I had a bike a few years back that had a slot milled into the steering stem for what reason, I have no clue. All it did was let water, gas and dirt come down the stem where the vent tube went in and through the milled slot so I taped over it.
IF you aren't a weight weenie, I tapped and installed a zerk fitting on the head tube of my old 560. The motor oil in the frame always got so hot the grease would run out the seals. Every time I'd see solidified grease all over the rear of the front fender, I'd just hit it with the grease gun. This will not work if the head tube has holes leading to the backbone or downtube.
Spent the afternoon installing an updated counter balancer spring and anchor on a KLR650. Got the road salt off the 640 and 950 then stuck the Transalp on the battery tender so I can to ride it to a job interview tomorrow. I figure they might as well know I'm a few fries short of a happy meal right up front.