indoor MX in ytown?

All these track changes....that's alot of fuel. I feel excited for your ambition. But how do you plan to make any money using all that fuel??

Don't worry about it. We have a solid business plan and no one here knows what are expenses are, or what they aren't. We want to make the track fun and the best for ALL of the riders. Hope to see everyone out there soon. More pictures to come too!!!!
Don't worry about it. We have a solid business plan and no one here knows what are expenses are, or what they aren't. We want to make the track fun and the best for ALL of the riders. Hope to see everyone out there soon. More pictures to come too!!!!
lol. What is this real life breaking bad??

I'm not trying to pot-stir. I consider you and your brother my friends. I just know most the other indoors had the same plans for track changes monthly and so on. But cost really killed those ideas.

But if you got a radically different business model that works as others didn't then that indoor should really do good. I guess I'm just too skeptical ! I'll come out and ride though and check her out.
Haha, hey guys as of right now our first day open to the public is next Saturday. We don't want to step on summits toes this weekend and we would rather open on a weekend then during the week. If we do decide to open before next Saturday ill for sure let everyone know! I'll keep posting pics as the track is shaped over the next few days.
Thank you for the pictures of your indoor. Would you like me to go post in every thread you start? Have a little respect.

Feel free to post where you please. First I didn't post the above pics and had no one do so. I do know who posted it and I will ask them to remove them as I just saw them as well. You see I "pay" to advertise here and I do use the forums from time to time I don't come on here to ransack anyones post. I responded to BC post in his thoughts of a indoor, nothing more nothing less. I removed my post so you don't think I'm not "respecting" you. While you are correct I wasn't respecting you I was also was not disrespecting you and or your post. If you took it that way then relax. After all I can sleep at night knowing that we "maintained the way a track should be" as your original post insinuated others don't. Ride on!
Feel free to post where you please. First I didn't post the above pics and had no one do so. I do know who posted it and I will ask them to remove them as I just saw them as well. You see I "pay" to advertise here and I do use the forums from time to time I don't come on here to ransack anyones post. I responded to BC post in his thoughts of a indoor, nothing more nothing less. I removed my post so you don't think I'm not "respecting" you. While you are correct I wasn't respecting you I was also was not disrespecting you and or your post. If you took it that way then relax. After all I can sleep at night knowing that we "maintained the way a track should be" as your original post insinuated others don't. Ride on!

The insinuation of that comment about "maintained the way a track should be" was pretty disrespectful and offensinve.
The insinuation of that comment about "maintained the way a track should be" was pretty disrespectful and offensinve.

First off I was not refering to any track with my comment of "maintained the way a track should be", I have been to Ram Jam , and NEMX alot, and have rented both tracks out on more then one occasion. I am sorry that you took it that way. I was mearly stating that we are not going to just pile dirt and call it an indoor. This is something my brother and I have wanted to do for a long time, and something that we feel we can excel at. I am sorry once again that anyone took my intial post the wrong way.
I dont think he ment others dont, i believe he just ment that they will do their best to keep track prep good everytime. What do i know tho. And he took my words right outa mouth
No offense to SBRW or RAM JAM but as I read the original post the OP was just asking that if the track was built and maintained properly would riders be interested. I didnt read it as a jab at anyone. Thats just from my perspective as a rider from outside the bubble here. And if anyone one has been to either of your two indoor tracks they would know that they ARE maintained as should be, at least in my experience.
No offense to SBRW or RAM JAM but as I read the original post the OP was just asking that if the track was built and maintained properly would riders be interested. I didnt read it as a jab at anyone. Thats just from my perspective as a rider from outside the bubble here. And if anyone one has been to either of your two indoor tracks they would know that they ARE maintained as should be, at least in my experience.

I was thinkin the same thing.
The insinuation of that comment about "maintained the way a track should be" was pretty disrespectful and offensinve.

WOW, you are sensitive!

Please go read the first post, and tell us that he ment that in any way towards another track. He probablyyyy was just giving some info, to people that dont know him or his brother, that when they build the track it will be done, and maintained, right!!!! A lot of people who read a post about a new track, from a guy who may not be well known, are skeptical about how good it will be. He was simply eliminating any doubt...
If there was an indoor MX in youngstown, and was maintained the way a track should be and had a good layout. (building is bigger then most indoors open right now) Who all would come ride?

In my opinion, everyone reads words that are typed and can take the meaning differently than maybe the person typing them meant them to come across. I dont think we are being WOW sensitive. Just the way we perceived the words typed.

Rae Lynn
No shortage of drama around here, is there? Good to know the site is still alive and well LOL. Best of luck with the new endeavour fellas. I think it will be sweet.
WOW, you are sensitive!

Please go read the first post, and tell us that he ment that in any way towards another track. He probablyyyy was just giving some info, to people that dont know him or his brother, that when they build the track it will be done, and maintained, right!!!! A lot of people who read a post about a new track, from a guy who may not be well known, are skeptical about how good it will be. He was simply eliminating any doubt...

I wasn't being "sensitive". The people that know me know I am not one to beat around the bush. After the complaing about pics of another track on the post and SBRW comments that's the way I see it. So what if pics of another track were on the post. That is "sensitive". If it was me it would be no big deal. Don't take this wrong , but, it doesn't matter what someone says as to "eliminating doubt". That's not to say they will or will not do a great job at it, they may and they may not. It doesn't really matter to me as long as the same process is followed that everyone else had to follow in Ohio. If they do great then that's all good. Rich
Here is a little info some may agree with or some may not. I am posting this because of a phone call from John saying he would post my emails to the city after he opened, I have nothing to hide. I just didn't want to make a public scene of it.

First I have no issue with the motocross arena and the business they are opening. I don't know John and he is probably a great guy. I hope they do well.

In my construction business, my wifes family plumbing company, and at Ram Jam we have licsensing, permits and processes required by state and local authorities.

A company doesn't have a chance against people that don't follow the guidlines whether they are getting licensing or permits in cities or get zoning/permits/fire department/building plans approved by city/county/state for RamJam. If I am bidding against someone doing something on the "side" with none of these liscense and approvals I won't get the work and can't compete.

That said things seemed to be moving very fast for Youngstown, too fast from my experience. I contacted Mahoning County and Campbell because of this. I inquired
if there was plans/permits/change of use/fire department approvals on this project, as ALL other business including Indoor tracks have had to do. The answer was no. John called me to complain to me about this. Said it's none of my business. I disagree. He said when he gets open he will post about the emails on this. Like I said before, I stand behind what I say. I emailed zoning and the Mayor to make sure they following the building and zoning approval process that everyone else does with opening a new or different business in a building.

Again I hope they do good when they open and if John is upset then that is his choice for trying to bypass the legal proccess. They may have to do more or less than we had to do per our city and thats fine as long as they go thru the proper process. I'll do the same thing if someone I am bidding against on a job tries to skip the process. And if another indoor goes to open I will check and make sure they are abidding by the rules. If you don't have your own business then you may not realize the cost savings of circumventing the process.

Bash me praise me, all the rest of us have had to do it.