Deer Season 2013-14

The dream season continues. My son Johnny had a great opening day of the youth deer season . He harvested a doe at first light and a hour later got his first buck. It's one of the best days that I have spent in the woods.


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That is a great experience for Johnny! I've seen photos of some big deer this season. Are you wearing a Dunlop hat?
Congrats Johnny and Mike,looks like John filled your freezer for the winter.We shot one doe here and my wife passed a 120 inch eight point last week.We have pictures of 4 shooters but always late at night.
Good job Randy nothing like doing it the hard way.
Thanks guys, it was a wonderful day in the woods. I remember when he was born saying I can't wait to watch him kill his first buck. I'm so glad to have been there.

Alphado, good luck to you and your son on Monday.
Great first buck for Your son. I remember my boys first hunt and his first buck too. I can't wait for gun season ..... It has been a rough archery for me letting lots of smaller bucks go by . Jack has not hunted yet this year with his soccer schedule and now basketball. He wants to spend time with his buddies at school for his senior year , I can't blame him. Reality for hkm is setting in that he can't make gun season now due to games and the season is slipping away.
Anyway we have 5-6 of us heading down to my cabin in the hills and going to have a blast!


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Had a good opening day for what I was after. Seen around 15 deer till about 950. Couple small bucks and the rest doe`s.. Courtney and I sat together on a huge rock at the top of a hill. There was a big obvious trail right below the rock.. At 950 I spotted some movent to my right. They were either going to go around the corner or come toward us. Sure enough, 6 doe comin our way on the 15 yard trail.. Now let me say this, ive killed alot of deer and this year I really wanted to kill a doe with the pistol, so I had a s&w 44 and Court had her new single shot leupold topped 20 guage. These deer come in nice and slow and I waited till the deer was straight in front of me completely broadside.. I dropped the hammer and sent one right through the heart.. Soon as I knew I put a good hit on her, the focus went back to the rest of the deer. 4 went back to our right and stopped about 70 yards, Court was on one but they wouldnt stay still.. I look left and see 1 still standing at about 60 yards facing us. Courtney got on that deer and the deer was confused enough to come right back to us.. It turned and showed pleanty of vital and she dropped the hammer and blew a lung in half with the remington accu tip.. This deer ran directly too us and was 10 ft from the rock we were on and went 20 yards to our right and fell over.. So we doubled up on the same group of doe.. Soon after, it was like a war zone all around us, so I feel like our shots kicked up some deer in the area for sure.. Heard quite a few shots yesterday morning.. The rest of the guys at the farm had chances at does and one killed a pretty nice 10 point.. Better first day down there than in the past few years..

Two more things need accomplished for this year to be perfect.. A doe with my recurve and get my dad to pull the trigger on something..


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Great day , Meister , those look to be some nice mature does .

First day I quit counting after hearing 250 shots ( many were distant but I always keep count to help pass the time ) . Only saw one deer in thick brush so no shot ( I'm hunting the thickest part of the property to stay away from the lead slingers ) . Second day I had a 4-point and a button buck within 10 yards . Of course I've already filled my buck tag and will not shoot a button buck even though they are legal . Taking today off to get some things done since it is supposed to be exceptionally warm anyway . I'm hoping to take a good doe this week to give to a family that has had a bad year .
We saw quite a few but never got off a clean shot. Saw a ton of turkeys, we'll be back out Saturday.
I finally got jen out last night...With the baby we are very busy and strapped for time...So I try to only take her when things are optimal and the cameras are showing what I want...Well last night she dropped the hammer on a big bodied mature 8pt...Rack wasnt much...but man did it have a big body on it

Congrats to everyone on their success....... I love seeing me some dead deer
Joe shot a deer yesterday, we tracked it for two hours. Finally caught up to it and it jumped up and ran across the street and into another section of woods where it was shot by another hunter. He was a little bummed.
Way to go Jen ! What a hoss !

Sorry about the bad luck for your son Alphado . Does PA have a late primitive weapons season yet to come ?

Had a long uneventful gun season . The three deer I saw the first two days were all that I saw all week ( didn't hunt 2 of the days though ) . The property was almost ringed by lead slingers early in the week who seemed to empty their guns all day long . That resulted in little unforced daytime movement and pretty much nocturnal deer . Three of us were hunting this property and we mostly sat our stands . I did take a couple of short sneaks with the snow on to look for sign . The deer were staying in a couple of swamp/marsh areas on a neighboring property that nobody can hunt . The tracks showed the deer were trekking straight across my spot to get to some standing corn about a quarter mile away . Found no beds or meander tracks like they were feeding , just lining straight out for the corn and mostly after dark . It has been kind of this way every gun season here . Still , I'm gonna miss the place .
Joe shot a deer yesterday, we tracked it for two hours. Finally caught up to it and it jumped up and ran across the street and into another section of woods where it was shot by another hunter. He was a little bummed.

If I had been shot managed to escape, only to be tracked down, then escape again, then to be shot and killed after all THAT! GEEEEZ! I would be bummed too! LOL! Sounds like a plot from a movie...
deer1.jpgnew years buck 5.jpgWell I finally got it done. New Years eve! Went out behind my house at 4:30 and this nice 9 pointer came in a half hour later. This is the first deer taken off my own property at the house! I was so happy. All the nieces and nephews helped out with the recovery too!!! 18 inch spread and a nicee kicker off the right side brow tine.