Transponder Rental ??

I got this one......

BC is trying to put on the best race, with quality, accuracy and fun for many not just a focus group.
BC doesnt want to be another track in my opinion but the best track. The best is different for many folk I guess.

the transponders are more than just a way to score, it is also away to track your own speed and improve.

Besides BC is going to do 1 maybe 2 races a year. Big investment for one race. (dedication to our sport)

That is the only time you will have to use a transponder, and he has been talking about transponders for over a year!

Not speaking for BC and I am drawing my own conclusions. Sorry JO..

I bet you were one of the 2 cheap arse votes! ha ha

I never voted and I would pay the $25 for transponder have done it many times and even bought 2 of them. I payed $100 1 year to have my own just to have them change it the next year. I do have another son that will not race if there is a transponder. To many people are looking at it as a 1 racer deal, what happens to the parents that have 2 riders like me? Gate fees for 3 entry fees for 3 and now throw in another $200 to race (100 deposite each) but still in the end another$50 bill that could go in gas. Like someone said the die hards will pay no matter what but the die hards wont pay the bills alone the track needs the filler riders to make the money. Im only trying to help show another side but either way we will be there next year with 1 rider maybe 2.

Anyone here remember Mini Mow Down @ Dutch? That started off huge with tons of sponsors, banners , energy drink and all kinda events going on . The next few years they talked about it becomming a small national and built it up and built it up so big they started charging national prices to make up for everything they put into it and now 6 years later its not much of anything anymore just another race nothing special. Work with what you got and build it as you go.
Anyone here remember Mini Mow Down @ Dutch? That started off huge with tons of sponsors, banners , energy drink and all kinda events going on . The next few years they talked about it becomming a small national and built it up and built it up so big they started charging national prices to make up for everything they put into it and now 6 years later its not much of anything anymore just another race nothing special. Work with what you got and build it as you go.

Well I have no plans to increase the race cost, practice day fee, nor the gate fee. I'd say we are the cheapest race that offers what we have. Even if we have the transponder rental in there. Im not in this for the money, or I would have closed the doors in 2008.
Well I have no plans to increase the race cost, practice day fee, nor the gate fee. I'd say we are the cheapest race that offers what we have. Even if we have the transponder rental in there. Im not in this for the money, or I would have closed the doors in 2008.

What are you using for your 5k? We just had a runforyourlives event that had thousands of runners at our place and they scored them no issues with live scoring/timing etc... They had little quarter/50 cent sized pieces that went on the runners shoe/string. They went through more abuse than any bike race would bring in most cases. I can find out what they used but I know they had mats down that the runners crossed at the end and you could here a beep each time. Something how the runners pay $70-$90 with no complaints on cost and you get thousands more entering. I guess there are way more people who are into the 5k deal at this point/exposure no bike cost etc... plus they are fun as any race I have ever been to. I to am going to look at something that works and is cheaper cost wise to the riders. The only race I would need this for is our Gobbler Grand Prix at this point but it would be nice to have if they are reliable and cost effective.
What are you using for your 5k? We just had a runforyourlives event that had thousands of runners at our place and they scored them no issues with live scoring/timing etc... They had little quarter/50 cent sized pieces that went on the runners shoe/string. They went through more abuse than any bike race would bring in most cases. I can find out what they used but I know they had mats down that the runners crossed at the end and you could here a beep each time. Something how the runners pay $70-$90 with no complaints on cost and you get thousands more entering. I guess there are way more people who are into the 5k deal at this point/exposure no bike cost etc... plus they are fun as any race I have ever been to. I to am going to look at something that works and is cheaper cost wise to the riders. The only race I would need this for is our Gobbler Grand Prix at this point but it would be nice to have if they are reliable and cost effective.

We hired a company to come in and score it. I assume they're using the chips that go in your shoes. I asked mylaps about this, and they said it wouldnt work for bikes, because it is too far away from the loop at the finishline. The chips are close enought to mats at a 5k, thats why they work. Yeah, its a different story, when the only thing you burn up at a mud run is a pair sneakers. $50-$90 is nothing when all you have is minimal travel cost and a pair of shoes.
We've never even been to BC. But, we're planning on getting out for at least this event next year. The added cost of a transponder won't keep us away at all.
Transponders will actually help with staggered starts. It can keep everything sorted out.

