Chili town review????

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Love the idea of Practice and quad racing during the practice day. Don't like the idea of small bikes/ 30/40 on Saturday. And would definitely not like the idea of little bikes on one day, and VET classes on Sunday......too many of us have kids and we still race.

Practice 8:30 to 11:30. Prep. 12:00 quads moto 1. when ever they are done, two more practice sessions, then quad moto 2. If any time is left, pick up practice.

"Most" quad guys do not have quads and bikes, or quad rider and kid on a bike........VERY FEW. Walk the pits, when was the last time you saw a quad and a bike in the same trailer.

This gets rid of 6 gate drops (that was all the quads). So if you have 6 drops and 55 sign ups, that is 9.17 riders per gate.......I will have to look at the list to see where maybe you combine even more to get more on the gate.

Chilitown did a great job. If you go to a big race, you can not plan to be home early. But on the other had, I hate when a track has to cut to 3 lap motos. 4 is ok, but people start feeling cheated at 3 laps.
First Moto Second
A 10am 2:00
B 10:20 2:20
C 10:40 2:40
50 Jr and Sr. 11:00 3:00
Mini Jr. and Mini Sr. 11:20 3:20
25+ 11:40 3:40
40+ 12:00 4:00
Schoolboy and 16-24 12:20 4:20
65 12:40 4:40
30+ 1:00 5:00

Intermission 1:20 to 2

Everyone runs 15 min plus one lap.

If you want to run ANYTHING else. Couches, cars, razors, 65 extra, one ear donkey, Run it on Saturday.

I'm telling you, its perfect.

Water between moto's if you need it. End practice on time. Start moto's on time. Not before and not after.
Yes 412 riders at a local race is great. Lets go for more. Just think about it, we could have QUALIFERS at an Ohio race. Then, and ONLY then, would I change my schedule above...remember, its perfect.

I am a believer in OMA. Just wish we had some tracks in the Southwest end of the state. I will look for land.....
That's a great list for a normal local. But like on Sunday, some of those classes combined had more than 40 bikes. Will have to look at the list.
I am a believer in OMA. Just wish we had some tracks in the Southwest end of the state. I will look for land.....

What ever happen to the land at Hidden Hills? (or something like that) Wasn't that someone you were related too or am I getting old and forgetting sh*t?
That place was FUN!!!
That's a great list for a normal local. But like on Sunday, some of those classes combined had more than 40 bikes. Will have to look at the list.
I agree. There were WAY more then 40 razors... But really there was 44 85's. Simple answer to that is Staggered gage drop. Sr then Jr... IT IS PERFECT.
What ever happen to the land at Hidden Hills? (or something like that) Wasn't that someone you were related too or am I getting old and forgetting sh*t?
That place was FUN!!!
Yes Mikey, my Grandparents use to own Happy Hollow but they sold it about 10 years ago. It was fun but the location sucked and it was hard to see the track from the pits. I want some rolling land with a few trees, a flat parking lot and a big pond... I don't ask for much...
btw, thanks for the beer. I will stay the weekend at the cliff and we will drink until we cant feel feelings.
Yes Mikey, my Grandparents use to own Happy Hollow but they sold it about 10 years ago. It was fun but the location sucked and it was hard to see the track from the pits. I want some rolling land with a few trees, a flat parking lot and a big pond... I don't ask for much...
btw, thanks for the beer. I will stay the weekend at the cliff and we will drink until we cant feel feelings.

Yeah that was the place...I always liked that track. I was thinking it was your grandparents but wasn't sure.

I will make sure I am prepared for BC!! Get there early on Sat and I will bring some gear and you can take the 450 out for a sessions. Get that feeling going again!
Fun event, first time there. Great facility! Some quick thoughts running through my brain right now though. Everyone complains about when practice is muddy, but look how perfect the first moto's were. There were multiple lines, bumps, options. It made a simple, one line layout style of track have multiple lines, which promotes good racing. I say keep making practice muddy, as long as you supply the pressure washers!!!! (Awesome idea!!!). I like the idea of quads running on saturday, then open practice for bikes and quads, then bikes only on sunday. I was a little let down the pro motos were only 7 laps, then cut to 5 laps.. I think the 50's and mini quads ran 15 minute moto's and we only ran 8 minutes! (Sarcasm, but not really). I honestly liked the track though, good dirt, nice lines before the couches turned some corners into glass, and very well presented with the banners, track markers, etc. The flipped running order was a good attempt, but was more of a fail instead. Im sure ill be back on here for more later, but it was a fun event and seen a lot of friends i havent seen in a while.
First Moto Second
A 10am 2:00
B 10:20 2:20
C 10:40 2:40
50 Jr and Sr. 11:00 3:00
Mini Jr. and Mini Sr. 11:20 3:20
25+ 11:40 3:40
40+ 12:00 4:00
Schoolboy and 16-24 12:20 4:20
65 12:40 4:40
30+ 1:00 5:00

Intermission 1:20 to 2

Everyone runs 15 min plus one lap.

