TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

Why stop at LL? Let’s keep the old ex pros from racing local also. I mean, it’s a youth/amateur/semi-pro event. Those guys that raced a pro race and got 18th 30 years ago are always going to be better. No matter what.
What if you're wrong ?
The wisest man knows, that its not what you know, its what you know isn't so.

In my world I listen to those that have been doing, those that have walked in "the shoes", not those who talk about it as if they understand it. There are lots of things I don't know, lots of things I have done incorrectly or failed at. But I can honestly say one thing I do right most of the time is choosing who I listen to.

To answer your question Sharc, if I am wrong, then everything about the 30+ class (at LL) is as it appears on the surface. All the assumptions that the non card carrying pros is spot on, and all the other view points like the one from Johnny B guys with a pro card. are overblown BS hogwash. I could totally be wrong, but I like my odds. The point to my previous posts: There's more to it than what you think!

Other sayings I've taking a liking to lately are "You can believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see. " and "not my pig, not my farm" Both of which could apply to me on this topic.
There’s not right answer. I bummed they changed it. I’m a hair too slow to make it without some luck in 30+ sportsman.

I’m more pissed how the “A” guys talked soooo much s**t about the B/C guys. Broc Peterson was the biggest bitch about it. No one voted for a BC class.

For fucksakes LL doesn’t mean s**t to vet guys other than saying you made it.

It’s also comical the guys with opinions/comments that haven’t touched a bike in years or slower than molasses.

From all this I’ve learned the “never been” guys are the biggest crybaby’s in the sport.

Mxsports also pulled a classic government move will all this BS and no one really noticed or complained they completely opened up 40+.
I wasn't specifically saying that towards anyone, any idea or opinion.
It was a dig at the announcer dude from last years SX.

As far as my opinion on it -
Run em' !!! ....line them up & drop the gate!

Make it open to all.
And yes, a B/C class is too hard to police
There’s not right answer.
Kind of. For MX Sports, there is, the decision they make. For all the rest of us, it's an opinion that really doesn't matter.

Note my reply to Johnny, I ended a comment about it with "imo". That means I'm not saying he is wrong or any one else on the topic. I'm saying it's MY opinion only. That's where so many people get wrapped up all wrong, every one is entitled to their opinion, it doesn't make them good or evil. So many times a few on here forget that we can have differing opinions yet still have equal love for our sport and even get along just fine.
I’m more pissed how the “A” guys talked soooo much s**t about the B/C guys. Broc Peterson was the biggest bitch about it. No one voted for a BC class.
Honestly this s**t bummed me out as well. I’ve tried my best to keep the majority of my stance just about defending my position in that class, as well as the work put in to get there while everyone was tearing each other down left and right.
A lot of people may take that as me saying they aren’t putting in work as well, but It’s not the case. I’m not here to judge anyones efforts, I could careless how hard my competition wants to try or is trying. Mentally I’m focused on me and I try my best to leave little self doubt.
I understand the need to split the class, I just can’t get behind eliminating a very fast and dedicated portion of them with a lot of skin in the game already. And that’s not saying a “b” guy isn’t fast and dedicated too, but the B guy wouldn’t be eliminated. That’s all.

In this class, the real competition is at the regionals. Loretta’s is honestly whatever, you made it, enjoy the vacation, rip a Holeshot and bury yourself in the sand on the first lap, doesn’t matter. Regionals are why I enjoy the program. It’s the best racing you can get in the states imo, and i really enjoy the camaraderie we have in the 30+ class. These are my favorite years of racing yet and I’m looking forward to many more.
Honestly this s**t bummed me out as well. I’ve tried my best to keep the majority of my stance just about defending my position in that class, as well as the work put in to get there while everyone was tearing each other down left and right.
A lot of people may take that as me saying they aren’t putting in work as well, but It’s not the case. I’m not here to judge anyones efforts, I could careless how hard my competition wants to try or is trying. Mentally I’m focused on me and I try my best to leave little self doubt.
I understand the need to split the class, I just can’t get behind eliminating a very fast and dedicated portion of them with a lot of skin in the game already. And that’s not saying a “b” guy isn’t fast and dedicated too, but the B guy wouldn’t be eliminated. That’s all.

