50 and 65 Parents??

This post makes me realize I will not let my kids race until they are good and on 85 's. I want no part of the mini dad world!
This post makes me realize I will not let my kids race until they are good and on 85 's. I want no part of the mini dad world!

Keep them from basketball, baseball, football, hockey....etc.... as well. Mind as well lock them in the house...Pot stirmaster! You did not have a dog in the race either and should have moved on after you read Jer's first paragraph. LOL....no more dinner dates for you with Zman and Zboy!...but Mitchy does want to go for another ride in the big truck...he enjoyed driving down the road looking down on every other car.
Running the 50's and 65's on the C track would also help out getting all the classes done and make the day shorter for everyone, but JO...2 tracks now to prep.
I think the C track would lend for some good racing. the only thing it would be missing is the ruts and rough stuff the big bike create.
I tilled my track and turned some laps on my bike to create ruts and berms for my 6 year old to practice on his 50.
tough call. I see both sides. PW's on the Atrack, Maybe a little tough.
The Bees are out LOL, sorry had too. Malvern is are home track and we were at Chilli town this weekend and Loved it. Honestly I didn't even think about us getting the shaft by the track being cut, it's just the way it was. Yes Malvern cuts out the up hill, it's just the way it is and has been. No one likes changes it's just the way it is! BC has been the whole track and if it's a time issue, I know the BC crew is good enough to find a way to cut 15min out some were else. If it is a safety issue I agree with the others, Motocross is not a knitting club and we all know that. I know my boys and I know how much they have learned already this year and were it came from " nice big and rough OMA race tracks".
My seven year old was in the last BC race and was about 4th out of the gate, by the time I got to my wife he was in last. He got stuck in a rut and push his self out of it, if any one knows Deegan he is a very small boy. After the race he said DAD did you see me push my bike out of that deep rut by myself! He was so proud! To me that is learning.
All and all we just love racing!
I can"t tell you how many times I have said referring to the C track. I wish I had a track that nice when I was learning how to
ride. Maybe part of the problem is the name C TRACK.
Having kids in select basketball and football........and competition cheer, the radical crazy mini parents at the races are nothing compared to some of what I see. Does not matter what the sport, everyone thinks their kids is the next superstar and their retirement package.
Hey how about them 3rd year C riders? Oh im sorry this threads for minidads lol carry on. (this was only a joke)
I can"t tell you how many times I have said referring to the C track. I wish I had a track that nice when I was learning how to
ride. Maybe part of the problem is the name C TRACK.

LOL, you dont remember Track 2? We tried calling it something else, didnt work. Hang tight, I...have...a plan...

Sorry mini parents, continue productive feedback thread.

Thanks for everyone's thoughts by the way, and I do type that sincerely. I think so far, I am of the opinion that we may possibly try 50 beginner, 65/85 beginner, Jr. and Sr. trail, and 50 micro quads on a revamped C track for the Battle. Maybe maybe maybe....I dont know. It is the biggest race of the year, so....maybe not. But under a normal 1 day format race, I think thatcould be the direction of the future.
I think that would be very fair Jer.. It would give the newer slower etc kids a place to learn and grow and leave the experienced kids on the A/B track where they deserve and want to be.. The reality is the kids just want to learn and grow up to be like the big guys on big bikes and the only way they can see that happening is riding the big tracks with them like they do.. At the end of the day they feel like they have accomplished something and feel like a big shot as will the beginner kid who races the "C" track. Everyone will be ok!!!
Keep them from basketball, baseball, football, hockey....etc.... as well. Mind as well lock them in the house...Pot stirmaster! You did not have a dog in the race either and should have moved on after you read Jer's first paragraph. LOL....no more dinner dates for you with Zman and Zboy!...but Mitchy does want to go for another ride in the big truck...he enjoyed driving down the road looking down on every other car.

