AQ Chillitown?

since when is it acceptable for flaggers to sit on their ass in chairs all day? Literally paying no attention? All day Friday announcing u need flaggers... when did you know u we’re having this race? Couldn’t find anyone just a little qualified ahead of time? The gate is a joke and then you’re standing there yelling at riders for jumping it? Right it’s the riders fault not the gate.

big old LOL is all I can say about this place and the event.

leaving the track prep/layout aside and out of it because were all racing the same track..
Section 1.3 rule E 10c
c. In the event of a rider jumping the starting device before the starting gate is released, either by running through the gate or going over top of the gate, the rider shall be penalized one lap.

Yep. It’s your fault for jumping it.

yes, the gate needs fixed. But issues can and do happen.
In this case the issue was handled properly. No rider was penalized due to the recognition of the gate condition.
I’m not trying hard to defend anything. Just answering “observations” with rules.
This was the first race I have been too this year and considering how many riders where there, I thing it went pretty darn good.
What do the rules say when the gate drops 2” and then doesn’t move? That’s still the riders fault? I thunk that’s a grey area. Regardless - fix the gate. U know it’s messed up.
What do the rules say when the gate drops 2” and then doesn’t move? That’s still the riders fault? I thunk that’s a grey area. Regardless - fix the gate. U know it’s messed up.
100% agree. MUST fixed. And should have been before the race.
I am blown away by the turnout. Can not get over that. Wow
Wait just one minute here, we got possibly the most negative poster in the history of motocross as the most staunch critic of the AMA for their s**t policies… Yet the same guy is on here staunchly defending what sounds like An extremely shitty day for moto policy. Holy s**t man pick a f*****g side.

Mr ck1, if The AMA hires you on their payroll you gonna change your f*****g tune?
The gate issue added a total of 15 minutes to the day.
1046 racers added the rest.
Track prep was excellent. As soon as the dust would start, a water truck was on it.
So, this may be the first time I have ever said / asked this... is there a thing called “too many racers”?
I am amazed on the number of people that take there kid to a qualifier knowing full well your kid is NOT one of the best 40 in the country. I know it’s a hit to the ego to hear your kid slow.... but... your kid slow. Hey. My son was not fast. So he found another sport. That’s fine.
So let me break this down.

Moto is dead. But we had to many racers.

Your not good enough, so don’t even try racing.

We want well run facilities and perfect track prep. From the sounds of it they missed the mark but that’s ok.

We want no dust and loamy turns. There was dust.

The AMA is the worst. Then you love the AMA.

The flaggers I watched on Saturday were doing an excellent job. Yes they sat down in their chairs, but the moment something happened they were up and positioning their selves correctly. Kudos to the flaggers.
Derek's wife posted on Facebook there was a pretty horrific accident on 23N with a truck and toy hauler. Hope everyone is OK. Hate to hear s**t like that.
So let me break this down.

Moto is dead. But we had to many racers.

Your not good enough, so don’t even try racing.

We want well run facilities and perfect track prep. From the sounds of it they missed the mark but that’s ok.

We want no dust and loamy turns. There was dust.

The AMA is the worst. Then you love the AMA.

Don’t recall saying moto is dead... but it for sure was on it last leg a few years ago. Very happy to see it back.
Yes. If you not good enough to own local races then don’t even try to make a national.
I grew up on hard pack and DUST. I think the tracks are way over preped now. A little dust for 1000 bike in bright sun is expected.
AMA sucks. Never said any different. Just quoting the “rule book” (which doesn’t apply if your a factory team).
Track was rough all weekend. I ran 30+ support yesterday bc i missed practice Friday, bc some of us have to work. Took 3rd overall out of 27. Ran 30+ today and first moto grabbed the holeshot only to come around and see them waving yellow flags, so i kept going thinking “there’s no rider down I’m in first” then i saw the red flag. 6 times yesterday races were restarted bc of gate issues and 30+ today suffered the same feat. Redrop i was mid pack, and worked my way up decently, Crute, i saw you about jump off the side of the step down. All in all i finished 4th in qualifying position bc a lot of guys up front didn’t sign up for qualifying or they were already qualified from malvern.