In this class, the real competition is at the regionals. Loretta’s is honestly whatever, you made it, enjoy the vacation, rip a Holeshot and bury yourself in the sand on the first lap, doesn’t matter. Regionals are why I enjoy the program. It’s the best racing you can get in the states imo, and i really enjoy the camaraderie we have in the 30+ class. These are my favorite years of racing yet and I’m looking forward to many more.
You were fair in your comments I read. Some dudes were over the top, on both sides.
I am still befuddled why there cannot simply be 30+, 40+ and 50+ and they are wide open if you meet the age requirement. I cannot wrap my head around why there needs to be so many Vet classes of so many varieties. I must have some type of mental deficiency as to not comprehend why this is such a complicated topic.
I don’t know this smitty guy, but I like him.
Smitty, welcome. Now why does it have to be complicated? Because the kids that ran in the back of the pack and could never win back in the 80’s and 90’s now are adults with internet access.
They never won so now they want to remove the competition. It’s basically one step up from a participation trophy
I don’t know this smitty guy, but I like him.
Smitty, welcome. Now why does it have to be complicated? Because the kids that ran in the back of the pack and could never win back in the 80’s and 90’s now are adults with internet access.
They never won so now they want to remove the competition. It’s basically one step up from a participation trophy
Coming from a guy who doesn't even race any more.

The real reason is because everyone wants to race with people similar in speed and ability. The ex pro guys want to win championships still, that's why they complained. The guys running +30 and +40 didn't want to be stuck running in the +25 class and get beat. How is that any better than the guys asking to have a class without ex pros?

Just a different view on the topic.
Coming from a guy who doesn't even race any more.

The real reason is because everyone wants to race with people similar in speed and ability. The ex pro guys want to win championships still, that's why they complained. The guys running +30 and +40 didn't want to be stuck running in the +25 class and get beat. How is that any better than the guys asking to have a class without ex pros?

Just a different view on the topic.
Again. What about the youth classes. Heck why stop there. Danger boy has already announced he is going pro after running the B class at LL. Already a factory ride. Clearly going to win. So why let him. Let’s make a “B for guys that are better and want to win championships”
As soon as they get rid of the ex-pros it will become get rid of the ex-A’s
Look back on the history of LL. The vet classes have almost always been won by ex-pro’s. No one bitched about it then. Or did they and we just didn’t have Pitracer.
Again. What about the youth classes. Heck why stop there. Danger boy has already announced he is going pro after running the B class at LL. Already a factory ride. Clearly going to win. So why let him. Let’s make a “B for guys that are better and want to win championships”
As soon as they get rid of the ex-pros it will become get rid of the ex-A’s
Look back on the history of LL. The vet classes have almost always been won by ex-pro’s. No one bitched about it then. Or did they and we just didn’t have Pitracer.
The vet classes weren't even on the radar for years at LL. It's always been about up and coming youth riders. The vet classes were just additions. The word amateur is in the title. Youth are all amateurs aspiring to become pros. That's why Deegan and so many before him go pro, it's a stepping stone to greater things. Read the bio of LL, that's the entire premise of it.

And yes, they did. Just didn't have the internet to hear about it.
I just don’t understand the mindset of once a pro always a pro. You have to earn a pro license. If your no longer active, then your not a pro. Mike Brown is a freak. I get it. No one 50, 40 or 30 years old is ever going to beat him. (This year). Still if he still has the desire to pull on the boots and try again then I think he should have that right. BECAUSE he is NOT a pro now. But the majority of ex-pro don’t fall into that category. Sure most are still fast. But guys that were never pro are just as fast.
And I believe it is still in the rules even current pro’s can race LL “A” classes. So they have always had pro’s at an Amateur race.
Just make a Pro VET class at Loretta's. Let them guys duke it out together. Oh wait, they will bitch because a 35 year old pro is faster than a 45 year old pro.

I remember someone saying at Daytona a couple years ago that John Grewe was leaving Daytona and headed straight to Texas to race. I mean honestly, do some of these guys even work?