Local silly season

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I've heard that Hand Racing Promotion is going to be taking over the old Spring Valley, as well as running Big Game races and an all new Indoor Endurocross Series. Guess we'll see....
Seems to be the only two people that want to be in a MX club are 1. the guy that wants to ride for free. 2. The guy that wants to drink with his buddies. Notice I did not say "work" or "lead". Clubs also tend to only have members that live close (I know, duh) but 99% of the time those people have 0 experience building, maintaining or promoting a motocross. Every Tom, Dick and Harry that owns a bulldozer thinks they can build a track. If you are a club and your numbers suck on race day... you may want to set down for this... YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING. Hire, or at least ask for help from the racing community. I am sure I am not alone by saying I would gladly donate my time to help a track re-invent itself.
OK, back to the big announcements from track owners and promoters......
So, Rt 62 is in the south series. Buckeye Hill is being "looked at" by some insiders from up north... AMS is not completely done... Action Sports and Fast trax are still dangling out there.... Pusheta Creek is going to stick to practice only? Come on, Im sure more people have heard other stuff...

My last two races at COCR back in 2011-2012 went something like this:

1. During pre-practice track walk we noticed the dozer operator performing some rather odd maintenance. He stops, hops off looking a little confused and asks " you guys know any operators here today, I haven't been on a dozer in 20 years"

2. Tractor broke down after the grandstand triple before the finish line. Solution, leave it, add some hay bales and route the riders onto the water truck path and then back on the track.

That's a club for you.

Such as some do not want to hear opinions, and suggestions from the people paying the bills. Most think we know nothing. The fact that we have been to tracks all across the country, been racing for 30 plus years.........but yeah, we are just some yahoo that does not know anything about a race and how it would run smooth or seen the things that work and the things that dont work.
Such as some do not want to hear opinions, and suggestions from the people paying the bills. Most think we know nothing. The fact that we have been to tracks all across the country, been racing for 30 plus years.........but yeah, we are just some yahoo that does not know anything about a race and how it would run smooth or seen the things that work and the things that dont work.

So this guy asks me if he could ride with no helmet, because he has an equilibrium problem and helmets make him black out. He paid his money to ride should I listen to any advice from him?
JO I just dont think track owners should think they know best or know all, all of the time. They might be amazed at the ideas they get when they listen to their customers.
JO I just dont think track owners should think they know best or know all, all of the time. They might be amazed at the ideas they get when they listen to their customers.
I'm listening, amaze me, lol. I hear what your saying john, but hear this, everyone and i mean everyone has an agenda, their utopia, their perception of what ought to be. And we have to sift through all of it and try to do what's right for the group. It's not a simple task, when you have 1000 different ideas hitting you.
I understand, and honestly. your place is not one that I am refering to! For example, I was talking to a guy at COCR one day about their intermission prep. He told me if I did not like it, to not come back. Guess what.....My son and have not been back. They just lost 3 or 4 entires on race day.
And that is why they get more then 32% less entries then DC and Dayton.
Treaty and COCR are reaping the results of DECADES of abusing their customers. Tell someone to go somewhere else, and they will...

Speaking of which... any other tracks closing the doors?
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