If you want to run ANYTHING else. Couches, cars, razors, 65 extra, one ear donkey, Run it on Saturday.

I'm telling you, its perfect.

Water between moto's if you need it. End practice on time. Start moto's on time. Not before and not after.
Yes 412 riders at a local race is great. Lets go for more. Just think about it, we could have QUALIFERS at an Ohio race. Then, and ONLY then, would I change my schedule above...remember, its perfect.

I am a believer in OMA. Just wish we had some tracks in the Southwest end of the state. I will look for land.....

The problem with most of these scenarios is that they will not work in the current OMA race environment. I will pick on this suggestion as an example:
(Disclaimer: Don't be offended by me picking apart the above idea.. I mean no harm or disrespect.)

So here goes:

1. You need 2 sessions of B and C - I have riders every weekend that ride both, so they cannot be rode together
2. Where does the 50 Beginner go? If you put them with the Sr 50's you will have an ass chewing like you wouldn't believe.. I don't disagree with those Beginner parents, if we ran them with the 50 Sr, they would only get 1/2 the laps.
3.Riders can ride both Jr & Sr. Mini in our organization - look at the defined age levels.. This has happened several times
4. Speaking of money - Promoters will take a hit on their gate entries... Quads & spectators of quads would only pay one day of admission at a 2 day event.
5. Where in the running order is: Womens, Vet Sport, Super Mini, 2 stroke, Girls, and Trail Bike
6. What about the C rider that shares a bike with a B rider or a father/son team who shares one bike and rides Plus 25 and Plus 40

I could go on and on.. Reading this thread makes me crazy because I know how "easy" it seems to some of you to create the perfect running order, but what you don't realize is that EVERY RACE is different. There are different:
1. Riders; sharing different bikes and riding different classes with different ABILITIES.. (we do try to take this in account)
2. Weather Patterns; during the race and what is predicted for later
3. Track Preps; what might be good for Malvern dirt, might not work for Briarcliff dirt, one track may dry out quicker than the other.

Don't get me wrong, I can see a variety of pieces and parts of these ideas working, but you will not be able to make the same thing work every race. I know that some of you think "oh they can just stop wining, and suck it up" but, my job is to try to make the best running order for EVERYONE - not just the bikes, or pro riders, or 50 riders.. everyone pays a lot of $ on race day and I try to balance the running order and be objective. THERE IS ONLY ONE THING THAT IS ABSOLUTELY 100% TRUE FOR EVERY RUNNING ORDER THAT ANY TRACK DOES, anyone know what that is?
..... Come on... think about it... wait for it...

wait for it....

The only thing that is 100% guaranteed with any running order is that, I WILL NEVER MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY WITH THE RUNNING ORDER. lol

I appreciate everyone's suggestions though...

The problem with most of these scenarios is that they will not work in the current OMA race environment. I will pick on this suggestion as an example:
(Disclaimer: Don't be offended by me picking apart the above idea.. I mean no harm or disrespect.)

So here goes:

1. You need 2 sessions of B and C - I have riders every weekend that ride both, so they cannot be rode together
2. Where does the 50 Beginner go? If you put them with the Sr 50's you will have an ass chewing like you wouldn't believe.. I don't disagree with those Beginner parents, if we ran them with the 50 Sr, they would only get 1/2 the laps.
3.Riders can ride both Jr & Sr. Mini in our organization - look at the defined age levels.. This has happened several times
4. Speaking of money - Promoters will take a hit on their gate entries... Quads & spectators of quads would only pay one day of admission at a 2 day event.
5. Where in the running order is: Womens, Vet Sport, Super Mini, 2 stroke, Girls, and Trail Bike
6. What about the C rider that shares a bike with a B rider or a father/son team who shares one bike and rides Plus 25 and Plus 40

I could go on and on.. Reading this thread makes me crazy because I know how "easy" it seems to some of you to create the perfect running order, but what you don't realize is that EVERY RACE is different. There are different:
1. Riders; sharing different bikes and riding different classes with different ABILITIES.. (we do try to take this in account)
2. Weather Patterns; during the race and what is predicted for later
3. Track Preps; what might be good for Malvern dirt, might not work for Briarcliff dirt, one track may dry out quicker than the other.

