In my 33 working years, probably the worst violators that I have seen of substance abuse or boozing were the business owners, or their employed family members.
True story.
I got a job in '94, my last 'real' job, with a MultiBillion dollar company. A requirement
of employment was a piss test. Since my drug of choice is alcohol, no big deal but it
rubbed me wrong even then. I made it obvious to the test company by drinking a whole
lot of tea a buddy drank back then to pass AMA drug tests (worked but remember it was
20 years ago) then holding it. The nurse even commented on it, pee looked as clear as
Anyway, I'm at work the THIRD day and my boss says we're going out of town to visit
a company that MultiBillion bought. Me (the new guy that knows about sensors), the QA
manager, my boss the engineering manager, and the plant manager. We have to decide
how best to move the operation 300 miles to our plant.
Following Monday, a Lincoln Towncar is delivered and the plant manager slides
into the driver's seat, me and QA in back, my boss in front of me. We head down the road
and at the gas station on the corner pull in. QA gets out and comes back with a 12 pack
of Busch. Off we go onto the freeway. QA hands beers all around. Boss fiddles around
up front, I can't see what he's doing, but then he lights up a doobie. Passes it back to me,
I look at it like it's from a Russian nuclear plant, say "nah, makes me paranoid" and pass
it to QA. Who passes it back up to plant manager after having a couple nice tokes.
Within 100 miles I'm on my third beer and we're on our way.