Well, I personally dont know how any track can continue to take losses in holding races, it just doesn't add up. If I ran a traditional race tomorrow, I still think we would be lucky to see 200 signups, not actual racers. Way too many factors leading to this. But this sends an omnious signal to me, it says "hey, there aren't enough racers to make this work". Its simple math, at even 200 ENTRIES (not racers), you might have 125 unique riders. Anyway, I guess thats only important if a price break for a 2nd class is offered. Lets assume optomistically that it is not. so, 200x $30 = $6,000. Now i know what you're thinking, what about spectators? Well we might as well throw another 100 people in there, so thats another grand. so we're, bringing in $7,000. My average race expediture was roughly $5,000 to do a series. Now, I'm rolling in some added expenses that other tracks may not consider, but its cash out, so i include it. So, you make a couple grand for 5 times the effort, and about 100 more things that could go wrong, and probably will. Also, running races is a huge wager, getting 200 + is allot of luck too. You're gambling $5,000 on the weather, economoy, other events, injuries, a bunch of other little nit-picky factors. In the end, I would be more inclined to run a race, if the costs were about half, and even then its just a total different vibe. Not nearly as laid back and fun as open riding. Its not called practice anymore, because riders are not practicing to race, they are just riding.
More than likely, you'll hit 135, so thats a loss of about a grand.