Sorry I havent posted but my account wouldnt let me for some reason. I got pretty lucky this year. I had a funnel that I let go all year and year after year it is always loaded with scrapes. Its a strip of woods surrounded by fields on both sides and is in a valley. I was striking out on "shooters" every where else. So I decided to hit the funnel since I figured it was time that the bigger bucks shoulda been checking scrapes. HE was the 8th deer I saw that night and the 5th buck. We didnt run any cams down there and it is on the opposite end of the property. So I assume thats why he was there. ITs about a mile walk and was undisturbed. In the end it payed off.
Randy- my buck scored 167 and 2/8 green
Frank, congrats to dorae. that is a nicce buck.
Mike 44- congrats on an awesome trip out west. I didnt even know you were going out there. COngrats to your buddy also. been seeing anything in ohio? Congrats to your son also!
Beenridin- congrats on a great buck!
Marcthesharc- No I havent been. I havent ridden since August when I taught the mx camp I teach every year at Round Lake. WHen it starts getting close to hutnnig season the bike gets parked. I had a pretty nasty crash at the mx camp when me micheal akydin and jeff gibson were making a transfer jump. I was hte first one to go for it and I went of the bars and got knocked out in front of half the kids. It was bad news. All Jimmy Povolny had to say was "theres something wrong with you kid. I cant believe you got up from that." haha After that I realized Im not as young as I used to be and recovering from nasty wrecks isnt as easy as it used to be!