MX schedule is out!

Given this, what are the chances the advertisers aren't willing to pay the amount of money to float the TV time during an national episode, so Mx sports/promoters are paying the majority of it, and using the series sponsors to make it look legit? Either way, I highly doubt they are charging 100k just because. I know you guys like to make Mx Sports look like the big bad wolf, but is there a chance they want to gain exposure for the sport at all costs? How much dos this TV time allow the elite racers to achieve their lucrative sponsorship deals?? There just might be two sides to the story......But I yield to the experts here once again! sports isn't paying anything. That's not how tv works.

A close look the charges MX Sports gets at LL races proves the point that they don't care about what costs to riders are. LL prices went through the roof this year for no reason other than pocketing huge profits.

What were your costs for mx sports for the regional?

WW ranch did bail because they made no money. That's confirmed. sports isn't paying anything. That's not how tv works.

A close look the charges MX Sports gets at LL races proves the point that they don't care about what costs to riders are. LL prices went through the roof this year for no reason other than pocketing huge profits.

What were your costs for mx sports for the regional?

WW ranch did bail because they made no money. That's confirmed.
I paid them nothing, must be like the Tv deal or something I guess. So oh great wise DHDS01, how is that even possible?
Of course MX Sports got money from your event.
Race Day Fees: $50 per class, plus the Regional sheet fee (Mx Sports) per class.

How much was that “sheet fee”?

They charge a fee for every racer in qualifiers and regionals. And for what? So they can write your name down.
And of course MX Sports is NOT paying NBC or any network. They get paid from them. Then the network sells the commercial time.
The banners and bale covers they put up are paid for by sponsors. They don’t advertise anything for free. I bet the money from the title sponsor alone is enough to pay every purse 10 times over for every event.
There is a lot of money coming in. And I sure don’t see where it’s going. That’s the problem. The racers ARE the show. They should all know how much is coming in.
Has to be someone in here that remembers the “club” meetings at Kenworthy. Don would show the money coming in (according to his own personal count) and the money going out to “prove” it was a “nonprofit” club. Look closer at the numbers and you see he was charging rent on the land. That rent number was enough to buy most of west central Ohio. But hey… not nonprofit. I’m sure MX Sports books look the same. Yeah, that podium cost 4.2 million. And it takes another 85k a week to move it.
Of course MX Sports got money from your event.
Race Day Fees: $50 per class, plus the Regional sheet fee (Mx Sports) per class.

How much was that “sheet fee”?

They charge a fee for every racer in qualifiers and regionals. And for what? So they can write your name down.
And of course MX Sports is NOT paying NBC or any network. They get paid from them. Then the network sells the commercial time.
The banners and bale covers they put up are paid for by sponsors. They don’t advertise anything for free. I bet the money from the title sponsor alone is enough to pay every purse 10 times over for every event.
There is a lot of money coming in. And I sure don’t see where it’s going. That’s the problem. The racers ARE the show. They should all know how much is coming in.
Has to be someone in here that remembers the “club” meetings at Kenworthy. Don would show the money coming in (according to his own personal count) and the money going out to “prove” it was a “nonprofit” club. Look closer at the numbers and you see he was charging rent on the land. That rent number was enough to buy most of west central Ohio. But hey… not nonprofit. I’m sure MX Sports books look the same. Yeah, that podium cost 4.2 million. And it takes another 85k a week to move it.
Wrong. They collected the regional fee from the rider, that’s it. I kept all other fees charged. So where’s the greed?? My point is this, love them or hate them, I think they do more for the sport and other promoters than people give them credit for. That’s it.
Wrong. They collected the regional fee from the rider, that’s it. I kept all other fees charged. So where’s the greed?? My point is this, love them or hate them, I think they do more for the sport and other promoters than people give them credit for. That’s it.
Mic drop.

Although questioning the experts can get you a lifetime banishment from any further expert advice on running your track. Hahahahaha.
I'm almost positive the series promoters for SX (Feld) and MX (MXSports) are paying for TV coverage and not the other way around. Seems crazy, but it's true.
A close look the charges MX Sports gets at LL races proves the point that they don't care about what costs to riders are. LL prices went through the roof this year for no reason other than pocketing huge profits.
Was attendance down? I have no clue really, but it looked to be packed. If it wasn't, who's the stupid ones?...Econ 101, right?

Besides, paying the MX Sports fees is a small part of the overall expense...isn't it? I get it, but it's just not the sport for the weekend warrior anymore. Not since RC upped the game. At least on the national level.

This is where you guys loose me... These conversations exhaust me. I mean, some of you complaining are the ones dishing out all the dough. When it's too expensive to get the riders they need, the costs will come down for others to join. Until then, bikes, gear, fees, yada, yada, will go north on a consistent basis. Some y'all act like you wouldn't trade places with the "evil" Davey and crew... If you really knew how it went, you might not...

