Tyler Bowers


PR Founding Father
Pretty cool that the AX guy came in and pulled off a win in the SX series. He has showed that he obviously has the speed and talent to run in the top 5 and win in SX. Will Mitch Peyton pull the plug and offer the kid a deal to move up to the big show? I know he has a good deal, but lets face it, if you were given a chance to move onto SX/MX........think I would have to move onto bigger pastures.
What happened in the east west shootout? He was behind Wharton and gaining, I was waiting to see someone get punted, and then he was back 7-8 riders. Did he take a crack at him or just make a mistake? He even make a cheeky comment about Wharton in his K dub interview. Hahn owes him a couple G's anyway!!!
It was reported that Tyler Bowers did "race" (rubbing is racing) Wharton off the track hard. And then he was distracted and looped out all by himself immediately after that payback move was made and dropped way back too. He got what he wanted out of the night....... a win in a Lites SX Final, and a payback slam on Wharton. Pretty good night for the 3x AX Champ.

I'm hoping that Tyler has proved his worth to Mitch enough to keep him on the team either for outdoors or for one coast next year, in 3 races he did better or as well than the entire rest of the Pro Circuit team (Wilson did have that 1 win too) and seems to be in great control of his bike out there.
We watched it from the stands...did not see much of what happened in the shootout, but in his main...he was flying...I was impressed and no doubt he has the speed. I would think Mitch P will keep him on for the outdoor. Not sure why Tyler would not want to step up from AX, unless the money is better for him AX. I would think if Mitch could make it worth it to him financially, he would move up to SX and outdoor. He has nothing left to prove at AX.
If he can ride like this every race, there's no reason for him to stay in arenacross. I can't imagine him getting paid more in arenacross than being a title contender for supercross next year. Plus, the supercross is just a much bigger stage. I don't see why he wouldn't want to make a bigger name for himself.
It was good to see him do well and get the win. That kid is so big on that bike. He's a the talent for sure.
It was reported that Tyler Bowers did "race" (rubbing is racing) Wharton off the track hard. And then he was distracted and looped out all by himself immediately after that payback move was made and dropped way back too. He got what he wanted out of the night....... a win in a Lites SX Final, and a payback slam on Wharton. Pretty good night for the 3x AX Champ.

From the racer x interview, re: the Wharton pass....

Let’s talk about that Shootout for a minute. You put a pretty hard pass on Wharton. Was that payback or am I just looking for something that isn’t there?
You’re looking for whatever you want. It was a good pass, then I was laughing so hard I looped out! So people can take that how they want.

Wait a minute. You looped out because you were laughing out there?
Maybe... Let’s just say I lost the bike somehow. I came over that single and that bike was gone. I don’t know if it was because I lost concentration or if I just messed up. I don’t know. That thing was just gone; it took off like a rocket ship! It was like somebody hit a turbo and the bike was gone. It was pretty embarrassing to go from doing what I had just done to looping out a second later. It’s rough racing, and Wharton has been doing it all year. He’s been riding like an idiot. Not just to me, but to other riders also.

You don’t care if we print what you just said?
No. Wharton’s an idiot. He rode like an idiot. I hope he learns his lesson and grows up. I’ve ridden like an idiot before, and I’ve taken my lumps and have dealt with people laughing and talking bad about me and literally being shunned from this industry. I had to clean up my image and come back through. I hope he catches himself before it’s too late. He’s not making many friends or fans out there. I think what he did to me was stupid. I’m down with a good takeout no matter what. In Arenacross we get taken out, and it’s not like I’ve never done it, either. The thing is, there’s a safe takeout, and there’s too fast. What Wharton did was too fast, and we risk our lives out here on these bikes. Maybe next time he’ll find a smarter and safer way of doing it to whomever he does it too. I think it was a horrible idea to do it to me because I’ve been doing it for years, and I’ve done it with the best. I haven’t done it against 250 guys who are rookies either. I’ve been taken out by Eric Sorby, who’s one of the best. I’ve been block passed by Chad Reed, Kevin Windham-I’ve raced the 450 class against some pretty bad dudes. When you get hit by Weston Peick in a corner, that dude has some weight behind him. Same thing with me, I’m 200 pounds and I can knock some people around. I think he made a dumb decision and hopefully he learns from it and improves in the future.

The full interview:
I thought I read some where that Babbits and Pro Circuit worked together because they were Kawi supported teams.
Mcdade would be a great fill for Babbitt if bowers can leave babitt for a PC ride. I'm sure they'll let him go.
Bowers will be in AX two more years after he renewed his contract this season with Babbitts. Unless he can wiggle out of that contract it's unlikely we'll see him in SX/MX.

Mitch will help Babbitts find another rider for AX. Kawasaki supports Babbitts more than any other AX team gets support from any factory. If Kawasaki and PC want Bowers.......lets just say that his Babbitts contract will NOT be an issue. There are a few top AX guys that could fill his spot at Babbitts.

I am calling it now, Bowers has raced his last AX. He will be in SX/MX full time next year.
AND do we all remember TB racing the AX at Nationwide Arena in C'bus and being on the local news doubling, etc. some jumps some on big bikes weren't on his KX65. Good for him for sure!
McDade is one of my guys and I think he would be happy to join that team for sure! He is already working on some things now for next years AX season if he couldn't land a spot there...But from what I hear through the grapevine, Bowers will actually be walking away from a lot of $ he makes from AX by insurance policy's that Babbitts sets up for him. It is way may more than a PC salary which isn't a lot and would have to rely on SX bonuses to make anything close to what he makes in AX...How true is all this, I don't know, but makes sense if that's how Babbitts pays him for his winnings.
And that being said: it's all about the money. If he wil make more in ax then stay in ax ! Who would take a pay cut for a more intensive job? Not many.

I still say PC will contract him over what he will make in AX. Speculation only of course. Rattray is done. So there is a slot right there. I don't see Mitch re signing that guy.
Georgie, after seeing the PC squad and AC is not ready yet, I bet they sign Tyler.

I am just guessing, but all of us are probably guessing what he is making in AX on the high side to what he is truly making in AX.
A PC salary wouldn't come close to what he makes in AX in winning that series...Mitch doesn't sign guys for much but the bonuses his guys make for winning are where they get paid (motivated to do good). So collect his $ in AX or try and win some SX races to hopefully match that (if coming close)...Idk what will happen on a logistic side of things or even if Mitch wants him next year, that's just what I'm speculating. The thing most people don't realize or forget, is that this is just not a sport for these guys, it's a job that pays the bills. So that can never be ignored..