Rocky Mountain ATV/MC has an exciting support program that gives back to the riders in our great sport...
Race Gas is a free program that we're offering to help drive up response to races, rallies,
club events, membership and many other programs in the powersport industry.
Through the Race Gas program, we at Rocky Mountain ATV/MC would like to offer a $10 gift card to anyone who signs up for a race, joins your organization or attends your rallies. This program is available for new or renewing members and all of the riders at races and rallies. If they sign up, they get a free gift card in the mail. We provide the gift cards, and take care of the mailing costs, etc. There is no cost to you.
Here's how it works:
Once your organization has joined the Race Gas program, we will provide you with logos and images for you to advertise the program. We also will provide you with signs and banners that you can display at your events. After you hold an event or get new members, you send the names in a mail list and we take care of the rest.
We feel like this will increase the number of riders your program signs up. This is a great way to promote your event and, in many cases, this represents a major percentage of the cost to participate.
This program is proving to be very successful with the participating organizations that we are currently running it with.
We look forward to running Race Gas with you!