OMA X classes

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Power to ya my friend! Your new forum name is kinda scary though! What happen to the whole love thang? Miss ya, have a fantastic Christmas!

Thanks...I actually thought this one might be more appealing to people...I get the notion that faithlove617 is odd to people on a forum. So I thought about it and realized that I am on a mission and the mission field is OHMX. The objective is motocross done right. You will understand in time pal.
Well Put, if your winning the c class you know how to hold your line and ride safe.

This is my personal opinion and no way reflects the opionion of the OMA or its affiliates, but i think you give slower C riders at most 2 seasons. And the faster C riders 1 season. C class should be a beginner class, not a "well I cant win B class".
No plans on trying for LL ?

No not really, he has talked about trying this year in super mini but not sure yet. Although I realize super may be one of the toughest classes down there. With some good fortune (no bad luck) I think he has the speed but who knows. Maybe down the road sometime in B or schoolboy. All the years I raced I never once signed up for a qualifier. It just seemed like a waiste of money to me, but I started riding when I was 19 and money was kind of tight.
No not really, he has talked about trying this year in super mini but not sure yet. Although I realize super may be one of the toughest classes down there. With some good fortune (no bad luck) I think he has the speed but who knows. Maybe down the road sometime in B or schoolboy. All the years I raced I never once signed up for a qualifier. It just seemed like a waiste of money to me, but I started riding when I was 19 and money was kind of tight.

I watched your son the other day at Ram Jam he looked good and I didnt know who you was till just before we left. To be honest I dont know to many people on this site if I seen them in person. Ya schoolboy is crazy fast at qualifiers but then again every class is crazy fast. This will be our last year trying for LL he Scottie dosent make it this year he is moving to A and start building from there.
Thank you, he has had a lot of fun this year and that makes a big difference. It's almost as important as confidence.
I was kind of bummed to see OMA go with the A,B,and C classes just because of that spread between Local level and National level MX. I plan to run the OMA series this season and go back to nationals for 2014. I think I could probably do alright locally in B quad but I cant even qualify in B classes nationally. At 40yrs old I have no desire to push myself up a class when I only race for fun anyhow.
I think this is why the CRA calls their quad classes by different names. So I guess I will be running either C and Open in OMA or run 4stroke and Open in CRA.
BTW.. thanks to OMA for stepping up local MX here in Ohio. It was desperately needed.
I wish we could go by qualifying lap times, then everyone got divided into a,b,c,d,e by lap times for the mains. That's how it's done in rc racing, the only thing that can be sketchy is how you get qualifying groups together?
I wish we could go by qualifying lap times, then everyone got divided into a,b,c,d,e by lap times for the mains. That's how it's done in rc racing, the only thing that can be sketchy is how you get qualifying groups together?

a format like that would be awesome
I was kind of bummed to see OMA go with the A,B,and C classes just because of that spread between Local level and National level MX. I plan to run the OMA series this season and go back to nationals for 2014. I think I could probably do alright locally in B quad but I cant even qualify in B classes nationally. At 40yrs old I have no desire to push myself up a class when I only race for fun anyhow.
I think this is why the CRA calls their quad classes by different names. So I guess I will be running either C and Open in OMA or run 4stroke and Open in CRA.
BTW.. thanks to OMA for stepping up local MX here in Ohio. It was desperately needed.

Well you are officially in the running for sandbagger of the year.......j/k

But seriously why not name the classes Expert, Intermediate, Beginner (or whatever you want to name them, both bikes and quads) and do away with A,B,C so there is no direct class relation from LL & Quad Nationals.

Maybe this would be more clear that it's a beginner class and not intended to be a lifetime class.

I personally fall into the same class as Derrick, I can run top 5 in C at the nats but my lap times would be near the bottom of the B class. Locally i might be mid pack in B class, I guess we will find out this year!
Yeah, just know that once you run B locally you will most surely get bumped to B nationally if you decide to run them for a season. I've seen it happen lots of times. Just sayin..
Yeah, just know that once you run B locally you will most surely get bumped to B nationally if you decide to run them for a season. I've seen it happen lots of times. Just sayin..

You can run B local and then have your mom write a letter to Kip at the AMA saying you ran 6 B races by mistake and would like to drop back down to C. I have seen this done
What is Vet Sport? After watching the boy on 50/65 the last couple of years, I started paying attention to the 40+ guys. Man, those guys are fast. Probably too fast for me to get involved with since I haven't raced in 20 plus years. Perhaps later in the season. Hence, the question for about Vet Sport...


Sounds good! Rode all last summer, but no way am I up to speed with those guys. That 20 years off seems to have slowed my reflexes a little(!)and I have not quite gotten over the "what the hell am I doing out here" feeling after wadding it up in a turn. The desire and passion is there however!

This is my personal opinion and no way reflects the opionion of the OMA or its affiliates, but i think you give slower C riders at most 2 seasons. And the faster C riders 1 season. C class should be a beginner class, not a "well I cant win B class".

A, B, C are skill level divisions. There should not be time restraints on how long you can race a skill division if you are in fact still that skill level. Taking a slow C rider and putting them in B after two seasons just because they raced for two years is a danger to that rider along with the other riders on the track.

The sandbagging issue, etc all works itself out in the end.
What is Vet Sport? After watching the boy on 50/65 the last couple of years, I started paying attention to the 40+ guys. Man, those guys are fast. Probably too fast for me to get involved with since I haven't raced in 20 plus years. Perhaps later in the season. Hence, the question for about Vet Sport...


Deja names Darren and I have the same exact situation and vet sport questions!
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