Some neck brace testing, finally.

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Ive crashed the last 2 rides out with the leatt. Usually sore a little from where the brace displaces the load on the shoulders but thats it. I think its better to wear it than not. Im sorry but that test is so far from accurately reflecting the same type of situation one would experience when crashing on a bike that I cant even take it seriously. I mean I see where they are goin with it...its a good start but there are a ton of variables here that Im sure this science experiment is leaving out. My biggest gripe is its not my sternum or spine that seems to be sore after its my shoulders and back from where the brace has no padding in those select areas. Been pondering a way to add some foam padding under where the latches are located to offer some addition protection where there is no padding.
then what was the point of the intial post? then saying you believe in the leatt and broken collarbones are better than a broken neck but only have 1 kid wearing one? im confused.

What does it really matter to you whatI say or what I do ? No matter my answer you and a few will twist it all around. The video is untrue in my opinion the way these 2 guys are testing it is so far off base its crazy and has nothing to do with how it preforms in real life crashes. I believe the brace works to avoid death, but my younger son when he pickes up speed and starts to jump he will have one so is that a good enough answer for you? Prob not but who cares.
Yea perhaps they need to somehow get a instant pull test to better simulate an impact? Atleast people are attempting to test them. On the other hand would that test be more stressful on the strut than an instant impact? I think they need to set it up with a helmet then get a hydraulic powered press of some kind that can dish out an insta hit.
Here are my thoughts:

As I have mentioned before, 44 PSI is a pressure. 35 kg is not a pressure. I assume they did the appropriate measurements and calculations to take that linear force into a stress at the base, but they don't show that. Did they do this correctly?

Secondly, you can see the brace deflects almost immediately. To say that it didn't break right away, thereforce it didn't work, isn't necessarily true.

Just my opinions. You guys definitely have got me thinking though.
What does it really matter to you whatI say or what I do ? No matter my answer you and a few will twist it all around. The video is untrue in my opinion the way these 2 guys are testing it is so far off base its crazy and has nothing to do with how it preforms in real life crashes. I believe the brace works to avoid death, but my younger son when he pickes up speed and starts to jump he will have one so is that a good enough answer for you? Prob not but who cares.

I just wanna say it doesnt really matter how fast you are going I was going pretty slow and was jumping about a 10ft double at ram jams that i made a stupid little mistake and went over the bars. I am now paralyzed from chest down speed and jumps dont really matter is just crazy times and i was wearing the leatt brace.
Yea perhaps they need to somehow get a instant pull test to better simulate an impact? Atleast people are attempting to test them. On the other hand would that test be more stressful on the strut than an instant impact? I think they need to set it up with a helmet then get a hydraulic powered press of some kind that can dish out an insta hit.

Yeah I think they need a more realistic test. It seems like the real issue of concern is force being placed on the spine. I think a full body with helmet and brace would be a good study (with that hydraulic impact you are talking about). Take measurements at the spine and see how that compares to medical limits. Is there a known force that actually causes the spine to break? I'm sure there are numerous variables involved there (age, fitness, etc.), but a ball park estimate?
This conversation makes me not want to ride. I'm starting to remember why I retired myself to pit bikes... Now I'm thinking Golf, Croquet, or stamp collecting may be safe enough.

I know a few years ago, everybody had a Leatt. Has anybody stopped wearing one that used to? All the pros still wear one these days? --L*64
This conversation makes me not want to ride. I'm starting to remember why I retired myself to pit bikes... Now I'm thinking Golf, Croquet, or stamp collecting may be safe enough.

I know a few years ago, everybody had a Leatt. Has anybody stopped wearing one that used to? All the pros still wear one these days? --L*64

Its saffer to have it than not in my opinion. Dont let someone s personal opinion effect what you do.
exactly. too bad its all transferred to your T spine

Are you the same person that is talking about Collar Bone breaks...... or not??? If so, is it ALL Transferred to your spine, or somehow did some pressure transfer to your collar bone? Aren't there people who have broken their shoulder blades based on the pressure of the brace there??? Are we talking about certain types of crashes only when the neck goes straight back only with no twisting and all of the load is directly down the plate that goes against your spine or not??? Where are we going with this?????