only complaint i have is discing the faces of the jumps. Yesterday first moto we were hitting the triple along the road and ole boy next to me on a kawi seat bounced it to triple, hit a kicker and I’m pretty sure he left in the ambulance, his bike cartwheeled 5 times. With that many riders the faces should had been disced nor should the jumps period (triples and the step on step off)
The flaggers I watched on Saturday were doing an excellent job. Yes they sat down in their chairs, but the moment something happened they were up and positioning their selves correctly. Kudos to the flaggers.

I watched a guy sit down and eat his lunch during the last pro sport moto.. when directly after that they were taking intermission. He couldn’t wait 5 laps to eat? I’m sure he woulda been right on top of it if someone went down, it’s moto nothing happens fast or anything especially in thst class.

numerous times watched flags fly on the back side of jumps instead of the front side.

heard several others mention the same things.

maybe a few were ok but most were not. Safety should be the last thing that’s looked past.

and the gate issue... they need to just admit it’s a piece of s**t and fix it, instead trying to blame the riders like they were doing something wrong. The gate moves, u go. Simple as that.

and yah.. ripping the faces. Wtf. Don’t think I’ve seen that before. But I was trying to leave the actual track out of it.
How were the pits? All this bitching I see no mention of the pits?
Pits were awesome except for all the pit bikes, golf carts & side by sides.... oh and all the unsupervised kids messing with campers in the middle of the night.
My suggestion here is to actually have visible security and enforce the track rules they preach about before the races. This doesn’t just go for Chillitown, this is for 90% of the tracks I go to...
Pits were awesome except for all the pit bikes, golf carts & side by sides.... oh and all the unsupervised kids messing with campers in the middle of the night.
My suggestion here is to actually have visible security and enforce the track rules they preach about before the races. This doesn’t just go for Chillitown, this is for 90% of the tracks I go to...
Let's just quit talking about pit bikes for now on please. Nothing is ever gonna change in regards to that.

I am absolutely all for pit bikes. It helps me quite a bit when I am going up to the gate with my kid and I am carrying extra large starting blocks, occasionally a tool bag, bottle of water and sometimes phone. It also helps me to get out of the starting area and to a good viewing spot quicker.

With that being said, I hit a small child on a pit bike with my truck at Briarcliff at the King of the Cliff race.

I had just filled our water barrel at the hose area, had my son riding in the back with the barrel, and was driving about three miles an hour. Just trying to make it back to our campsite, I have two eight year old girls riding double on a pit bike on my left, flying through the pits, a have a late comer truck with camper approaching me on the left, I also have two eight year old boys on my right pounding a wooden pit marker into the ground with a hatchet, just waiting for it to come out of their hands and hit my truck. So yes, I really was going three miles an hour.

I just made it past the oncoming camper when a three year old on a Staycyc comes flying out from behind a Porta-Jon and right in front of my truck. He was wearing a bike helmet, which proceeded to bounce off of my front bumper. He was knocked to the ground and jumped up. I jumped out to check on him, rather then my own son who was thrown forward into my back window. Me and a few bystanders attempted to ask him if he was alright and where his parents were. He wouldn't talk. His mom showed up about a minute later and the boy seemed to be alright. My truck has two new scratches and a scuff mark on the bumper.

If I had been going even 10 miles an hour I would say this boy would have been seriously injured and underneath the truck. His mom didn't seem all that fazed. Luckily I had plenty of witnesses if the scene would have went south.

Either enforce the pit riding rule or prepare for something bad to happen eventually. I'm tired of discussing it year after year. This ended up being the same kid that was throwing sticks at my dog earlier in the day too. Yeah, F you parents that let your kids run wild and expect the track to babysit them.