Haha, I like "folks" too.
Oh no Scoob, you gone and done it now...you brought religion to a politic thread...this thread is doomed!
How does that saying go? "As long as we don't talk politics or religion, then we can be friends!" I don't stand for that for one minute. It should be something like..."If we can be honest with each other and still love each other, then we are friends!" My closest frineds are honest with me even if it is something bad about me, and I can be honest with them even if it is something bad about them. That's marriage and friendship right there Pal!
Ease up on the expectations a little...I am no expert, atleast not yet. I remember first starting out not being able to find my around the Bible. I am in training and the Bible is a very big book. You could spend a life time in that book and still learn everyday...you will not exhaust the truth in the Bible. I told you folks that I would not saturate these forums with my beliefs...but you mentioned it, so I will keep it brief.
I am fearful for the outcome of people's eternity. I had to face mine once, and now I know. I am also fearful for just the practical things that can happen right here and right now. I know the overall outcome of things...anyone can...just gotta read the Big book. You can also know it well, just gotta spend time with your nose in the pages. Just because the outcome is made clear by God in His Word doesn't mean that we should stop standing and fighting for whats right.
Like Beenridin...said...he is doing his part by raising his children right...that is huge. Doing our part is why I am so committed to you folks...it's an opportunity to be real and a good influnce...perhaps someday a diference maker. I am just as flawed or sinful as the next guy...we are all in the same boat.
Your advice is good Scooby Doo (may I call you that?) This fear keeps me grounded and doesn't let my feet leave the ground or get a big-head in life. Ain't nobody got time for that!
No...we don't know the day or the hour but He is coming back to set things straight once and for all.
Back to politics...we all have different desires but we also have some basic desires in common. Personally, I am burdened for America. It does break my heart to see what is going on and really it should break our hearts; which gives us fear. That fear will cripple you if you let it...or it can be a powerful source of motivation to have courage! You can't have courage without fear...but you can have fear without courage.
I'm gonna let you in on something...please take this with a grain of salt and give me the benefit of the doubt...but these are some serious thoughts that goes through my mind and heart.
Parenting - I imagine that being a parent would be the most or one of the most rewarding and challenging things someone can do in life. I would love to be a father someday (fat chance the way my lady life is, haha.) BUT, I wonder if I don't have kids...what could I do? When your a parent...your children are now involved in all your decision making and you are now responsible to them...you have to take care of them. If I wasn't a parent...I would have the open door to do something...but what?
Most folks that take a honest stand in history end up dead..it's true! I spend a good amount of time thinking/praying about a way to reach out to America. Old Billy Graham did! I think about cycling from capital to capital having revival meetings...something...something that will get peoples attention to consider the things they don't often consider. What will it take for folks to wake up? This may seem outlandish to you...but please give me the benefit of the doubt...my intentions are true. I want to believe that America still is a country of freedom and that any one person can make a difference. Louis and Clark trekked across the entire country exploring the west. So many great things have happened because of people. That saying "Every great journey starts with one small step!" I think about these types of things...I wanna do something about and for our lives after motocross and while in motocross. It all has to do with ministry...which is basically people!
You can call me crazy if you want...but I know I am not...says the crazy person. It takes daily work to keep a sound mind. Now if you wanna call me goofy or weird, that is "A OK!"...it's true! I mean if I get married someday, that means that women thinks Ronald Mcdonald is attractive, haha! Except I have bigger ears and he has straighter/whiter teeth. Old Ronnie Mac is probably a quad rider too!

But that would be shallow...it is way more the person than the look of a person...looks have their place...a small one.
Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.