Quad only practices are a bad business decision. Lets assume, Malvern, who arguably gets the best quad race turnouts, could get the same number for practice, 50-60. Thats still a bad day. Why even attempt it? Especially when you could get 100-150 if you run them all. Most quad guys know nobody would show up, so why go? Same thing happens when an mx race is perceived that it will not be well attended, bike guys wont show as much. It actually would be the same as me trying a womens only practice, or a 50cc only practice. Then when I get 5-10, i would say well they wouldnt support it, so i dont need them. They wouldnt suppoort their own day! Not trying to argue, just trying make a point. Everybody wants to be where everyone else is going, its nature of the beast.
Sounds like raptor149, just wants to ride, we need more raptors.