I joined Pit Racer today because I think there is a more important point than some one driving two hours to a closed track; yes he should of verified you were open. So, what concerns me is that you are closed. You have an awesome track! We usually try to get to your track two or three times a year (open practice) but admit we have not been there at all this year. We are all in our 40's and not interested in racing so we just go to open practices. I have check Pit Racer often and it does not seem like you have had many open practices, just races. I guess financially you have to look at what was working better for you; more races or more open practices. It may have been just timing but every weekend I was hoping to go to Area 330 there was not an open practice.
Welcome to PitRacer Brian. Your views are common here. We all love 330. Times are tough here in Ohio on riders and track owners. Turnouts are low. All I can recommend is to support the tracks you love when they're open as much as you can.