(ISIS) and US...

problem solved.jpg
So your saying al-Qaeda being responsible for 9/11 had nothing to do with is going to Iraq? The politics of it are that there needed to be more then just that for congress to allow an invasion in Iraq and that's where the weapons of mass distruction became basis to move forward with it. Politics and facts don't always go hand in hand with one another.
Bergdahl willingly left his unit , previous mission to get him resulted in loss of good soldiers . Like it or not a real marine would have sacrificed his life for the so called exchange not to take place . That's what's they are trained to do .

So you're saying there are reasons to leave American soldiers behind, is that right?
So your saying support Americans who want to convert to radicals agianist us ..... I'm not getting into a pissing match . Bottom line we are worlds apart on views and we can leave it at that .
So you're saying there are reasons to leave American soldiers behind, is that right?
If he actually willingly deserted then yes, he wasn't worth all that we gave up to save him. But there aren't enough facts there to argue that, maybe he was actually a prisoner of war. Maybe it was a bad timing and a coincidence that his disappearance happened to be right at the time of those incidences.
So your saying support Americans who want to convert to radicals agianist us ..... I'm not getting into a pissing match . Bottom line we are worlds apart on views and we can leave it at that .
What are you trying to say? I don't understand.
If he actually willingly deserted then yes, he wasn't worth all that we gave up to save him. But there aren't enough facts there to argue that, maybe he was actually a prisoner of war. Maybe it was a bad timing and a coincidence that his disappearance happened to be right at the time of those incidences.
OK, so you think there are reasons to leave american soldiers behind. I disagree. If he's a deserter, or an idiot,
or a faggot, I don't care. We'll figure that out.

After we get him back.
OK, so you think there are reasons to leave american soldiers behind. I disagree. If he's a deserter, or an idiot,
or a faggot, I don't care. We'll figure that out.

After we get him back.
Your a little bit contradicting, if he was a deserter or a traitor witch we don't know either way but say he is... He is worth every effort to protect because he is an American citizen? Do you think the same about the detained domestic terrorist? The confirmed with 100% unarguable evidence of conspiracy, treason, funding/support to al-Qaeda? Those born and raised in our country that have committed crimes against our country deserve to be treated as you say bergdahl deserves to be treated?? We should just let every terrorist that is a citizen go because he's an "American". B.S.
We need to elect a man that is a true leader, yet he is normal man; he drinks beer, farts, tells jokes, and looks at Nudies in the vet forum......maybe Chuck Norris will run?
Your a little bit contradicting, if he was a deserter or a traitor witch we don't know either way but say he is... He is worth every effort to protect because he is an American citizen?
Not because he is a citizen. Because american soldiers don't leave american soldiers behind. Ever.
99% of the time that is true, but if he walked away, willingly desserting his unit then do you think he was worth the lives lost to bring him back? How many good soldiers are worth giving up to save one bad one? If that is the case, maybe he isnt a desserter. I don't know and I don't think anyone really ever will unless he comes out and admits it.
Iraq is a piece of land of land that never did anything to anybody. The concern is who happens to occupy it. Afghanistan did not attack us on 911. A bunch of Al-Quaeda who happened to be there did, who were given welcomed and supported by the Taliban who happened to rule there. We attacked both Al-Queda and the ruling people who supported them. The Iraqi dictator bragged about his chemical and biological weapons, and used them just because he could. He also bragged about his nuclear aspirations. He taunted the world and kicked out UN Weapons inspectors because he thought he could. We believed him, took Iraq at the cost of thousands of lives, and found that most of his bragging was wishful thinking. Okay we never should have gone in, but now what? We setup republic, drive out insurgents, and Obama "inherits" (he likes to use that word) stable conditions, war mostly over, and only needs to support and keep things stable until new country is strong. Obama takes credit Joe Biden calls it "the crowning achievement of this administration". Obama pulls all American support, and an Al-Quaeda offshoot decides to walk in and take it, establishes Sharia state that makes Afghanistan look like Tiny Town, and vows to manufacture and deploy terrorism to US, Israel, western Europe, and anybody else, while the abandoned Iraqi government looks to our greatest threat, the terrorist, nuclear state if Iran for support. Yeah, we never should have gone in, lets not get involved, it does not threaten us. Maybe we should just sent them a bunch of "gun free zone" signs.
As for Bergdahl, does anybody seriously believe we should leave soldiers who volunteered to defend
us behind just because they are stupid? Any other reasons we should forget about them? Maybe
because they are gay? Had an affair?

Many good soldiers sacrifice their lives to take out high value targets. If Bergdahl were a true patriot fighting for his country, he would not have wanted or expected the release of 5 of the world's most bloodthirsty mass murderers on the world to kill again in order to save himself. Everybody these 5 POS kill from this day forward is the price we paid for Bergdahl.
Many good soldiers sacrifice their lives to take out high value targets. If Bergdahl were a true patriot fighting for his country, he would not have wanted or expected the release of 5 of the world's most bloodthirsty mass murderers on the world to kill again in order to save himself. Everybody these 5 POS kill from this day forward is the price we paid for Bergdahl.
Also part of being a soldier is the willingness to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, thats what you acknoledge when you take the oath of enlistment. He may or may not be a desserter but in no way can he be called a hero. There are not now, nor will there ever be a known cost of his retrieval.
Many good soldiers sacrifice their lives to take out high value targets. If Bergdahl were a true patriot fighting for his country, he would not have wanted or expected the release of 5 of the world's most bloodthirsty mass murderers on the world to kill again in order to save himself. Everybody these 5 POS kill from this day forward is the price we paid for Bergdahl.

Those five dirt bags are now out where we can kill them any time we want with no legal ramifications.
I strongly disagree with the concept that sometimes we can leave behind a soldier, depending on
his circumstances. Which is what you are saying.
You clearly do not understand how the military operates. As for you saying just because he enlisted he is worth every effort to save at all cost because he is a "Soldier" regardless of his actions, I and every veteran I know disagree with. Lets say a random Private Joe goes out to a new unit, constantly screws up and is constantly getting punitive action from his supervisors. So he shoots his senior officer multiple times out of cold blood then flees the camp and gets captured. What is it worth to retrieve him since is is a "Soldier"? Now since we don't know yet weather he desserted or was forcefully taken then it's up in the air on if it was worth it. Now if he is found guilty then he will get a court martial and spend his days in Leavenworth and hopefully held accountable for all reprocussions resulting from his actions.
Those five dirt bags are now out where we can kill them any time we want with no legal ramifications.

And who are we?

So you enter this tread with your typical lib hyperbole and equivalence. Latch onto the Bergdahl reference and hammer away with some lib (very Alinsky like) talking point.

One might conclude that you actually believe this stuff and that you're not just attempting to tweak your fellow PitRacers.

What comes now? Your old ad hominem canard?
And who are we?

So you enter this tread with your typical lib hyperbole and equivalence. Latch onto the Bergdahl reference and hammer away with some lib (very Alinsky like) talking point.

One might conclude that you actually believe this stuff and that you're not just attempting to tweak your fellow PitRacers.

What comes now? Your old ad hominem canard?

You just did that for me.