

PR Member
This guy is a menace to the other 21 on the gate, race after race he is always taking someone out, gets good starts and works his way to the back wrecking many in the process. Same thing for the last few years. His ghost ride the other night was another classic Friese moment.
This guy is a menace to the other 21 on the gate, race after race he is always taking someone out, gets good starts and works his way to the back wrecking many in the process. Same thing for the last few years. His ghost ride the other night was another classic Friese moment.
I disagree. The guy is fast enough to make a 20 rider main with the best in the country. The other night was a racing accident. They happen. He is no more a threat on the track than Austin Forkner, RJ Hampshire, Sexton or Bubba back in the day. They all make some bone head moves and some crash way more than others.
He is the exact example of what was said the other night, qualifier, not a contender. Any of those guys can go fast for 6 min. + a lap. No doubt the guy has skills or he would not be there but he sure takes out a lot of guys including contenders, but if they were on their game I guess they should not be back there in the first place.I think it was Peike that seemed to have a target on him a few years ago who Frise was always wrecking.
If we only allowed "contenders" some years you might have 5 guys on the gate. this year that number would be about 12.
How is that incident any different that what Factory Eli did to Friese at Houston 1? Eli came into the corner and took Vince out. It is supercross. There is going to be contact in corners.
I assume you mean when Peick jumps on his back and starts throwing punches as Vince is getting up.
Women understand this better than most. The real problem here is that they were both wearing the same shoes while socializing at the same time.

friese basically asked for it. He knew peick already planned to wear those shoes. And friese—making an alpha female power move—wore the same shoes, she basically asked for it.
Over 15 so called incidents in the last 3 years of supercross. I am sure it is everybody else's fault. Sorry but you must have another channel than I do. Lol the guy is fast for about 4 laps and then proceeds to induce carnage.
He is doing way better than all of us, so kudos to him.
I somewhat disagreed with you when I saw this post at first, but after tonight, I has me thinking you have a point....