OMA 2014.....tracks

Your right JO, that darn driveway is full of rocks..... Ok, so by watching the videos posted on this site, Crow looks like a bolder filled pit. The vid for Beans looks like a 10 foot wide cow path with trees 10 inches for the race line. I-77, I mean Dirtworld looks crazy fast. Again, I am not trying to bang on those tracks, I have never been there but if its not true then they need to post new vids. All of those tracks are at least 3 hour drive for me so when I watch the video's it helps me decide if I want to make the drive.
Everyone likes different lay outs for race tracks. For sure, it depends on your age. Young guys (for the most part) want high speed, jump filled speedways. Old guys want slower speeds and rollers. C riders (no matter the age) want to jump all the double and triples that the pros do. 50 and 65 parents want safe jumps that little Johnny can jumps... Old FAT guys like me want a beer keg at every corner.
Hard to build a track that everyone likes.
Enough with the Vet sport crap. All Vet classes are "sport" classes. A dude that is 43 years old is not going to jump on you or slam you in a corner. If you want a trophy that bad, push over one of the 50 kids and take theirs.

I dont recall any rocks that I worried about at Crow. The few that I remember were off the side of the track, or I should say the many. But again none that made me worry to avoid.

Beans is wide on most the entire track, a couple narrow spots but there is lots of passing opportunities and where the trees are close to the sides of the track it is 30' give or take so it isnt close to any race line.

Im with you on dirt world.

You cant trust helmet cams videos because they are sooooo wide angle they distort the view. Like Sharc said though, put on your helmet and ride them all once before coming to any conclusions.......or opinions on them for that matter. :)
I've been slammed in a corner in a vet race, and slammed someone in a corner in a vet race on a fairly regular basis for years, we just don't call it slamming. Just because we got older doesn't mean the racing is any different than it used to be. The jumping on others is all but non existent in Vet Classes as the guys that can do jumps don't want to land on someone that can't do jumps and they give them room, but slamming is still in the game when you are racing for your position. The Pitracer Posse calls it "the choice"........ basically, you block pass someone and give them the choice of running into you, or letting off and dropping behind, but you'd be surprised how many vet riders will choose to run into you even in the "older" classes that know better. Lots of times it takes just a little bit of rubbing or threat of it to make a pass happen.........

But, on the same note, the guys that are battling hard and "slamming" are separate group from the guys that are worried about joining Vet Sport for safety. They rarely occupy the same area of the pack in a race, and only come into contact when the "slamming" group falls and is coming through the pack, or when the Slamming group is lapping the last of the sport group in a longer moto, so you don't have a lot of contact between those groups really.
JO would need to get in there with a dozer and make it a MX track with some jumps again. But has potential.

JO's days of building tracks outside of BC are screeching to a halt, I will offer suggestions, but I'm stretched too thin. Tracks that need revamping need to prove to everyone that they can do it on their own. I think its time that the tracks that want in, or want to stay in better prove that they can hang. I put my hours in, Its time that other tracks do the same. I'm not knocking you John, but I think its time ask ourselves of all of these tracks, who can emulate what the majority of riders want.

Jason Rogers is a perfect example of what is possible with tons of hard work and ability. Look at how much he has changed Malvern. He is a good example of the OMA model to follow.
Enough with the Vet sport crap. All Vet classes are "sport" classes. A dude that is 43 years old is not going to jump on you or slam you in a corner. If you want a trophy that bad, push over one of the 50 kids and take theirs.

Ok, apparently you haven't attempted to run a qualifier in a vet class. My first year (which was this year) I thought to myself the same thing: Ah yea...old mans class...nobody stuffs, people gotta work blah blah, it'll be the all nice 'ah yes after you fine sir while we ride circles around the course.'

1st moto pushing into one of the cavity corners at High point (for like 6th place mind you) where the guy hit me so hard it bent my steel/carbon fiber mesh knee brace and broke the cup. Point is there are still some wicked vet riders who go by the motto: #NFG. I got back to the truck and I was like......"Dad I don't ever remember 25+ being so competitive" He laughed at me and said, oh its always been that way you got about 10-15 guys like Jimmy Knisely (sp?) who don't give a s**t and will move you out of their way.

I know that's the national scale......but these national riders do race local on off weekends. IF you want to expand the sport it's NOT with MY generation, as they are lazy, drowned in debt and don't have a decent jobs to support racing. You want to pull the older guys who are settled in life looking to find their youth again. And vet sport opens up this opportunity.

And as for Crow, I-77/Dirtworld, I don't think there are many rocks there. Lots of saw dust, hershey's favorite. But back when they had qualifiers '00-10' decade only place we were complaining about rocks was scenic and he was driving that rock picker every week and could not get rid of those things.

Ck you should come up to dirtworld atleast once, it's an awesome track. Very safe for how fast it is. Nothing like making a 450 sing down all those long stretches.....Beans is far from a cow path. Beans is sick when prepped to the prime. That was one of my favorite tracks in the AMA-D12 summer series races they used to hold. You should give that place a chance to, it's really fun track with some good g-outs. Real physical.
Enough with the Vet sport crap. All Vet classes are "sport" classes. A dude that is 43 years old is not going to jump on you or slam you in a corner. If you want a trophy that bad, push over one of the 50 kids and take theirs.