1. I feel bad that you are hurt and never going to recover.
2. I don't wish your plight on anyone.
3. I have been riding more years than you've been alive and never had an injury or crash that left me extremely hurt before Leatts existed.
4. I do believe on the transfer of load force to other area's to lessen the "worst case scenario" possibility in a crash.
5. I wear and will continue to wear my Leatt Brace.
6. Come up with something to make it better with your time and make your terrible experience a positive for someone else in the future. (IE, make a new pad that speads out across the back / ribs instead of just your spine if you feel that will better protect riders) patent it, and sell it. You love motorcycles and riders, do some good with your energy.

What do you think you are going to tell me that will change my mind about my Leatt Brace and make me think that death by broken neck (IE Ron Boyas) is better than you're life (with Leatt) or Justin Weeks (without Leatt) life after a life altering crash????? I still think both of your lives are better than Ron Boyas' death on the track.......... and I have kids that I want to see mature into adulthood, whether that's from a chair or from the seat of my bike and I think my Leatt will help me get there if I do have a catastrophic crash where I put it and my body to the test (although I hope I never test the limits of either).
I think people should wear whatever makes them a confident rider, because a confident rider is safer than a guy sweating a forthcoming crash.

The neck braces all made me think about crashing when I tried them. Right or wrong, everyone should do what makes them comfortable.
Are you the same person that is talking about Collar Bone breaks...... or not???

I believe I am the one talking about broken collar bones. However this is not the factor which made me stop wearing mine. (I would take a broken collar bone every season or two). What my concern is the increase I have seen in people breaking their backs and becoming paralyzed from the chest down since the leatt became popular. I don't remember people breaking their necks very often and breaking a back definitely less too, since the leatt I haven't heard of anyone wearing one breaking a neck but I have seen more people having their backs broken. Is it because of the transfer of force, maybe, maybe not, but I don't intend to take that risk. Rocket, unlike you I would rather die than end up in a chair, but that is just the way I think and I believe I am entitled to that. Many people who end up in chairs do amazing things, no doubt about that, but I don't want it. I guess the point I would like to make is, IMO people who would not have broken their necks have broken their backs. I base this off of the increase I have seen in people breaking their backs at the chest who were wearing leatts. Do I claim to know the statistics for everyone, no, I do not, but I base it off of what I have seen and heard about.

I would like to hear opinions of those on here who have had back injuries and were wearing a neck brace. Do you think you would have broken your back if you were not wearing one? Do you think you would have broke your neck? These are the opinions I would put before the guessing of myself, a doctor, leatt or anyone else's opinion.
I ordered mine the day Boyas died. I believed in a product that I didn't do any research on. Has anyone actually tried to find info about testing done when these braces were made? And if so, who did the testing?

I think people need to educate themselves about neck braces and make an INFORMED decision.

But it sure says something to me that in the 16 yrs I've been riding, I've known of 3 or 4 people that were paralized BEFORE the Leatt came out, but after the Leatt, now I can name 2 people on Pitracer alone.

Some of you guys on here seem like its your way or no way and you won't even fathem the idea that your way might not be as good as you think.

I stopped wearing my Leatt months ago, and will never put that thing around my neck again.

It's a personal choice thing and the horse was dead months ago with this post. Now it's up again....... I'm providing people my opinion as to why I wear one just the same as you and Barrington are providing your opinion as to why you wouldn't wear one now although you both did before, it's as simple as that. Personal choice as to whether or not you wear and believe in the equipment.

And I also know more about everyone due to the internet than I ever did in the past before all of the information technology hit us. I watched a guy get paralyzed at Daytona SX one year and had to ask around to find out if it was 100% true........ which it was. I couldn't find any info in Cycle news or anywhere else about this privateer who gave up walking due to his racing back in the 90's. Now I know about everyone that gets paralyzed due to the info that we have at our fingertips.......... that is part of the problem.

