

PR Member
Anybody know what's going on with Grears? Hearing all kinds of rumors, none of them good unfortunately, but we know how rumors grow. .. would hate for that place to go away. Sounds like OIR is still fighting their legal battles as well..??


PR Addict
Anybody know what's going on with Grears? Hearing all kinds of rumors, none of them good unfortunately, but we know how rumors grow. .. would hate for that place to go away. Sounds like OIR is still fighting their legal battles as well..??
Not sure about Grears.... but i did talk to the guys that run OIR late last year and they told me they had that all worked out and they would be running this year... but maybe something else went down and throw a wrench in there plans since they have not opened up yet this year...


PR Member
Not sure about Grears.... but i did talk to the guys that run OIR late last year and they told me they had that all worked out and they would be running this year... but maybe something else went down and throw a wrench in there plans since they have not opened up yet this year...
Yea I heard they were battling developers still or a new battle or something. Would absolutely hate to lose either one...


PR Addict
Yea I heard they were battling developers still or a new battle or something. Would absolutely hate to lose either one...
ya its unfortunate they have to go throw all the BS to run a track... couldn't blame them if they just said F-it, we are done..


PR Addict
A little confused about OIR went there once and liked it a lot but confused on why they aren’t allowed to open. To me it was in the country enough a few houses around but nothing crazy close from what I remember so what is the problem legally


PR Founding Father
Long history of bs with Ravenna and the township. Always been Sundays only, no camping and a bunch if hoops to jump through. Others know more details but that's the gist.


PR Addict
Long history of bs with Ravenna and the township. Always been Sundays only, no camping and a bunch if hoops to jump through. Others know more details but that's the gist.
Is it a noise problem? Traffic? Dust? Like so confused why they would be so strict I mean the whole damn track is covered by trees.


PR Elite
Talking to Dave last Fall, he was battling through complications and recovery of his foot/ankle injury issues and was struggling with help keeping the facility work done.
I don't think you could meet nicer people to know in the moto-community than Dave and his wife. Dave loves moto as much as we do, but life can be tough at times FOR EVERYBODY.

Regardless of how things go for Grears Motosports Park from here, I'm very thankful that Dave built the facility and that we got to ride and race there.


PR Elite
Is it a noise problem? Traffic? Dust? Like so confused why they would be so strict I mean the whole damn track is covered by trees.
All of the above. Neighbors basically got the upper hand even though the track has been long before. They are allowed 2 events a month, can't run back to back weekends. No over night camping either. And if they dont run 1 event a year, the place has to close down. The owners almost lost it before Y town came along to run a few events, I don't think money is any sort of driver for running the place after talking to them. Litterally said he doesn't advertise because he doesn't want more riders. At least they open occasionally


PR Addict
I can understand not advertising part because when I went there and only time I went there it was packed for a practice day. When it’s open it’s the spot and it gets pretty gnarly and rough and rutted when I was there so great practice too.