Finalized Viva Mx Series Schedule

I think for the vet and older guys it might be a reason for them not to go. But kids are kids they’re going to race whether they’re first or last. In the buckeye series the 85 classes tend to be late in the day at all times and they have 35 kids knowing they’re going to be late. I think it’s a good idea to flip it on occasion. But I also think racers are going to race no matter where there at in the race order
If y’all are worried about a long day then your in the wrong sport. Sorry but the kids don’t care. They just love being at the track and riding/racing, hanging out with there friends. Yes mom and dad have to work on Monday but that’s the sacrifice you make when you decide to have children and get them into sports. If you’re solo and have no kids and your racing for the fun of it, but are upset because you might not get home till 8 then go to an open practice track and just ride. Bunch of snowflakes!!!