So personal choice is the answer............ and on one side you have Barrington and yourself trying to sway people to take them off or stay away from them. On the other side, you have me telling people that I believe in them and wear and will continue to wear mine just in case. Simple as that. Choose your side and what you think is important is all there really is to this. The real problem is that we can't say for sure either way if they work or hurt us in any crash........ so we're dealing in a grey area.
I believe I am the one talking about broken collar bones. However this is not the factor which made me stop wearing mine. (I would take a broken collar bone every season or two). What my concern is the increase I have seen in people breaking their backs and becoming paralyzed from the chest down since the leatt became popular. I don't remember people breaking their necks very often and breaking a back definitely less too, since the leatt I haven't heard of anyone wearing one breaking a neck but I have seen more people having their backs broken. Is it because of the transfer of force, maybe, maybe not, but I don't intend to take that risk. Rocket, unlike you I would rather die than end up in a chair, but that is just the way I think and I believe I am entitled to that. Many people who end up in chairs do amazing things, no doubt about that, but I don't want it. I guess the point I would like to make is, IMO people who would not have broken their necks have broken their backs. I base this off of the increase I have seen in people breaking their backs at the chest who were wearing leatts. Do I claim to know the statistics for everyone, no, I do not, but I base it off of what I have seen and heard about.

I would like to hear opinions of those on here who have had back injuries and were wearing a neck brace. Do you think you would have broken your back if you were not wearing one? Do you think you would have broke your neck? These are the opinions I would put before the guessing of myself, a doctor, leatt or anyone else's opinion.

Too bad you (or any of us ) have to base your choice on opinions. Yours or ours that you are asking for. I am stuck in between on what to do. I wish we had solid testing proof on what to do. Unfortunately I think Rocket is right that the information highway ( internet and all other types) has increased the amount of things we now hear about. Also in my opinion more younger riders are stepping up the pace with 4 strokes on tracks that have FAR more airtime than 10 years ago. But again we are dealing with my OPINION here and not facts.
So personal choice is the answer............ and on one side you have Barrington and yourself trying to sway people to take them off or stay away from them. On the other side, you have me telling people that I believe in them and wear and will continue to wear mine just in case. .

I'm not trying to sway anyone. I said I believe everyone should make an informed decision.

I think to many people see a neck brace and automatically assume its a great thing to wear, which it just might be.

I then also gave my opinion about myself not wearing one, just as you gave your opinion.

I'd bet that most people that wear them put more thought into buying they're bike than the neck brace that may help/hurt them.
My son has had 2 bad crashes with his brace one was at Lake Whitney hit a kicker went over the bars and landed straight on his head knocked him out but he got back up and the next day only complained about his shoulder hurting also at Buds Creek hit a kicker on the face of the table again landed on his head and knocked out and again sore sholders the next few days and in my opinion if not for the brace spreading the force to his sholders it could of been much worse I believe that and so does he. I also believe that these braces do what they are made for. Yes there are times it seems they dont and people do get hurt but them are very rare, hell there is people that get hit by lighting and look at the chaces of that happening. But to post up 2 guys playing tug a war back and forth with a brace and saying the co lies about what the breaking point is is just plain silly, and also it takes alittle more than 4 lb to break a human neck just to many options and angles to give a accurate answer on that aswell.
Speaking of Mitch Payton, he has said in many interviews that he wouldn`t wear one or have any rider wear one because there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that they work. The fact is that the gay neck braces came out at just the right time and made a couple of jokers ALOT OF MONEY!!!! I hope they sleep well at night.
Speaking of Mitch Payton, he has said in many interviews that he wouldn`t wear one or have any rider wear one because there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that they work. The fact is that the gay neck braces came out at just the right time and made a couple of jokers ALOT OF MONEY!!!! I hope they sleep well at night.

This in my OPINION is the dumbest thing I have ever read , but I could be wrong
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