing ? Let’s do this.
I honestly just dont see an event like Lorettas happening the first of August. Even plan D, bring thousands to the grounds. Even if they said two people per rider. I just dont see it happening because of the sheer number of people.

If plan D does happen, mark my words, they will probably limit it to 2 fans per rider. No grandparents, siblings, etc. Changing the atmosphere for sure. Just my thoughts.

I mean come on, major league baseball is not playing and Nascar is going to race with no fans. Only teams and 16 team members.
Its not looking good, look for some revisions but nothing that's going to open racing.

Yep. The longer this goes, the less faith I have. They obviously are working on opening the economy, but sporting events with hundreds of people have not been addressed. Obviously it needs to be on the short list because of fall football around the corner.
Yep. The longer this goes, the less faith I have. They obviously are working on opening the economy, but sporting events with hundreds of people have not been addressed. Obviously it needs to be on the short list because of fall football around the corner.
They’re racing at East bend in NC this weekend.
Round 2. Fight!


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Oklahoma raced a pretty big event this past weekend.

Dont think OK ever shut down. That is going to be the issue probably. While TN may be open, many other states will be closed, and if your drawing people in from other states for an event, the local health departments are going to be more hesitant to issue permits probably for events to happen. And reading Kreps comments, he read the whole document, sounds like there are some pretty unrealistic expectations in the guidelines.