More injuries?

Yes, been thinking of you guys through all of this convo and Todd. Didn't hear about Christy. Bum luck. Miss the days back when for sure... Good days ahead I am hopeful for... Take care. Tell everybody I said hello. :)
Yeah time to find new dreams. Motocross is way too dangerous Thinking of Toddy too. Really sucks.
I don't have a TON of experience with different tracks in the area, but I do with Meadowlarks as my dad was head of the track committee a couple few years ago... In the early 2000s they had the 8 pack that ran along the starting line. That set of SMALL jumps caused more meat wagon rides in one race then they now have in nearly an entire race season now. I broke my femur on a small double ive done ten thousand times. Sometimes its machine, sometimes its rider, sometimes both, but a track layout or jumps WILL have an impact on how many wagon rides there are in one race day. Once that was taken away and some safer jumps were added you MIGHT get one wagon ride out a race now, not 5-6+ a race like before. Anyone saying that a track layout has nothing to do with safety is blind, point blank, or their sticking up for their track. Im 25, with a child, a fiancée, a house, and bills and have since retired from moto because I cant afford to be hurt for any amount of time. So yes, the possible injuries are the reason I no longer ride. Guns are just as fun, and you cant break a bone shooting them. End rant.
I almost hate saying anything because I am not a rider merely a spectator and a Grandmother at that. To some degree I think you are all right. Track layout is an issue, protective gear is an issue, bike maintenance is an issue, and last but not least the rider itself is an issue. I have often thought and spoke out about the tracks becoming more demanding and dangerous. This is most noticeable on the pro level. Someone stated that the promoters don't care about the riders and that is probably true as it is in many of our business's today. The almighty dollar is always going to be a factor. What happened to corner speed being more important than the impressive big jumps?
Protective gear is a must and anyone with any sense at all should be able to ascertain that so there should be no argument there. A small example is years ago I started making boot inserts for some of the riders at the request of a young man. Did they sell well? No. They are not a go fast item. What they do is absorb some of the impact. They were even put to the test by one of those magazine test groups and all the riders loved them both on and off the track. But again they don't look cool and they don't make you go fast and are less important then a knee brace or neck brace.
Bike maintenance...the other day my grandson got angry at Gramps because Gramps railed him when he found the drain plug on both bikes was little more then just finger tight. Caused a big blow up (nothing new). He does not seem to understand that not only would he lose a motor but he in turn could seriously injure himself in the process.
We all know what happens when your motor suddenly stops and you don't!!
Rider. Now that is a tough one. No one can instill in another just how far you are willing to PUSH the envelope. I have always appreciated the fact that my grandson will not do ANYTHING he is not comfortable doing. It probably has cost him the WIN in some of his races but then he is still in one piece to ride another day. Peer pressure though can be tough to deal with and may push some riders to do or try things they just are not ready for. This often comes from the parents themselves. Well I can't think of anything else that has not already been said but to say,I agree that this is an important subject.
The AMS home track up in Marysville had basically no jumps and was not all that fast yet must have had the highest average of squad/chopper rides per event that I can remember. One event back in maybe 2010 or 2011 had 3 chopper rides in addition to a few squad rides. Dont think I have ever been there without seeing a chopper. It made no sense but just happens.
Back in 2010 or so AMS was a pretty fast track, and many of the crashes came at high speed places on the track. Matt slowed the track down after that.
If you choose to ride and race there is a good chance you will get hurt..Always easy to blame someone or something.The only way to stop it is to not ride and that's a tuff decision to make.
If you choose to ride and race there is a good chance you will get hurt..Always easy to blame someone or something.The only way to stop it is to not ride and that's a tuff decision to make.

Why must people on here think these posts are blaming anyone????????

