OMA X classes

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What about a class for hacks? You build one John and I'll be the monkey!
i would like to hear something about promoting the competition (actual people) rather than the track, the classes, and/or the organization.

Well the title of this whole thread is "OMA X Classes". There are only about 10,000 other threads promoting everything from OMA to Fashion Bug.
This might have been mentioned, but changing the name of classes might not be a bad thing for local riders attempting Loretta's. How can they bump you if the class name and requirements aren't directly correlated or matched?
This might have been mentioned, but changing the name of classes might not be a bad thing for local riders attempting Loretta's. How can they bump you if the class name and requirements aren't directly correlated or matched?

Actually this might be the way to go. More thought and discussion needed.
Mock Running Order with Custom Classes.

1. 50cc 4-8 (Oil Inj.) 2nd Gate Drop
50cc 4-6 Micro Jr. 1st Gate Drop

2. 50cc 7-8 Micro Sr.

3. 65cc (11 and under)

4. Mini Jr. (12 and under)

5. Mini. Sr (15 and under) 1st Gate Drop.
Womens 13-21 2nd gate drop. *This classed can or should be ran with moto 6.

6.Supermini (15 and Under)

7.SchoolBoy 12-17 (2 & 4 Stroke)

8. Blue Collar Sport 18-29

9. Open Sport 18+ (Maybe Pays - $30 to Sign-Up)

10. Open Racer 18+

11. Open Rider 18+

12. Vet Sport 25+ (Maybe Pays - $30 to Sign-Up)

13. Vet Racer 25+

14. Vet Rider 25+

15. 2-Stroke 15+

16. Quad Sport +18 (Maybe Pays - $30 to Sign-Up)

17. Quad Racer +18

18. Quad Rider +16

19. Quad Vet +21

20. Supermini Quad 13-17 (90cc-300cc)

21. Mini Quad Sport 90cc-150cc (Maybe 125cc) (12 and under)

22. Mini Quad Racer 50-70cc

*23. Open Rider Grp. 2
*24. Quad Rider Grp. 2 (maybe 3 on second gate)

Run the kids first (bikes & quads)

Do a simple drawing each race between the big classes to determine running order after the kids.

It's going to be hard to shrink it smaller than that to accomodate all riders and double class sign-ups.

Depending on all variables, we are looking 8-12 hr. long race days.

With practice on the weekends plus racing. You will get plenty of time in the hot seat.
So what is the equivalent of rider, racer, and sport in todays designations?? (ABC) You totally lost me.

Sport is the fastest, with Racer in the middle. That's why Sport could possibly pay instead of having a pro class except on special days. Try to give names that represent skill level with some common sense.
Running kids first is great idea. Having a kid that races a 50, it sucks for those guys to run after all the 250/450 guys and have ruts be big enough to swallow bikes whole. Tough to teach the little guys about turns when they ride outside every turn to avoid them!
That's a little more extreme than what I had in mind. No real reason or advantage to renaming the age classes. Just the A,B,C classes possibly. Not really sure about any of it.
What about a class for hacks? You build one John and I'll be the monkey!

Don, I am down with that........someone want to fund the Hack for us...OMA could start the revolution, and we could be in the first ever Hack class that races at LL.......
That's a little more extreme than what I had in mind. No real reason or advantage to renaming the age classes. Just the A,B,C classes possibly. Not really sure about any of it.

Oh yeah...this is thoughts that may help. You guys are leading the way.

No matter how it appears, it seems the goals of a set and order of classes is to make racing competitive, provide opportunity for riders to race atleast 2 classes (maybe limit riders to 2 classes max.), reduce the amount of classes to lower overall raceday time (maybe even increase laps), reduce conflict between racing in other organizations concerned about being able to race locally and nationally, get rid of sand-bagging in class structure also with other rules of limitations towards longevity in the "Rider Classes" and consistency on race day.

With previous class choices, it's like you have a bunch of tiny brushes to paint a big canvas or you could buy broader stroke brushes. Meaning - classes that offer a broader limit of age, skill, and machine to reduce amount of classes or brushes.

Riders will have to learn to race with more riders. Their is no reason 30-40 bikes shouldn't be on the track if at all possible.

I think this format has potential to be that flexible and effective with some tweaking and fresh thinking. It is change from the current set-up for sure.

