PR Addict
Hey everybody. It's almost buckeye series race time. We are having open practice for those who need some track time. Hours will run from 11:00 to 4:00 pm. Then we gotta shut the track down for race day prep. We redesigned our track a few weeks ago, and the track was too easy. Jeremy Osborn came down this week and modified our new track layout. We now have a nice step up jump, a new table top, he refaced the jumps going up to and including the big table top. Then he extended the landing on our down hill double. And the sweetest thing of all is the new sweeping six pack. Three doubles going around a turn. It is sweet. Too easy aye? you won't say that again. Jeremy is "The Man" fella's. What he did is awesome and you need to get down here to check it out. I'll be working the track Friday and Saturday morning so the prep will be better than last time, no wet spots. See you at the track.