Id buy one if I knew for certain they aren't going to keep changing them. Know a few people who bought and now with the newer ones what are they screwed? Or do they work as well.

We purchased one in 2008 and when they came out with revised version all we had to do was turn it in and we were given the newer one at no charge so I don't know how someone got screwed.
You can rent them from mylaps now for as low as $36 per year, if you get a 5 year subscription. I think its like $55 on a year to year basis. Not bad if you plan on hitting a few races a year that need them, and your worried about them changing in 5 years.
@footlogic:I said ". . .what are they screwed?" As in...are they in a pickle, or what ever happened to that person in that situation? Since you answered that question by turning in yours and getting another one free of charge....that answers my question!

@JO, Get huge way too soon. Build it they will come...rahrahrahrah. They'll come. People know you don't mess around. Keep that aura. I don't think the transponders will effect you negatively.

@therestofyas: (How many of us have Credit cards for emergency purposes......deposit on that credit card and 75 of it gets refunded......nobody has a $100 credit line that races a dirtbike? Really are you guys nuts? What happens if you break down on the way home from a race? What are you doing to fix things, bummin cash? Praying that you'll make it home? Or, chances are you got some cash in the bank account or a credit card to cover it.
@therestofyas: (How many of us have Credit cards for emergency purposes......deposit on that credit card and 75 of it gets refunded......nobody has a $100 credit line that races a dirtbike? Really are you guys nuts? What happens if you break down on the way home from a race? What are you doing to fix things, bummin cash? Praying that you'll make it home? Or, chances are you got some cash in the bank account or a credit card to cover it.

Georgie, and I say that with a fondness as now I can put a face with the name, I've makin' it by the skin on my teeth for 20 years! lol Seriously, if he goes to XPDRS, I'm gonna probably just get my own over the winter.
@footlogic:I said ". . .what are they screwed?" As in...are they in a pickle, or what ever happened to that person in that situation? Since you answered that question by turning in yours and getting another one free of charge....that answers my question!

@JO, Get huge way too soon. Build it they will come...rahrahrahrah. They'll come. People know you don't mess around. Keep that aura. I don't think the transponders will effect you negatively.

@therestofyas: (How many of us have Credit cards for emergency purposes......deposit on that credit card and 75 of it gets refunded......nobody has a $100 credit line that races a dirtbike? Really are you guys nuts? What happens if you break down on the way home from a race? What are you doing to fix things, bummin cash? Praying that you'll make it home? Or, chances are you got some cash in the bank account or a credit card to cover it.

I havent had a credit card in over 5 years, and if something breaks down well Il handle that when the time comes lol
I have 8 and they are MAXED OUT! Living the american dream, Im going to get more, max them then go bankrupt and all you poor saps can pay for it !
Tried that more than once, they caught on and now they got these damn things that tell them right away the checks not good!
We got lucky. Everyone is wowwed right now. I would be willing to bet that we will start losing people if we dont fix our issues. And I will not run another race without some sort of transponder system. So basically, its either I reach a compromise on price for everyone, or BC doesnt run any races. Simple.

Im interested in the stickers, but concerned with the accuracy. I have read a few things so far.

Let me ask all of the boo-hoers this, if it were a $10 rental, would change your opinion?
My son raced numerous AX races this past year and they use the Hardcard system. It’s just a RFID tag that sticks to the back of your number plate. The AX folks charge $10 per tag and if you only buy one you will be changing number plates between motos or if you are like most of us that have kids with different brand bikes between say the 65cc and 85cc classes you will be forced to buy two tags to keep things straight. In my experiences with the hardcard system I will say it is very effective for what it is being asked to do but it does have its problems. I have seen several timed practices and heat races be held up because of issues with the system. I have seen many riders have problems with them reading correctly or transmitting. The biggest problem I have seen is getting them to stay on. The 3M adhesive doesn't last long after a few good bike washings. Most fix that problem with adding a little duct tape. Of course the AX races are inside and in a controlled temperature build too. It’s hard to tell what will happen with a little mud and heat mixed in.

