Some constructive suggestions from me. Let me also stress that I think it's great to have these problems, because it means huge crowds are showing up!
1. Regarding pit riding. I don't really see much of an issue. However, I'm used to going to big events that have a zillion pit vehicles. Many people may not be used to that and/or are just looking for an issue. With that said, charging $5 PER SEASON for the pit bike pass is WAY TOO CHEAP. Charge $5 PER EVENT at least and maybe give a discount if you purchase a yearly pit vehicle pass. Also make sure the pit vehicle passes have an assigned racer as the accountable party that can be DQ'd if there is a problem. I can't remember if it's on there or not. I would also suggest blocking off the area past the starting gate as "pedestrian only" and make a little area for pit vehicle parking outside of that. Maybe use the big grass space that was in between the staging entrance and the track exit.
2. Track exit. I would try to find a way to have it turn near the end where it dumps out on the road to slow exiting racers down. I saw more of an issue with racers exiting going way faster than first gear walking pace than I did with pit bikes. It's easy to do because you exit the track and come down a long straight before spilling out right into where people are walking.
3. As stated previously, announce motos that need to get to staging or are on the track now and then. They are already doing a good job of announcing so just add that in to make it even better. I too found myself wondering what moto was running, but it is nice and easy to stroll down and look at the huge moto number board in the first turn.
4. Take a race schedule for 2015 and give it to the owners/managers of the gas station/store that's right around the corner. They had the bright idea of resealing their asphalt lot Sunday and it was mayhem in there after the race with camper gridlock because half the lot was roped off! Kinda reminded me of years ago the Wendy's at the exit for Scenic Highlands would be overflowing after a race and have two people working and wondering why they were overflowing with customers.
5. Get the MXsports people to come out and see your place! You guys need to run a LL Youth Regional. Track might be a tad small for a big bike Amateur Regional, but it would be awesome for a Youth Regional!
The cool thing about the stuff I'm posting above is that I'm really having to dig into my brain to even think of anything to suggest because you guys already are doing such an awesome job! I still can't believe I have friends that haven't come there because "well I heard the track is..." this or that or whatever. But then again these are the same people that skip many of the cool events I do, then years later wonder why they didn't go earlier....