Don't get me wrong, I can see a variety of pieces and parts of these ideas working, but you will not be able to make the same thing work every race. I know that some of you think "oh they can just stop wining, and suck it up" but, my job is to try to make the best running order for EVERYONE - not just the bikes, or pro riders, or 50 riders.. everyone pays a lot of $ on race day and I try to balance the running order and be objective. THERE IS ONLY ONE THING THAT IS ABSOLUTELY 100% TRUE FOR EVERY RUNNING ORDER THAT ANY TRACK DOES, anyone know what that is?
..... Come on... think about it... wait for it...

wait for it....

The only thing that is 100% guaranteed with any running order is that, I WILL NEVER MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY WITH THE RUNNING ORDER. lol

I appreciate everyone's suggestions though...


That my friends is called a reality check!!
Yeah I think the point that listing was that there are TOO MANY CLASSES, hence the short schedule listed by Knox.
As she said, impossible to make everyone happy. Even those who are happy aren't happy about it. I think John said it, a big race you cannot expect to be home early. Just plan late. If you get home earlier than you expected, you'll be happy... kinda. Baby steps...
The problem with most of these scenarios is that they will not work in the current OMA race environment. I will pick on this suggestion as an example:
(Disclaimer: Don't be offended by me picking apart the above idea.. I mean no harm or disrespect.)

So here goes:

1. You need 2 sessions of B and C - I have riders every weekend that ride both, so they cannot be rode together
2. Where does the 50 Beginner go? If you put them with the Sr 50's you will have an ass chewing like you wouldn't believe.. I don't disagree with those Beginner parents, if we ran them with the 50 Sr, they would only get 1/2 the laps.
3.Riders can ride both Jr & Sr. Mini in our organization - look at the defined age levels.. This has happened several times
4. Speaking of money - Promoters will take a hit on their gate entries... Quads & spectators of quads would only pay one day of admission at a 2 day event.
5. Where in the running order is: Womens, Vet Sport, Super Mini, 2 stroke, Girls, and Trail Bike
6. What about the C rider that shares a bike with a B rider or a father/son team who shares one bike and rides Plus 25 and Plus 40

I could go on and on.. Reading this thread makes me crazy because I know how "easy" it seems to some of you to create the perfect running order, but what you don't realize is that EVERY RACE is different. There are different:
1. Riders; sharing different bikes and riding different classes with different ABILITIES.. (we do try to take this in account)
2. Weather Patterns; during the race and what is predicted for later
3. Track Preps; what might be good for Malvern dirt, might not work for Briarcliff dirt, one track may dry out quicker than the other.

Don't get me wrong, I can see a variety of pieces and parts of these ideas working, but you will not be able to make the same thing work every race. I know that some of you think "oh they can just stop wining, and suck it up" but, my job is to try to make the best running order for EVERYONE - not just the bikes, or pro riders, or 50 riders.. everyone pays a lot of $ on race day and I try to balance the running order and be objective. THERE IS ONLY ONE THING THAT IS ABSOLUTELY 100% TRUE FOR EVERY RUNNING ORDER THAT ANY TRACK DOES, anyone know what that is?
..... Come on... think about it... wait for it...

wait for it....

The only thing that is 100% guaranteed with any running order is that, I WILL NEVER MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY WITH THE RUNNING ORDER. lol

I appreciate everyone's suggestions though...


Connie, I am flattered you picked my post... And let me answer your valid concerns.
1. We do not need two sessions of B or C or A. It is one class each. 250 and 450 together. Check the lap times. There are almost the same and in some cases the 250 are faster.
2. The 50 class is 2 classes Jr. and Sr. As a parent of a 5 year old that is soon to be in a race, on a PW50 racing with Sr. kids, I have no worries about that. FOR THE MOST PART. the bigger bikes will run off and leave the PW's so no issue. Yes, they will get lapped and the possibility of them running into the bigger bikes are there but this is motocross and there is a risk every time we throw are leg over the bike. I would NEVER put my child in any danger. If a kid is fast enough to lap another, then they are good enough rider to not to hit the little kids. again no worries.
3. Mini Jr. should be 7 to 11. Mini Sr is 12 to 15. No way can one kid ride both.
4. The promoter will more money in the long run (and the whole OMA is a fix in the long run). Everyone will know they will get more seat time in one day then two and more riders will show up. Besides, what are we talking about with the number of couches, 25? total. Big whoop.
5. Womens, Vet Sport, Super Mini, 2 stroke, Girls, and Trail Bike can run on Saturday with the couches and one ear donkeys. Again, look at the numbers of riders in those classes.
6. One or two people sharing a bike should not count against EVERYONE else. If it does not work in the schedule then you cant share a bike. Too bad. go buy your own.

on to your other statements

1. You lost me on that one??? Again, ride your own bike if it does not fit in the schedule.
2. Weather does not factor into the time of the race. 15 min is 15 min. If it is dry then you get 7 laps in 15 min, mud you get 4 laps in 15 min. No matter what you as a track stay on time.
3. Track prep. If you look I said to water between moto's. Now that is not dumping 300 gal. in one corner. It is exactly how it was done on Sunday. I was timing the intermission and it took less then 15 min for the whole track to be watered. If you water for 5 min between moto's (which I accounted for) then again, No worries.

