OMA-District X is now live! You can buy the hoodies, t-shirts, and memberships. The schedule is very very very close, we have one possible thing to care of on Monday.
BTW, if you sign up now, we will let you pick your number, giving you the rights to run that number over anyone else. We will be using the last three of your membership number much like the AMA, if you choose to go that route, nothing mandatory here greenhorns. Be sure to click on the link of the requested number field to be sure that your number is available. We will not update the number availability doc until the membership is paid in full. So, first come first serve.

I would also like to thank Kurt Mosher for being the first member of the OMA. He has selected 105.
Hey whatever, if your not first your last! lol

Im not counting Myself or the Rogers clan, but Im going with Broc Miller was 2nd by 2 minutes over Dave Smith.....Then a few more following that. Im getting ready to update the list, but 001, 004, 005, 010, 017, 018, 022, 036, 065, 250, 105, 106, 181, 196, 365, 378 all taken!
Took me a while as it kept sending me back to the type what you see doo hickey, but 57 is gone. We might show up a few times. :)
Took me a while as it kept sending me back to the type what you see doo hickey, but 57 is gone. We might show up a few times. :)

LOL, I was like what the heck, does he want three memberships! Its all good.

4 still up for grabs as i believe I have sign up but no payment yet.
So why would you do it this way when there are 25+ different class's?
Does this lock anybody else from that number regardless of class?