The question posed originally was how to make our sport safer. Track design can have a huge impact on safety along with all the other things mentioned, believe it or not it is true. People are simply pointing out ways to make things safer not BLAMING. Its not smearing s**t everywhere on here that is the problem Mr Shafer, its people getting an attitude and not being able to handle criticism, constructive or not. Get a backbone and have some self respect. Take personal responsibility for your actions and feelings and all of the sudden criticism isnt a reason to become defensive.

Its true that some people are always going to blame and bitch but thats no reason to get upset, its called life.

Rant over.
I cant believe I am reading on a motocross forum that motocross is getting to dangerous....... Do you people realize what you are saying??? Motocross is a young mans sport....period.... jumps are optional.... People are going to get hurt..... thats the risk you take when you throw your leg over a bike... sorry....if its to scary for you then take yup knitting.....

I feel like I am watching a tv special about our country, and how big government is trying to control us...... ITS MOTOCROSSSSS!!!!!!! Its supposed to be dangerous....... You cant start putting rules on it and saying you cant make things to dangerous....... when you start putting stipulations and regulations on things it ruins them..... Motocross is a sport of have the option to proceed through out the track as you feel fit..... Holy cow the democrats have even infiltrated the motocross community...... Next we are going to have to give out participation trophies to everyone just so they keep racing and dont get their feelings hurt when they realize they suck....and then we will take clutches off the bikes to make it easier... then we will start making the faster guys ride slower bikes so the slower guys can keep up.... Then we will have to start time qualifying and giving the slower guys head starts during the races so they have a chance..... Then are we going to start giving out obama bikes???? I thought motocrossers were tough????
I could build a track consisting of two straight-a-ways that are 20' in length connected by 2 bowl turns with 50' radii, and I guarantee you that some will ball it up. 2 fast you say? ok its full of sand, 3' thick. No way to get hurt you say? Wrong. Murphys Law and the weather rule everything in the fun world, lawyers run the real world. So since we are in the fun world, we will use murphy's law......granted this would be farfetched, but assuming our test rider in this example, will call him David, is getting comfortable on our example track, but he is getting tired too (David needs to train more), he makes the slightest error in judgment and high sides in the turn. David lands on his side right on a foot peg, right through the leg. The Medics get there, and are overly concerned that it might be a compound the bird.......check.
One thing people need to get straight here is this: IT IS NOT THE TRACK OWNERS FAULTS WHEN PEOPLE GET HURT!!!!!!

Thats comparable to saying guns kill people, or spoons make people fat..... Or cigarettes kill people..... NO, No, and No..... All require personal effort..... There is a human behind everyone of those....Just like a dirt bike....

Maybe if people wouldnt be such bitches there would still be a district 12..... Scenic highlands would still be open and beans wouldnt be closing after this year...... Every time a track closes its typically the racing communities fault for not supporting them...... Beans was hands down one of the best tracks in North east ohio, if not the nicest at one time.....and all BJ ever got was ridicule because it was too "tough." Now beans is closing this year and people are sad and whining...... wellllll duhhhh...... If you dont like taking risk then sell your motocross bike and buy a goldwing..... Or better yet.... swallow your pride and go ride the tracks and dont jump the things that scare you..... Everyone knows the only reason why people dont go to the tracks they think are to dangerous is because they feel inferior in front of other people when they cant do a particular jump...... so instead of going and supporting a local track, they refuse to go there because one jump wads their tampon to deep and they are to proud to roll it in front of people......

You people are a sorry excuse for a motocross community..... bunch of f*****g whiners!!!!
Sorry, but Dave S. is right. Many of you on here automatically think someone is pointing the finger at YOU! Furthermore it is BULL that you would say this is the way of the Democrats. I get so sick of hearing all this nonsense. While I will agree that EXTREME left wingers take things a little too far it is inconceivable that we can rule out ALL regulations. EXTREME right wing is just as WRONG as the EXTREME left. We need common sense regulations for those who are too stupid to make proper Judgement calls. Adults are one thing and children something else.
Sorry, but Dave S. is right. Many of you on here automatically think someone is pointing the finger at YOU! Furthermore it is BULL that you would say this is the way of the Democrats. I get so sick of hearing all this nonsense. While I will agree that EXTREME left wingers take things a little too far it is inconceivable that we can rule out ALL regulations. EXTREME right wing is just as WRONG as the EXTREME left. We need common sense regulations for those who are too stupid to make proper Judgement calls. Adults are one thing and children something else.

