
Usually on those flat start straights guys back off just a bit, slide over and let the leaders go. Nope he was on it hard into the inside of that next corner. Webb should punt him some time.
The guy in front of him was two laps down and they were not battling.
So why didn’t that guy move over if he was getting lapped again? Lapper are part of racing. If it’s me, I’m not moving. I’m racing whether you like it or not. (Speaking from someone who had the privilege of being lapped by the best).
Of course back then they didn’t build one line cow path tracks with one main line... I mean “flow”
Just a thought. Use that floor space a little more, get rid of 45 to 47 second laps. Get the lap times back up in the 55 to 57 lap time range and you would have a whole lot less lapers to worry about, and not as early in the races.

Just a thought. Use that floor space a little more, get rid of 45 to 47 second laps. Get the lap times back up in the 55 to 57 lap time range and you would have a whole lot less lapers to worry about, and not as early in the races.
Yes the tracks suck, with the loose corners shitty whoops, flat corners , why the hell would you put the first rythem to go back across the start area, just asking for a s**t show and have to black flag if anyone goes down. Barcia was as much to blame as Vince But Vince should not have been in the main line , he had the flags was already lapped and he is a f*****g idiot and , only one out of all the races he has not screwed someone's race up that was there to race and not be a moto filler. Sad thing is the class of the field in the lites is a joke, no offense but when a guy that can come from last to third in a pro level race does not say much for the competition.
You are correct Chris the tracks create a lot of this crap, one of the reasons I hate SX, it is not real MX, just a show, bring on the outdoors and we will see who the real riders are.
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If it’s me, I’m not moving. I’m racing whether you like it or not.
Somehow that does not surprise me. You are consistent. You're a similar keyboard You are right, navigating through lapped traffic is part of the dealio...

Thing is, Friese's mishaps are far beyond just being a lapper. In Indy 1 he was somewhat by himself and ejected off the bike due to cross rutting off the big double which left the bike in the landing of which a rider behind him hits and is catapulted off his bike and doesn't get back on. I mean things happen, we all know this, but just seem to be happening to this brother every night. Let's just hope he can stay safer for everyone including himself...

Oh, and I like SX. Not as much as the outdoors for sure, but is a good winter time sport to watch, etc. Tracks are OK. Definitely some decent racing going on this year. May have nothing to do with tracks though. I would like to see some longer whoop sections....
And I forgot about Friese taking Chisholm out in heat race. I mean, not sure it was Friese's fault, but he was involved with causing someone else going down...
Yes I read all that stuff before , but you have to remember those are the Vitards, alot of So Cal idiot tree huggers who most own a crf 150 or ttr.
The guy is an idiot as everyone that has a clue knows, there are a bunch of back pack riders that try to race with guys after they are lapped, but unless the guys bitch nothing will be done. And if the Ama is involved nothing will be done anyway. They are the real s**t show. Pay your money so they can worry about a drunk Harley idiot that don't want to wear a helmet. Way it has always been.
Pay your money so they can worry about a drunk Harley idiot that don't want to wear a helmet. Way it has always been.

Why do people always say s**t like this? I ride Harleys, don't wear a helmet and yes have a beer.

You know there are just probably even more idiots that ride dirt bikes, 4 wheelers and SxS that drink, get stoned and ride like freaking idiots than the perceived stereo type in your head.
But you pay your dues, the bar to bar guys are not members, and that is who they fight for not you and Matthew who pay and actually contribute to the sport and are loyal members..
Call dingman and ask if you can job shadow the guy for a month.

might open up the eyes to show lobbying is more important than dirtbike racers.