i would like to hear something about promoting the competition (actual people) rather than the track, the classes, and/or the organization.
This might have been mentioned, but changing the name of classes might not be a bad thing for local riders attempting Loretta's. How can they bump you if the class name and requirements aren't directly correlated or matched?
So what is the equivalent of rider, racer, and sport in todays designations?? (ABC) You totally lost me.
What about a class for hacks? You build one John and I'll be the monkey!
That's a little more extreme than what I had in mind. No real reason or advantage to renaming the age classes. Just the A,B,C classes possibly. Not really sure about any of it.
Too much change, too much to think about. Keep it simple and in line with what people know and are comfortable with. OMA hasn't even run a single event and I've talked to people that don't want to go just because they are sick of reading/talking/thinking about it.
I know myself I feel like I've raced 10 seasons in OMA already just by the amount of never-ending posts.
Also, FWIW, everywhere I've gone and seen "sport" classes they are Novice classes. So, by all means no matter what you do, don't start calling the pro classes "sport" class.
Me thinks your being funny here, but im not sure.
How about we just line em up and run them till were out of gas, most laps completed without a crash is the winner. If you crash, you're out. Last man standing. We will score you into classes as you fall out of the race. First ones out are 40+, then C class, then b then A. Ha.