Winter rumors

That's what I was thinking?

The best tracks in NE Ohio do not even hold races anymore. I don't know what they are going to do if they come in - literally no idea.
Maybe broken spokes is going to fill in the lake they made and build the track back. It will be beans, spokes, and crow.
The only track I could see wanting anything to do with it would be crow or maybe SVR? - but even then the crow guys are killing it in the offroad scene so why bother?
Is this one those my weiny is bigger than your type deals?? If so, we respectfully bow out of any such competitions.

Just curious really, if there are more riders to the north or south. Also curious if the interest in racing is as high that way. Seems like more people are pro practice riders to the north and do not race as much.

Geeeezzz. I hope they comp you the gate fee for this shameless add.

There is maybe 2 people that I know of that truly are terrible... outlaw Rich being one of them. You think his dozer is still broke?

I will gladly accept free gate entry any where! Just stating the facts. We go to some tracks, and they hold the gates forever. Keep them moving!!
So I like that people on here are saying OMA and Scott are working together .... it makes me laugh my ass off.

JO, I know what you are saying about schedules. I'm not that slow. I'm talking about event planning and team work.

Let's just focus on the biggest error I think is involved. The Battle Series. This is Ohio's best series as of now but its not going to last. Why? Lack of team work. So you work with Scott and let him run THE LARGEST race in ohio by far thanks to the 2 promoting the series together. He gets 1100 entries. Nobody from the OMA is there to help. Briarcliff gets what, 6-700? Both dates we have no competing events really. But no combining of forces to help the events be the best possible. Malvern had to reschedule due to covid. Briarcliff AND Scott run events on the same day and leave Malvern out to dry. Scott gets over 400 at his event and Malvern gets less than a normal sat night race.

This is what I mean about working together for our benefit and the organizations benefit. New rule starting for 2021 should be ..... if you want a battle race, you help at the other 2 rounds and your track/ organization has no other events....period end of story. I know for a fact there were and handful of people at scotts race that would have been at the battle just in the plus 50 class. Thats bs. He made more money than the other 2 then takes money from Malvern. Money aside, it was a dismal showing for what is supposed to be Ohio's premier series. Instead the 2 organizations run on one another, the head of the OMA runs practice all weekend and create an atmosphere that the battle series isn't the best of Ohio. That image will tear down what has been built and the 3 race series will eventually be just another no big deal. Seriously, if the president of the OMA shows riders that his practice is more important than a Battle round, what are they going to think?

But working as a team must just be a canal fulton thing I guess.

Now JO .... I still love you. Its not an insult on you as a person. Its a look from an outside view on a way to change the team mentality of the OMA to make improvements for the tracks and the riders. If the tracks don't feel like they are part of a team, why would they support it or fight to make it better?
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The new rule for 2021 is not to listen to the electrician for race promoting advice!
And hence the reason the Battle and the OMA are heading down the path to D12. Its not an electricians advice, its a friends. And the same is being spoken all over ohio.
And hence the reason the Battle and the OMA are heading down the path to D12. Its not an electricians advice, its a friends. And the same is being spoken all over ohio
The battle will eventually be a single event, its up to me when that happens. Nothing lasts forever. I've been considering it for 2-3 years now anyway. Maybe 2021 will be the time to shake things up.
Wouldn’t it be great is we had one nonprofit, funded by rider membership that governed over both series that could split them into two areas.... no, “districts” and then pulled them together once a year for a state championship....
But that could never happen
Ok now I’m morbidly curious. Assuming the Oma is on the brink, and we are on our way out, which honestly is happening to most organizations regardless, just at different speeds, what suggestions do you have so we can right the ship? Either one of you guys can answer. I can’t wait for your input.
Ok now I’m morbidly curious. Assuming the Oma is on the brink, and we are on our way out, which honestly is happening to most organizations regardless, just at different speeds, what suggestions do you have so we can right the ship? Either one of you guys can answer. I can’t wait for your input.
I already gave you the answer I have.

Team work. Open minded team work.

And the race ohio series is gaining steam. Malvern had 400+ at almost every sat night race. Mx isn't dying, you just have to constantly strive for better. Meet the needs of your customer base. Those tracks/ organizations are thriving this year. We picked only fun events we wanted to ride and didn't chase any points. Every event we attended had serious increases in attendance. Covid or not.

The battle series shod stay as is. 1100 riders is the largest Ohio has seen for mx. Why kill that? Because your not happy with what? Make all 3 track owners work together for each event. Why is that such a n evil prospect for you? It's how successful teams work.
so your telling me the key to the success of the Oma is working at Scott’s race? And being at the malvern race? And vice versa? In the last 7 years, this hasn’t occurred. Seems like the imminent death is stalled out.....
so your telling me the key to the success of the Oma is working at Scott’s race? And being at the malvern race? And vice versa? In the last 7 years, this hasn’t occurred. Seems like the imminent death is stalled out.....
Yes thats exactly what I'm saying. Work together at a common goal. Not only that, include all the OMA tracks in decision making processes for the OMA. Thats what teams that succeed do.

So your telling me the numbers overall in OMA turnouts have increased like most other venues?

The battle rounds were up drastically in the race ohio event and down on the other 2. You tell me what is working about that.
Yes thats exactly what I'm saying. Work together at a common goal. Not only that, include all the OMA tracks in decision making processes for the OMA. Thats what teams that succeed do.

So your telling me the numbers overall in OMA turnouts have increased like most other venues?

The battle rounds were up drastically in the race ohio event and down on the other 2. You tell me what is working about that.
I’m ok with working on things together as far as scheduling around a battle round I just put our schedule out but if Jeremy needs me to move a race I wouldn’t have a problem as far as the last battle round at Malvern we did have a race scheduled and I didn’t realize the battle round was on it until a couple weeks before at that point it was to late and the Pusheta race only got 254 entries so it was down but I don’t have a problem working between each other!
No, im telling you that working together with a common goal is the key to success. Im telling you that including all THE OMA track owners in decisions regarding the OMA is the key to success. And im saying that the battle series should be an all in for all 3 track owners at each event. No event or practice at the other 2 that weekend because you're helping the Battle track be the best it can.....for them, the OMA and us , the riders.

You can bag on Knox and myself for saying our thoughts out loud all you want. We aren't perfect and we aren't 100% correct ever. Sometimes not at all, but when you hear the same things we are saying from most riders around the lits and from the ones that won't come any more, its time for a change.

Be realistic, the OMA numbers were down minus Malvern night series and the Chilli battle round. Rt 62 is moving to the race ohio series. Every other event I attended was up. The race ohio numbers are way up. Are you ignoring it or do you just simply not care? MX is roaring in most other places.