PR Addict
This is a funny thread.... The Smith Rd. 6 pack-- haha!
John-- I was watching just as a casual observer for a little while last night... and I'd hate to say it, but you already know why alotta riders were skipping the rhythm section. (And just so y'all know... I'd have skipped it too!) Why the A/B riders were skipping it is beyond me-- I think Rocket Robin may have that answer-- haha! The AC attracts alotta plain old riders. Not racers-- just guys that like to ride dirt bikes that don't happen to posess a ton of skills. The section just holds too much possibility for an end over end trip, and it's just plain old easier to avoid it. Better to go AROUND the section, than to hold ya up IN the section.
About the bigger bikes on the pit bike track? I've been seeing a few riders on the pit bike track on bigger bikes. Not good ones though. I was thinking that it was a good thing to have the p**** track there for newer riders. If I were going to ride a real bike-- I'd be damned if I'd ride on the pit bike track either. The riders I've noticed were teenage girls... and riders who looked like they were fresh outta the backyard.
It's hard to put together a track (or three) that perfectly suits the wants and needs of all the riders. The better riders have to understand that the lesser riders are just as important as they are-- in that their entry fees support the riding spot just the same as the fees the better riders pay. The Cabin is one terrific riding spot with alot to offer-- so ya just kinda gotta deal with the quirks of the riders. ---L*64
John-- I was watching just as a casual observer for a little while last night... and I'd hate to say it, but you already know why alotta riders were skipping the rhythm section. (And just so y'all know... I'd have skipped it too!) Why the A/B riders were skipping it is beyond me-- I think Rocket Robin may have that answer-- haha! The AC attracts alotta plain old riders. Not racers-- just guys that like to ride dirt bikes that don't happen to posess a ton of skills. The section just holds too much possibility for an end over end trip, and it's just plain old easier to avoid it. Better to go AROUND the section, than to hold ya up IN the section.
About the bigger bikes on the pit bike track? I've been seeing a few riders on the pit bike track on bigger bikes. Not good ones though. I was thinking that it was a good thing to have the p**** track there for newer riders. If I were going to ride a real bike-- I'd be damned if I'd ride on the pit bike track either. The riders I've noticed were teenage girls... and riders who looked like they were fresh outta the backyard.
It's hard to put together a track (or three) that perfectly suits the wants and needs of all the riders. The better riders have to understand that the lesser riders are just as important as they are-- in that their entry fees support the riding spot just the same as the fees the better riders pay. The Cabin is one terrific riding spot with alot to offer-- so ya just kinda gotta deal with the quirks of the riders. ---L*64