PR Member
My little boy has been riding his cousin's KDX 50. Hes actually riding it very well and pretty much using up all it has motorwise and sizewise. I've considered possibly moving him to a KX 60 or 65 but need some input. He's 5 but hes a big boy for 5, the KDX 50 is pretty tight for him. Hes 54" tall and 75-80lbs. I follow him around on our 100 and have been pretty impressed with his riding. I worry that a 65 might be alittle too aggressive for him but with his size a 50 is out. I do think he'll be able to pick up using a clutch pretty quickly also. Can anyone offer a suggestion on a bike that might be good, 2 stroke, 4 stroke either is fine. I just want something that will fit him well yet wont be intimidating.