Hahahahahaha! That is funny.. I don't endorse it.. but funny!

The King of Xenia and I will go together and buy Dirt Country and do it right. I agree with you, the current owners and promoters of the tracks need to prove they can do it. Its not JO place to do the work. Work it or sell it to someone that will...

I guess I left some words out of my last post. Old guys will not slam you when you are getting lapped, so no need for a sport class. I cant wait to bang bars with my old buddy Blair next year (if I lose half a ton of fat). Looking forward to meeting you all in the first turn. Someone call Jenny Craig for me
Weight Watchers works and if you sign up before Sept. 14 you get one month free. Such a deal. I am old and it is harder for a woman and I lost 30 lbs. You can do it!!!!!!!
We plan on trying Chillitown, we missed their battle...A great year of racing in the OMA thus far. He just likes to race, ride his bike with the other kids and mess with Jarrett.

9. I'm getting hungry and can't think anymore.
10. See # 9.

Chilitown is a must!!! Ironically they don't offer chilli!?!?!? But since your hungry, I hear goldfish is good! Pretty tasty! Always fun messin with Jack too!
I love that OMA is so willing to hear people's thoughts and concerns about OHMX...never before have I seen an organization of this type work with the people, for the people, which will make it by the people. OMA's focus will narrow overtime as the organization becomes more grounded with Moto sense and common sense thinking. Eventually it would be stable in it's rules and operation that folks may or may not like what is going on, but atleast it will make sense! Once it makes sense and is right, hopefully we will become content and just embrace it all!

Our views are similar to that of a young person in ways. Kids often only see what is directly in front of them and not beyond. Many kids nowadays see nothing past the problems when there is so much more to look forward too. It is our responsibility to build OHMX right for the upcoming kids. We need our focus to be beyond ourselves if we want to get all this right and grounded.
How old was the video of Crow? I remember Brock posting something about spending tons of hours with a rockhound before his OMA race there.
I'm not saying it is like that now. I have no idea how it was or is since I have never been there. But watch the vids of those tracks that are attached to this site and u tell me how they look. Brock, post a new vid and show off your work
The King of Xenia and I will go together and buy Dirt Country and do it right. I agree with you, the current owners and promoters of the tracks need to prove they can do it. Its not JO place to do the work. Work it or sell it to someone that will...

I guess I left some words out of my last post. Old guys will not slam you when you are getting lapped, so no need for a sport class. I cant wait to bang bars with my old buddy Blair next year (if I lose half a ton of fat). Looking forward to meeting you all in the first turn. Someone call Jenny Craig for me

Skip the diet and just shop at Fashion Bug, I hear they sell skirts.
If I remember correctly, wasn't Steel City wanting in last minute at the beginning of this year? If so, any word as to if they're still interested, or if the OMA has any interest in having Steel City in the mix?
Geeze. Vet sport is supposed to be a vet beginner class and there is nothing wrong with that. If ya don't like it then fine. I think the Oma is doing good things by trying something new. May you all find peace in your lives. Rich
I'm not saying it is like that now. I have no idea how it was or is since I have never been there. But watch the vids of those tracks that are attached to this site and u tell me how they look. Brock, post a new vid and show off your work

In concrete, we have a saying that is applicable to most jobs..."not enough fall for water is a matter of fact, to much fall is a matter of opinion"...obviously some jobs they have set standards but you get the drift.

So, my fellow Moto bro, looking at a video is a matter of opinion, riding a track is a matter of fact. Go ride man! Also, it is a common saying that "tv doesn't do it justice!" Go ride and then tell me what ya think. I noticed rocks at Crow, but nothing that would have stopped me from riding there and yes there is all sorts of stuff to protect against roost whether on your bike or your body. We need to toughen up! I am a hard one to get a straight opinion of whether or not I like a track, I just love to ride no matter the conditions. The first thing you would hear from me about any track is safety if I were to have a problem...otherwise I am supposed to adapt to the track, not the track adapt to me.

We each have the freedom to choose where we want to ride or not based on any reason we want.
In concrete, we have a saying that is applicable to most jobs..."not enough fall for water is a matter of fact, to much fall is a matter of opinion"...obviously some jobs they have set standards but you get the drift.

So, my fellow Moto bro, looking at a video is a matter of opinion, riding a track is a matter of fact. Go ride man! Also, it is a common saying that "tv doesn't do it justice!" Go ride and then tell me what ya think. I noticed rocks at Crow, but nothing that would have stopped me from riding there and yes there is all sorts of stuff to protect against roost whether on your bike or your body. We need to toughen up! I am a hard one to get a straight opinion of whether or not I like a track, I just love to ride no matter the conditions. The first thing you would hear from me about any track is safety if I were to have a problem...otherwise I am supposed to adapt to the track, not the track adapt to me.

We each have the freedom to choose where we want to ride or not based on any reason we want.

Amen, my red headed brother!