Having used both types of transponders I would definitely suggest the mylaps system because of the extra perks you get with it. Like someone else stated you can have your lap times sent to your need to go online to look them up. There are a lot of people that already have the mylaps transponder from running Loretta’s qualifiers and other national events.

You are still going to need someone to keep an eye on scoring even with transponders but having managed scoring and results posting the old school way at our events I would have to say using transponders would be the way to go for events with large turnouts. Our girls at Chillitown are very experienced at scoring and tallying results but things get hectic even with the best crew.

When we were just getting started with planning for Chillitown's first year everyone told us to take baby steps and don't try to do too much too soon but we came out swinging and went big right out of the gate. I think we are respected a lot more for going big and not getting in line with the rest of the sheep and offering an average facility. My motto is go big or go home.

My vote is mylaps transponders for next year and I will gladly pay the rental fee!
If I get the time off and make it there from NJ, transponder rental is not going to keep me from coming. I'm not concerned with my results, I'm usually in the back anyways. In the grand scheme, the cost isn't a biggie.

If it's known up front, most should have no issue with it. I do my homework, and pay what's asked. Makes for a more relaxed day.

There will be some that just won't do it for anything over the norm. Their loss...unfortunately yours too, but it will likely be made up by those who hear the kudos from this race, read the improvements made from this years' issues, and come out.
My son raced numerous AX races this past year and they use the Hardcard system. It’s just a RFID tag that sticks to the back of your number plate. The AX folks charge $10 per tag and if you only buy one you will be changing number plates between motos or if you are like most of us that have kids with different brand bikes between say the 65cc and 85cc classes you will be forced to buy two tags to keep things straight. In my experiences with the hardcard system I will say it is very effective for what it is being asked to do but it does have its problems. I have seen several timed practices and heat races be held up because of issues with the system. I have seen many riders have problems with them reading correctly or transmitting. The biggest problem I have seen is getting them to stay on. The 3M adhesive doesn't last long after a few good bike washings. Most fix that problem with adding a little duct tape. Of course the AX races are inside and in a controlled temperature build too. It’s hard to tell what will happen with a little mud and heat mixed in.

Having used both types of transponders I would definitely suggest the mylaps system because of the extra perks you get with it. Like someone else stated you can have your lap times sent to your need to go online to look them up. There are a lot of people that already have the mylaps transponder from running Loretta’s qualifiers and other national events.

You are still going to need someone to keep an eye on scoring even with transponders but having managed scoring and results posting the old school way at our events I would have to say using transponders would be the way to go for events with large turnouts. Our girls at Chillitown are very experienced at scoring and tallying results but things get hectic even with the best crew.

When we were just getting started with planning for Chillitown's first year everyone told us to take baby steps and don't try to do too much too soon but we came out swinging and went big right out of the gate. I think we are respected a lot more for going big and not getting in line with the rest of the sheep and offering an average facility. My motto is go big or go home.

My vote is mylaps transponders for next year and I will gladly pay the rental fee!

Thanks! You just confirmed allot of my suspicions and different things that i had read about RFID. It seems like it works most of the time, but most of the time doesnt cut it for me. I have never heard of an issue with the mylaps/orange box transponder. Im sure it has happened, but Im sure its 1 in 20,000 or something. I would bet John Dains would tell me the failure rate. He's pretty straight up.

Im leaning toward the Mylaps right now because allot of people already have them and the system seems more reliable. If we choose to seek out a Loretta's qualifier at some point, and luck out and get one, then we will need that system anyway, IMO. I think thats the logical choice for allot of reasons. Now I need to work on the price tag. I think many of the racers will not have an issue with $25, its the biggest race of the year for Ohio, its at BC, we are building this into a must race weekend. However, $15 would be better for everyone. I think if it were $10-$15 there would be zero argument, well maybe 1% would oppose.
What I hate about transponders... more than the cost which is just a cost of racing... is turning them in at the end of the day to get the deposit back. It's a pain, you're ready to go home... there is a long line... And as others have pointed out you can't really buy the thing since techology is changing so fast and you will probably need to get a new unit next year. Transponders suck!

I also think you need people scoring either way... since well, transponders suck...

Jeremy, go with the absolute cheapest option and get some real live people to score (back up) call me next year. I'll score.