I agree on most points but I must point out the fact that we didn't get to were we are today in just one or two terms this Mess we are in took decades and they are trying to figure out how to deal with it. Although I despise our politicians and the corruption that politics in general is saturated with. The animosity towards our government is justified regardless of party affiliation, but please don't try and put all this in one nutshell as if we all just woke up from a terrible "Reaganistic Cheny induced" Coma.
Lets not forget the whole problem started with REAGANOMICS! Bill Clinton corrected it and got us on track with a surplus in Washington. Then The Bush and Cheney administrations picked up where Reagan left off. They drilled holes in the ship, and broke off the rudder to boot, So here we are adrift in a Sea of Economic disaster. All the while we argue among ourselves as the Wealthiest count their hordes in thier life boats.
I am not so distracted by these tactics. Not then or recently. I have lived through it and experienced it regardless of how many times someone from the GOP, I guess Dem's are just as guilty, stand on capitol hill and says LOOK over hear! or 911, or whatever spectacle, or shiny object, distracts the general public from how they were raping the U.S. of its wealth and padding their wallets and those they lay in bed with. I.E. War costs money and Some people get very wealthy from it, Greedy banks, and shady loans, Failed businesses, Do we all have amnesia? Get mad at your ignorant neighbor who refinanced more than they could afford to live the rock and roll lifestyle for a couple of years. These things had to be paid for and we are stuck with the bill. So many areas to point fingers But we are, As i have said before, on the cusp of what could be a significant point in history as to how we live.