haha NO,NO we dont...... thats a perfect example of the liberal way of thinking.... you just proved my point.... It is not everyone elses job to make sure the morons dont get hurt..... kids learn.... everyone is engrained with fear.... kids progress along with their skills..... so they learn their boundaries.. When you make rules that take the place of common sense you are making a generation of people who lack common sense. Therefore passing it down...... You are dumbing down society....

I can see it now.... motocross....the sport that used to require two requires a safety training permit and a lack of balls....
ITS MOTOCROSSSSS!!!!!!! Its supposed to be dangerous....... You cant start putting rules on it and saying you cant make things to dangerous....... when you start putting stipulations and regulations on things it ruins them..... I thought motocrossers were tough????

Your so right... Only a puss wears a helmet. Lets ban those things. There is no proof they work.

You want to know why the government gets involved in other activities, its because the people are too stupid to fix it themselves.
No one had a revelation and just now realized the sport is dangerous. The question was asked HOW can we make it safer? Facts are, huge steps have been made in technology for the machines. Crappy riders now have much more power at there disposal. Rules and protective equipment have not been keeping pace. No one is saying ride in a bubble on a track with no obstacles. But precautions must be made.
Wow. With your attitudes why even bother with any safety equipment at all? I mean after all its a dangerous sport and optional. Why even wear a helmet?

That type of mentality is what stagnates. Is that any different than " Why fix what isnt broken?"

Nobody that Im aware of is asking to make our sport injury free, its that danger that gives us the thrill. But if what we are talking about here is pointless then why does the AMA/FIM have safety ?

How about Dirt Wurx....the AMA SX track builder? If you read through their site it talks about safely building tracks numerous times.


A lot of you have been e-mailing us wanting some help on your practice tracks at home. Sometimes it's for the whole project and we have been doing some designs and sending guys out to do the jobs, and we appreciate the business. But sometimes its something smaller, or just a question, or somebody just wanting to make an improvement or a change on their existing track.

That's what this new section of our site is going to offer... answers to some common questions, tips on making the building process simpler,and ending up with a fun, safe practice track.

The bigger jumps on your track, whether they are table tops, step-ups, or big doubles or triples are probably the most important things you will build, when it comes to making your track fun and safe to ride. A big jump doesn't have to be intimidating or dangerous. A well designed jump can be safe, fun and a confidence builder if you take the time to do it right.

Im sure we have all heard while watching racing on tv ...... the commentators, including RC talking about his designs of MEC, talk about building safe tracks. But Im sure they have it wrong too.

Last reply because this is obviously falling on deaf ears....... come you dont ride anymore???? Why do you insist on saying any one on here is BLAMING track owners???? Did anyone blame the helmet manufactures or neck brace, boot or chest protector manufacturers ???? NO! The track owners got DEFENSIVE and assumed blame was being put on them.

Shaefer..... same to you. No one is blaming and no one is pointing any fingers. If you dont like social media then STOP READING THESE POSTS AND LIKING THEM. By doing so you are adding to the smearing arent you?

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Really? thats your retort? a puss wears a helmet?? THere again, thats the common sense part.... Precautions are supposed to be made in the form of personal judgement....
haha NO,NO we dont...... thats a perfect example of the liberal way of thinking.... you just proved my point.... It is not everyone elses job to make sure the morons dont get hurt..... kids learn.... everyone is engrained with fear.... kids progress along with their skills..... so they learn their boundaries.. When you make rules that take the place of common sense you are making a generation of people who lack common sense. Therefore passing it down...... You are dumbing down society....