I wish the distribution of wealth spread a little more across the sport, but it's just not mainstream enough to let that happen. We still get sidelined for the Underwater Basketweaving Championships.... Deal with it. I mean, don't stop trying to make our sport better, just be more realistic in your charge...

I dunno. I'm out.
Wrong. They collected the regional fee from the rider, that’s it. I kept all other fees charged. So where’s the greed?? My point is this, love them or hate them, I think they do more for the sport and other promoters than people give them credit for. That’s it.
Okay I will go over this slowly. Again.
your money comes from the riders. MX Sports money comes from the riders. You do the work, the riders are the show and MX Sports does nothing but write names down on a list and cash checks.
Did you pay them? No. But the racers sure did.
And what did they do for the sport with that money? Not a damn thing.
but I digress, I have given up on local amateur and even national amateur racing. They have drank so much of the kool-aid there is no chance. My rant is for the pro.
Dear Young, dumb, living the dream pro motocrosser.
You are being taken advantage of. The owners are not going to tell you. The AMA is not going to tell you. MX Sports sure as hell is not going to tell you. But guess what? You are the show. Without YOU none of them exist. Since you have put your parents in the poorhouse with debt they will never pay off, you need to stand up and demand you fair share of the pie. Do not be swayed by the fork tongued figures lurking in the shadows. They will try to convince you that MX Sports is not bad at all. They will tell you great tales of hidden expenses, bogus tv rights, all the hard work it takes to put on an event and even try to make you think they are only doing this for the sport. Nay, for they suck at the hind tit of the devil himself.
The only truth is from your elders. For they have walked the path, jumped thine 90 foot triple and came up short. They and only they will be the truth. Unite and begin to prosper. Then maybe you can help pay off that third mortgage your mom and dad took out to get your ass there.
Okay I will go over this slowly. Again.
your money comes from the riders. MX Sports money comes from the riders. You do the work, the riders are the show and MX Sports does nothing but write names down on a list and cash checks.
Did you pay them? No. But the racers sure did.
And what did they do for the sport with that money? Not a damn thing.
but I digress, I have given up on local amateur and even national amateur racing. They have drank so much of the kool-aid there is no chance. My rant is for the pro.
Dear Young, dumb, living the dream pro motocrosser.
You are being taken advantage of. The owners are not going to tell you. The AMA is not going to tell you. MX Sports sure as hell is not going to tell you. But guess what? You are the show. Without YOU none of them exist. Since you have put your parents in the poorhouse with debt they will never pay off, you need to stand up and demand you fair share of the pie. Do not be swayed by the fork tongued figures lurking in the shadows. They will try to convince you that MX Sports is not bad at all. They will tell you great tales of hidden expenses, bogus tv rights, all the hard work it takes to put on an event and even try to make you think they are only doing this for the sport. Nay, for they suck at the hind tit of the devil himself.
The only truth is from your elders. For they have walked the path, jumped thine 90 foot triple and came up short. They and only they will be the truth. Unite and begin to prosper. Then maybe you can help pay off that third mortgage your mom and dad took out to get your ass there.
I tried to explain this to my 5yr old last night. Told him it’s a lot like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The peanut buttter and jelly get all the glory and love. But the bread is what brings it all together. Yet nobody cares about the bread. One day when the bread is fed up and goes on strike will things change. Until that day it will just be known as a peanut butter and jelly. Hopes that it will one day be a wheat bread peanut butter and jelly.

Unfortunately CK 99.9% of things in life are someone else doing the work and the higher ups reap the rewards. It’s just how things work.
Mic drop.

Although questioning the experts can get you a lifetime banishment from any further expert advice on running your track. Hahahahaha.
What experts? This response makes you an expert by your definition and others here, does it not?

Having an opinion, asking the hard questions and wanting to better our sport has nothing to do with being an expert. It's what drives innovation. 9 out of 10 things posted on here by anyone called an "expert" on here fall into those categories. 1 out of 10 are just being an ass along with certain track owner posts many times.
So, which on of these experts is the peanut butter and which is the jelly?? Just shooting from the hip, Ck should be the jelly, and DHDS01 the nut.......just sayin.
Everyone knows that you are all knowing basically omnipotent and perfect. I mean, who else could pull off making stickers and corner markers out of pure rage? You may not like the truth or others opinions but it's no reason to rage. As much as you're driven by that, I've not seen one post on here being hateful to you ever yet you continually spew hate in retaliation. Must be a sad life.
Laughing all the way buddy, I was laughing all the way, I still chuckle thinking about it. The best part is we have them for next year.....Its the gift that keeps on giving!