Not everyone will be happy with my suggestions. Some people just want there own class so they can say they won. But this schedule is for the greater good. You got 412 riders at $25 a pop and they got a total of 7 racing laps. If the guys that went to Action Sports and Dirt Country (which I love both groups of people that run those tracks) Found out that they could get 30min of race time for the same price, don't you think they would show up?
I know making a race schedule is a hard thing. My mother was a scorer for 20 years at Dirt Country, Happy Hollow, Kenworthy's and other tracks. But if you only have this many classes, then it makes your job easier as well. Win win.

The schedule is perfect. Thou shalt be done.

fyi. I would show up on Saturday to watch the one ear donkey races.

I appreciate your ideas. - It isn't black & white.. At every race we make judgment calls about who we feel would be better staggered.. it DOES DEPEND on who's in the class that week.. That is just how it is!

Generalizing, I refuse to have the mentality of "too bad" you can't share a bike, or it's not my fault your kid is to slow, or all of the smaller classes, go race with the donkeys...

I do agree with your idea of less classes, but that is tough deciding where to cut. I know that we will be evaluating everything at the end of this year.

Seriously.. "The schedule is perfect". You crack me There is no such thing.. and that mentality of "one size fits all" or "do what we say" is what has gotten a lot of organizations into trouble. If you start alienating those riders that share bikes, or other scenarios due to a perfect running order, I can tell you 100% this fact; I am out of here! Every race I am surrounded by families and riders who love this sport and give up so much, to give our promoters their money. I will always try to do my best, not just try to cookie-cutter the race order, to make it easier.

Okay.. enough high-jacking this thread for my own thoughts... back to CHILLITOWN REVIEWS!
Alrighty thats enough Chris, if you run Connie off, then you will have several angry promotors on your trail. I think she makes valid points, its way easier to type this stuff up for shits and giggles, than it is to implement it and for it to actually work. Lots of things sound good in theory. If it works so well then why doesnt the CRA or the Southwest Series do it? How come the old southwest tracks arent flourishing without quads?? What happened to D12? What do think will happen when we outlaw neck braces at OMA events? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
If it works so well then why doesnt the CRA or the Southwest Series do it?

Change was your moto to begin with. Just like Obama no change happened. No offense but one of the largest replies to your original "perfect" race scenario you asked people for was ....wait for it..... LESS CLASSES AND MORE SEAT TIME.

If you dont believe me scroll back in time and look at it. So why is anyone affiliated with OMA so surprised and upset that you keep hearing the same thing from racers now? The racing public is speaking and you are ALIENATING what the majority of us are asking for. So you want to uphold the desires of the minority to upset the majority. I shouldnt be surprised, this is the more liberal USA. Who needs Christmas in grade school anymore?? Its winter festival so we dont offend the 2 kids parents who dont believe in christmas.

So the promoters lose money for the second day of quad gate fee? Guess what, I guarantee your sunday bike only attendance will make up for it. Ask one of your OMA promoters about his bike turnouts after not allowing quads the same day. Give them their own day, collect their money and what sundays bike turnout make them earn MORE money.

One thing I will argue til the cows come home is giving little johnny beginner 50 4 friggin laps on a big track taking 20 mins. If he runs with the sr pee wee class and gets lapped SO WHAT!!!! He is still getting ....again wait for it..... MORE track time than the sr kid who lapped him because he will cross the finish line after him. Make all white flags fly at 6,8, 9.5 or 12 doesnt matter. The same moto times for all classes.

It works, Ive seen it in action.

You knew this was coming, and while I mean no disrespect if you are offended so what. Take your dirt scoot and go home.
Alright. Personal attacks on me. Now we are getting somewhere. maybe you guys should read what I posted again. I was not attacking anyone. I was making suggestions on how to improve. And then answered valid concerns.
Not having quads is not what killed d-11. The crappy tracks, the ama charging $1000 for insurance per race, crybaby riders wanting 90 classes so they could win a piece of wood and plastic, promoters cutting each other's throat by scheduling multiple races on the same day and on and on... killed d-11.
I have nothing but respect for the scorers, flagers and track workers of our sport. I am however as my good friend Mr.Blair's shirt said allergic to stupid people. If that makes me a jackass then so be it. I would be more then happy to discuss my jackassness with anyone at the next race. Besides, we will have plenty of time talk while motocross 36 takes the track.
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