Maybe we just have to understand the process will be refined as ever in OHMX starting with OMA; the reality is your prolly going to be dealing with 200-400 riders at each race on average. The class structure is the largest factor in how long a race day is. We the riders need to be satisfied in time and just enjoy it all.
Ok. Thats definitely thinking out of the box. The biggest issue with renaming or revamping, is that it will scare some people away. Also, you will not trick LL/Nationals. They will weigh it all out and if they feel your cheating; you're done. I dont care if the classes are eenie meanie miney moe, they will dq your arse if they feel like it. So, I feel as though its either A-B-C-D or Expert-Intermediate-Novice-Beginner in my mind. I cant believe we havent heard a peep from the 250F crowd? No worries about racing 450's ??? I'm suprised. Where's the all the schoolboy parents who run 250C too?
Too much change, too much to think about. Keep it simple and in line with what people know and are comfortable with. OMA hasn't even run a single event and I've talked to people that don't want to go just because they are sick of reading/talking/thinking about it.

I know myself I feel like I've raced 10 seasons in OMA already just by the amount of never-ending posts.

Also, FWIW, everywhere I've gone and seen "sport" classes they are Novice classes. So, by all means no matter what you do, don't start calling the pro classes "sport" class.
Just combine the C classes and the B classes.

I'm sure a lot of people would be happy if they only had to sign up for one class and got more riding time in a shorter time span. The only reason I sign up for a 2nd class is to fill the void. If I could show up and race 2 20-25 minute motos after a decent practice then I wouldn't want to sign up for another class.
Too much change, too much to think about. Keep it simple and in line with what people know and are comfortable with. OMA hasn't even run a single event and I've talked to people that don't want to go just because they are sick of reading/talking/thinking about it.

I know myself I feel like I've raced 10 seasons in OMA already just by the amount of never-ending posts.

Also, FWIW, everywhere I've gone and seen "sport" classes they are Novice classes. So, by all means no matter what you do, don't start calling the pro classes "sport" class.

When the gate drops the bs stops. Im sure once we do get into the season and the racing begins, then things will calm down, maybe. If other people are feeling it, think about how jason and i feel right now? This is a bit much. But im with ya on Keep it simple.
All bs aside - the majority of people regardless of what they say want to win and or do good (hence the crazy amount of classes mx has these days). You get rid of a bunch of classes and watch people run elsewhere - yes the long days suck for most but people are like sheep and heard to the big / FUN events regardless of time. Yes it's annoying to be running your second moto late in the day but if you want big crowds and full gates then your going to have long days. With turn out comes more injuries, track work, disgruntle people (always someone making a huge to do about in the grand scheme of things nothing) which all leads to longer days. It's part of a GOOD and Big event even locally. There is no way around it for the current structure of mx and absolutely no way to please everyone. All you can do is put on a good event, keep prepping the s**t out of the track but please understand that once something breaks, mother nature etc.... people with bitch and say it's not as good as before etc... it comes with the sport anymore. Just like a entitlement - once people receive they better keep receiving or its in their nature to complain. The older one gets the less they care about proving to anyone how fast or good they can ride for the most part - yes they want to do good but safety and fun factor out way leaving the local track king for the day. I wouldn't beat yourself up over the class structure as I know you guys want to be different but as you stated you will lose some and some will complain about the classes or lack of when they or their kid show up and can't run something they ran someplace else. Others will want to go else where so they can do good and or win and your hard core competitive people with follow the competition. In general again put on a good event and do what I try and do on a smaller level is make sure most riders and people have a good time but again trust me as I'm sure you guys know someone is always out there to do no other than complain. Years ago there were no umpteen classes, no endless track prep etc... just a buch of dirt bike riders racing on rock infested dusty and rough as hell tracks. No complaints for the most part other than ones lack of suspension and worrying about when and where you could get back out and ride regardless of conditions. All and I to am tired of the endless posting but I am glued at times just as I am with as they use to say about Stern - waiting to see what they will do and say next. lol Ride on!
X2 I Still most racers want race with there class A B C regardless of how many riders are in class Two many times when classes are bunched at to make full gate someone gets hurt
So what about ammending schoolboy to be ages 13-17, and collegeboy to 18-29yrs. And drop 25+? AND NONE OF THIS IS HAPPENING SO CALM DOWN PEOPLE, yet. Just random thoughts as my brain gets back to full steam after my nightmare of a Christmas cold. Just wanting feedback.
Me thinks your being funny here, but im not sure.

How about we just line em up and run them till were out of gas, most laps completed without a crash is the winner. If you crash, you're out. Last man standing. We will score you into classes as you fall out of the race. First ones out are 40+, then C class, then b then A. Ha.

Thunder Dome style....170 men enter 1 man leaves
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