Anybody wanna ride a new track?

Yep. South Sieeeeede! Represent! Yo! Ain't nothin down here but garbage dumps, prisons, and sand quarries. I do live about 40 minutes from COCR since the bypass of Lancaster. But something within 15 minutes would be awesome! I'm kinda spoiled I guess. I grew up in a small town in West-by-God Virginia, and we had a track on the outskirts of town on an old prison farm. I could be there in 5 minutes, or go to a friends farm 20 minutes out of town and he had a track. Oh well, livin' in Long Beach broke me of that, as it was an easy 1 1/2 to just go ride, closest track to me being Glen Helen or Paris.
Thats funny, ha ha ha. I appreciate your opinion but in the future just a thought. I would attend a track and form my own opinion and not have it told to me before I posted a negative post on a race promoter. You must be buddy's with the two guys that got away before I talked to them. Because everyone I talked to liked it. Said the prep was awesome too. Maybe just maybe, the guys who gave you the mis-information are just hater's who hate everything. And spend their time thinking if someone would only listen to them, the track would be great. I get this same "Monday morning quaterback crap" from other members in the club. If you want to make our club better? Don't just criticize on second hand info and think thats gonna help. Join our club and I will work with you to make it great. Making COCR great again is why I've been there 4 or 5 days a week for the last four weeks. If you have the fix please come to our next meeting, join and lets go to work! We could use some help anyway. As always thank you for your support. Buckler out.
Just relating what i heard from 5 guys that went today. And i plan on being there next weekend to form my own opionion. Hopefully there wrong, i guess we'll see. My one buddy got helmet cam footage, hopefully he posts it soon and ill link it on here. Anyone else go today? how was it?
just a thought/question...

lets say it did suck, how does one benefit from telling everybody???
They ask for opinions. So im just sharing the opinions that i was told.I removed my post b/c it wasn't fair. Thats it.

Noooo I wasnt pointing you out or anything. I just meant in general. With all the slim pickins in tracks we have today Im surprised at how picky people still are!
First off. Thanks to Robinson for removing your post. We had about 75 riders today. It was nice I started watering at about 5:30 this morning. I got a total of 10 truck loads on the track, between Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was really wet this morning. Wet enough that we didn't touch the track all day. I started to disc once but the ruts were awesome and nobody really wanted to stop riding. Mud was so thick and tacky you could lay it down and pin it anywhere. By the end of the day some dust was comin off the jumps and a few other spots that aren't really disc-able. I thought our practice was a complete success. One kid did crash and got hurt. I don't have any details but we hope he's ok. I will tell you, I got some complaints about not running the big triple in the middle of the track. My answer to that is, we have sediment pond dug to keep our pond clean. These ponds are right around the turn after that big triple. Right now with them cleaned out. If you got out of control you go be going into a 6 or 8' pit. Or even worse be launched into bottomless mud and water. Either way we felt that jump wasn't worth the risk. The big table top back by the trees does seem shorter. It's not, just added to the top of the face like 3' of dirt. Now you can clear it much slower, or it just feels like it. We have some work to do this week to improve a couple things we saw. I would like some input. If anybody has some thoughts lets hear them. A guy did shoot a video today, don't know when he will post it. Thanks again Doug.
Haven't been to COCR in a number of years! I'm really excited about making the trip for the final Buckeye series race on the 9th. Thanks for tryin to turn the place around
Well, just waiting on the call back to confirm, but it sounds like I will be running the dozer around doing final tweaks later this week at COCR. So from what I gather, the jumps seem short, with a few inconsistent faces. Please post any other feedback. I will weigh it all with a grain of salt. I get wacked out feedback all the time, I know what to listen to, and what to let go.

I think on the prep side the thing that was missing from Sunday was a dozer. Its handy to knock down all the outside stuff, so people will ride on it in practice, in other words it helps get the riders on more of the track. Plus if you get something too wet, you can add some dry to get the moisture right on, or track it in if its too wet too.

Also, post what you liked, we dont want to eliminate a positive.
My son and myself were there yesterday. I liked the track layout. It started out a little too wet in a few sections but like Jeremy stated with a dozer that problem will be solved quickly. The track rutted up nice and got good and rough. In my opinion that is what an outdoor motocross track is all about. The only thing I would say is be carefull not to over water in the sections that water does not naturally drain away. It also seemed like some areas were tilled deeper than others maybe try and get it all tilled consistently.

As far as the new layout I was just happy that COCR stepped up and made some changes. I would love to see all the district 11 tracks do the same. You will never biuld a track that suits everyones taste but if it is changed occasionally it keeps it fresh and is like having a new track in the district for a while. For what its worth my 12 year old son liked the new layout as well and had no problems getting around on his 85.

Overall it was a big step in the right direction. With a little more tweeking it will be perfect. We are looking forward to the Thrills in the Hills event this weekend. See Ya there!
I know I'm in a VERY small minority, but I actually liked the old layout. Then again, the last time I was there, since this last time, was about 15 years ago. I actually liked the jumps, I thought for the most part they we're O.K., haven't been down to the new layout yet and I can't race on Saturday, so good luck you guys! Just my two cents worth.
I liked the layout of the track except for one thing, the last part of the infield heading towards the finish line. I think it would flow better if it didn't turn left, but just kept going straight. It was like this the week before and thought it was the better option. I would like to thank the cocr crew for the hard work put in expescially Doug. Also big thanks to Harold Goings with Franklin Equipment for getting dozers and backhoes delivered to the track, and Jeremy Osborn for dedicating his time to COCR to run the dozer.
jdawg - I know exactly what your talking about. Unfortunately, I gotta work around that part by the finish. Its hard to score the bikes as they come toward the finishline without the down and back. In other words if it were to go straight through, its hard to see a train of riders, and catch their number before they are right in front of you. The down and back before the finish gets the scorers ready for who is about to cross the finishline. I got a tweak for that area that should make it more fun.
You can design a track on paper and you can doze it in but sometimes it's not until you get some laps in you see where some things need tweaked. Last week after putting this little "S" in there (This is just before the finish line turns) I got some feedback and tried it going straight and it did seem to flow better. Unfortunately other members of the track committee felt that change shouldn't be made and put it back in. Towards the end of practice was down there with Doug watching the riders and I think we have a compromise that will work good.