PR Addict
So who would that be?....
Should it have been mullet mulisha???
So who would that be?....
when u see 100 on a bike u think of lil hanny, enough when u see #7 on a bike u think of black boy even though ive been #7 b4 he was even born.johnny cash was a outlaw and i bet no one is cryin on country websites bout how he looked or acted.u readin this vargo!!!
It always amazed me the young guys that would come in for a job interview in a pair of jeans and a golf shirt. I am not saying for the type job they were applying for they needed to be in a three piece suit, but some dockers and a button up dress shirt for even the most entry level jobs is appropriate.
How do you 'look' stoned ?He looks stoned in the photo.
Hygiene, demeanor, speech and body language can be noted, sure.But much of what’s implied here is simply appearance or dress?As someone that has hired MANY people, I can assure you looks has a lot to do with it.
I wasn't saying that Hansen is bad in anyway, I was just chiming in on the "respectable" parts of life and what to wear when. If Josh Hansen was my friend showed up to my wedding in a Monster Hoodie and knit Beanie....... I'd be pissed off at him. If I invited him out for a bit of waterskiing on my boat on a Saturday afternoon and he showed up like that...... than it's all fine. There is a time a place for everything, and knowing it makes all the difference.
I get the marketing to certain audiences and have stood up for JLaw many times when John250 was putting him down for teams offering him a job. Some people want that persona and market it..... just like Deegan and Metal Mulisha. There is money to be made there and people take advantage of the demographic and market to them, that's the way of the world. The motocross demographic is mainly young males age 16 - 24 and they have a lot more in common with Josh Hansen than they do with any political office holder...... Yamaha isn't rushing out to sign up Dennis Kucinich types to help promote the sales of motorcycles, they want a Josh Hansen for that. But, when Yamaha sends in a rider to argue for the lead law on their behalf to Congress, they are going to send in a John250 type (politician, businessman, husband, children who ride, father who rides) to speak to Congress and appeal to the majority who are making decisions for all of us.
Ask yourself honestly, if you had one chance to save the future of off road motorcycling with a presentation to the President of the United States who will decide if we can ride motorcycles off road or not........ who would you send and what would he look like? Would you send Josh Hansen look a like in a hoodie and beanie, or would you send in a Ryan Dungey Look a like in a Suit and Tie?
Clearly we know the answer to your question, but what does that have to do with anything?