I can see it now.... motocross....the sport that used to require two requires a safety training permit and a lack of balls....

I completely agree with you here. However common sense needs to balanced with this. Do you take training classes for your hunting licence? Why? If you shoot yourself or someone else you will learn not to do it again right? What ? You dont have any balls?
Wow. With your attitudes why even bother with any safety equipment at all? I mean after all its a dangerous sport and optional. Why even wear a helmet?

That type of mentality is what stagnates. Is that any different than " Why fix what isnt broken?"

Nobody that Im aware of is asking to make our sport injury free, its that danger that gives us the thrill. But if what we are talking about here is pointless then why does the AMA/FIM have safety ?

How about Dirt Wurx....the AMA SX track builder? If you read through their site it talks about safely building tracks numerous times.


A lot of you have been e-mailing us wanting some help on your practice tracks at home. Sometimes it's for the whole project and we have been doing some designs and sending guys out to do the jobs, and we appreciate the business. But sometimes its something smaller, or just a question, or somebody just wanting to make an improvement or a change on their existing track.

That's what this new section of our site is going to offer... answers to some common questions, tips on making the building process simpler,and ending up with a fun, safe practice track.

The bigger jumps on your track, whether they are table tops, step-ups, or big doubles or triples are probably the most important things you will build, when it comes to making your track fun and safe to ride. A big jump doesn't have to be intimidating or dangerous. A well designed jump can be safe, fun and a confidence builder if you take the time to do it right.

Im sure we have all heard while watching racing on tv ...... the commentators, including RC talking about his designs of MEC, talk about building safe tracks. But Im sure they have it wrong too.

Last reply because this is obviously falling on deaf ears....... come you dont ride anymore???? Why do you insist on saying any one on here is BLAMING track owners???? Did anyone blame the helmet manufactures or neck brace, boot or chest protector manufacturers ???? NO! The track owners got DEFENSIVE and assumed blame was being put on them.

Shafer..... same to you. No one is blaming and no one is pointing any fingers. If you dont like social media then STOP READING THESE POSTS AND LIKING THEM. By doing so you are adding to the smearing arent you?


I havent rode in about a year and a half... I sold my last bike because I just didnt have time to ride it.... Working two jobs, supporting a family, and every other dirt bag who doesnt work didnt leave much time for it.... Ill have another bike.... I was actually just looking at them the other day....

I still love the sport... follow it all the time.. just not at a place in my life where I need to be on a dirt bike... you know, going back to the common sense part.....

Are you insinuating I am scared or I think it is to dangerous? please.... I could get on a bike tomorrow and go to beans or anywhere else for that matter and ride like I always did....minus the endurance... The desire will never leave me..... ever......
I don't have a TON of experience with different tracks in the area, but I do with Meadowlarks as my dad was head of the track committee a couple few years ago... In the early 2000s they had the 8 pack that ran along the starting line. That set of SMALL jumps caused more meat wagon rides in one race then they now have in nearly an entire race season now. I broke my femur on a small double ive done ten thousand times. Sometimes its machine, sometimes its rider, sometimes both, but a track layout or jumps WILL have an impact on how many wagon rides there are in one race day. Once that was taken away and some safer jumps were added you MIGHT get one wagon ride out a race now, not 5-6+ a race like before. Anyone saying that a track layout has nothing to do with safety is blind, point blank, or their sticking up for their track. Im 25, with a child, a fiancée, a house, and bills and have since retired from moto because I cant afford to be hurt for any amount of time. So yes, the possible injuries are the reason I no longer ride. Guns are just as fun, and you cant break a bone shooting them. End rant.

This has to be Jake P....
Dave; Problem with Me Call Me...I will like what I want. I was not attacking anyone, Simply stating Some people Bitch all the time. I don't think I mentioned your name at all. And learn how to spell my name. Their is another Shafer that might think you are talking about him. I agree some tracks are tricky with speeds and jumps. Adapt to it and be done.