TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022


PR Founding Father
Or a vintage class ......
Hey now whippersnapper, them Veteran folks likes their Vintage.......


PR Founding Father
In your post on Vital DC says "I will look into what happened here and why, and see if there is a more suitable class structure to put forward."
"Hopefully we can find the right balance here, as this has not been as well-received as anyone might have hoped"


PR Addict
I was thinking more about this last night and realized what caused this issue.

It's because there are so many "senior" level racers now that keep racing! 40/45/50

In the past there were more 30'ish classes (Vet A, Vet BC, 35). But there was such a demand for the 45 and 50 crowd they had to cut back somewhere. Heck you go to Red Bud Vet Fest and the 60+ class is packed!

45+ and 50+ used to be a staggered start class at LL. 30 riders in 45 and 20 riders in 50. Once they broke them out into 2 separate 42 rider classes they had to cut a class somewhere, which was from the 30 year old area.

No easy answer when you have a set time frame for a week long event.

One thing they could do is change "college 18-24" to simply 18+. Then ditch the 25 class.
So new classes would be:
18+ Sportsman
30+ A
30+ BC
45+ Sportsman


PR Founding Father
That makes sense to an extent and that might work, but aren't there full gates for college boy and 25+? I mean I get it since there are only 7 years in college boy and 5 between 25 and 30, but in the end, does that solve a problem or just create another...given your explanation above for the 40/45/50 classes.

In the end, it'll all come down to where the most money will roll in from.


PR Founding Father
Too many classes period. They keep adding 50 classes, 65 classes, 85 classes, 125, added new C classes. Scale back some of the classes across the board. Honestly, do you need PWs at Loretta's? That is a beginner class. Do away with it. When your kid is on a full size 50, then go to Loretta's. Do you need 250 C jr? No, ride 250 C. There are a whole lot of classes I think are not needed at Loretta's.


PR Founding Father
Too many classes period. They keep adding 50 classes, 65 classes, 85 classes, 125, added new C classes. Scale back some of the classes across the board. Honestly, do you need PWs at Loretta's? That is a beginner class. Do away with it. When your kid is on a full size 50, then go to Loretta's. Do you need 250 C jr? No, ride 250 C. There are a whole lot of classes I think are not needed at Loretta's.
I'm with you John to some extent, but have you seen the class list for Fast Traxx events?...

The problem with the PW class being removed is that I believe isn't it the most attended class in the AQ's and Regionals? That's money out of someone's pocket... Maybe it would counteract the loss in revenue if the right balance was ever achieved. Besides, you're looking at it from a long time removed from and/or never involved with running the PW class. A lot of peeps would disagree. More than those that would agree with you? I cannot say...maybe. Not saying I do or don't. Good thought me thinks.

I do not claim to have the answer. I just show up, look for a class Spencer can ride in and hopefully this season I can ride in, sign up, ride, and go home. Figure it out John.... ;)


PR Elite
Too many classes period. They keep adding 50 classes, 65 classes, 85 classes, 125, added new C classes. Scale back some of the classes across the board. Honestly, do you need PWs at Loretta's? That is a beginner class. Do away with it. When your kid is on a full size 50, then go to Loretta's. Do you need 250 C jr? No, ride 250 C. There are a whole lot of classes I think are not needed at Loretta's.
Those are the classes LL was designed for, kids up and coming. Vets and ex pros aren't the focus but seem to be starting that way.


PR Founding Father
Those are the classes LL was designed for, kids up and coming. Vets and ex pros aren't the focus but seem to be starting that way.
I get it. Just seems to me the PW class is a beginner class. I also would ditch all C Classes at Loretta Lynn's. That keeps kids that raced minis for years from coming off 85s and going into the C class. They would go B. If there was no Loretta's C class, kids would go B locally as well. It's a beginner class, and taking it our of the national would cure a lot of the new problems associated with it. This coming from someone that went to LL in the C class.


PR Founding Father
I get it. Just seems to me the PW class is a beginner class. I also would ditch all C Classes at Loretta Lynn's. That keeps kids that raced minis for years from coming off 85s and going into the C class. They would go B. If there was no Loretta's C class, kids would go B locally as well. It's a beginner class, and taking it our of the national would cure a lot of the new problems associated with it. This coming from someone that went to LL in the C class.
Yeah, I see your point, but what happens for the kid that starts in his teens or later yet in his upper 20's? They have to somehow play catch up and get to a B level rider before they can chase the dream if ever? Huge difference between the C class and B class at the top...

Locally back in my hay day, I was easily top 5 (maybe 10 ;)) in C locally, but barely top 15 in B. Sure, I tried for LL a couple times for C class, but I never had the cornering ability to make it. If tracks just had jumps, I was in!

I would have never even tried it in B nor did I. I jumped into 25+B/C almost immediately the 30+B/C to feel somewhat competitive. Of which, granted, probably still never really was competitive nationally in the grand scheme of things. I had fun though. Still will... Guess we're not talking about low life's like me, are we?...or are we?

Oh no...another C class thread? I'm out. I have nothing... Best of luck John. See you at the track...