Intentions and circumstances
Chris and his team have every intention of putting on the best event possible, nobody that signs up to run a race track intends to do anything wrong. There have seen some good constructive posts on here, and Chris and his crew will take those to heart, and apply them for the next event for sure. Some of the posts are pretty harsh, and we all probably vented some on Sunday, too. After talking to Chris throughout the afternoon, it seemed pretty obvious that circumstances got the best of the day.
Some circumstances you can control, and some you cannot. Between the dry conditions, fires getting started, some unfortunate injuries, and ambulance delays, it just spun out of control. Sure, the dry conditions could have been prepared better, but that would not change the others, everything being the same. The MX community needs OIR in the mix, and another fair chance for them to put some events or practices together to iron out the kinks in the process. Once the wrist heals, I would like to head out there myself and do some more laps on the track were it all started for me!
As for the MXA riders, both Dennis Stapleton and John Minert still had a fun day. These guys live to ride and race, and wanted to thank everyone that stopped by to say hello or just talk racing. I think they have seen a lot of tracks (more than most riders), and sure had a good perspective despite the heat and dry conditions. They still came away from it all greatful and happy to be there, and this is a perspective that I will remember.
Thanks to everyone that came out!