I have 2 dogs in the race....soon enough! I dont really want them in those sports either, maybe karate though. Teach them discipline. If I get no more dinners Mitchy gets no more rides! Lol

It sounds like JO has a grasp on what he wants, I have faith.
JO, I really like the idea of getting some of the classes on a different track. Anymore with so many tracks running so many classes.....the day goes forever. Chilitown had something like 26 or 27 classes. My son and I were in race 6, 8, and 12. I left the track after getting loaded up at 5:30. and there were still classes to run.
Hi All,
I am newer to the MX scene and a 50 dad. My son didn't start riding until last July on a PW-80.. We soon found that he needed to be on more than the 80 and here we are. He raced his 2nd race ever at BC a few weeks ago for the OMA race. We had a blast it was a lot of fun.
I asked him his opinion this a.m. before he went to school where he would rather race and he said Big Tracks :) !! I don't see an issue putting the beginner classes on the smaller ( or C tracks) but the 50 Seniors should stay on the big tracks.. That is my vote...

Steve Hurt (Aiden 395s Dad)

p.s. My older two children compete at a higher level of Club Soccer. It is routine throughout the year that travel all over for tournaments etc. This year we will be in Fl., VA., and the UK just to name a few. Next year Spain is on the agenda..I have seen them play from age 4 to my daughter now competing at a high school age group.. For the record unless there is something i am missing, IMO MX Parents are no where as near as bad as other sports!! Some of these soccer parents are just crazy..!!!!
Well I will speak for myself and a hand full of other 65 riders but if we don't run the big track we wont be there, it was bad enough what you did to us last race running us after the quads on a dusty concrete track with absolutely no ruts. All the OMA races have seemed to run long but I think the class structure is what really needs looked at. And when there is 10 different quad classes in any class structure its going to be long.
Well I will speak for myself and a hand full of other 65 riders but if we don't run the big track we wont be there, it was bad enough what you did to us last race running us after the quads on a dusty concrete track with absolutely no ruts. All the OMA races have seemed to run long but I think the class structure is what really needs looked at. And when there is 10 different quad classes in any class structure its going to be long.

Darrell....Darrel my boy! It's customary from the beginning of moto time to run pee wee diddies after quads! You got what a 12 inch wheel and you want to race 36 inch ruts?! Even at the big shows they smooth the corners before 50s. And what happens when Johnny can't ride the blue groove and that's all there might be at your 3rd moto at the regional. Gotta learn to ride all the conditions when young then choose to gripe when you're older and buyin the tires!
Darrell....Darrel my boy! It's customary from the beginning of moto time to run pee wee diddies after quads! You got what a 12 inch wheel and you want to race 36 inch ruts?! Even at the big shows they smooth the corners before 50s. And what happens when Johnny can't ride the blue groove and that's all there might be at your 3rd moto at the regional. Gotta learn to ride all the conditions when young then choose to gripe when you're older and buyin the tires!
I have a very fair understanding of motocross as we travel out of state racing alot to area qualifiers and regionals, 50 sr and 65s are fully capable of navigating these ruts, no they won't get through it like the big bikes but these are the conditions these kids face at national events , 65 and 50 senior was ran right after quads yet the beginner classes was ran after the track was ripped back up, make sense of that for me, and yes a 65 has a 12 in rear and 14 inch front
I have a very fair understanding of motocross as we travel out of state racing alot to area qualifiers and regionals, 50 sr and 65s are fully capable of navigating these ruts, no they won't get through it like the big bikes but these are the conditions these kids face at national events , 65 and 50 senior was ran right after quads yet the beginner classes was ran after the track was ripped back up, make sense of that for me, and yes a 65 has a 12 in rear and 14 inch front

The track was flatter and packed in quicker because the potential rain dicked up our prep. We didnt want totake the chance of ripping it open the night before with a 50% chance of rain on Sunday. So you saw a big track with 5 loads of water, not 15, and disc only. Then add high winds and sun. It was a worst case scenario for us. Dont blame the quads, if we had the foresight to know the forecast was a bust we would have prepped it to the nines, and it would have been good for all.
The track was flatter and packed in quicker because the potential rain dicked up our prep. We didnt want totake the chance of ripping it open the night before with a 50% chance of rain on Sunday. So you saw a big track with 5 loads of water, not 15, and disc only. Then add high winds and sun. It was a worst case scenario for us. Dont blame the quads, if we had the foresight to know the forecast was a bust we would have prepped it to the nines, and it would have been good for all.

No doubt...and you made the right call because we all knew the rain was coming...in practice on sat there were some great lines...it's a great track...some people say that tracks have potential if they would do this or that, but yours just needs riders to come!!!