Presidential Election 2016

My Dad told me at a young age, "Never vote for the incumbent. If they weren't smart enough to steal enough in one term, they aren't worth a second chance"

No more established BS candidates for me please....Clinton, Bush, Romney, Kerry, McCain etc. are all career politicians (see my pops quote above)

Dr. Carson, while a bright and distinguished Surgeon, would be eaten alive in Washington. So far, I like Scott Walker. But, we will get a Bush, Rand Paul, Rubio stuck in our ticket......

The Democrats better not keep all their eggs in the Hillary basket. Despite the fact she will get votes from all the sheep, she is a train wreck in waiting.

Another Carlin quote:
'Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.'

Read into THAT what you will as this post continues........
You cannot bring prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further brotherhood of men by inciting class hatred.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.

I cannot agree with this more...
Awful early for this. Its takes most voters about 6 years to become educted on who they voted for in the previous elections.

I've figured out a few things, though. Anybody over 30 who thinks that another Bush-Clinton race would be nostalgic in a good way should have their head examined.

If Clinton gets the (D) nomination, she will lose.
If Bush gets the (R) nomination, he will lose.
If Bush and Clinton both get the nominations, America will lose.

Lots of good qualified people out there, but whoever it is will, inherit an unprecedented mess with greater challenges than our nation has seen since the Civil War.
You cannot bring prosperity by discouraging thrift.

Personal spending (not saving) has made all of the economic expansion in the US since the 50's. So that's not entirely true.

You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
What if the big man is Pol Pot?

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

You can solve trouble by borrowing though. Refer to the second world war.

You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
See above.

I cannot agree with this more...

Great bumper stickers for people that don't think too much.
Give up with Sturd, his only goal is to piss you off. Usually his responses arent even his true thoughts or beliefs!

As for the political garbage...

My view has finally come to the point where I have realized the government will find a way to do what it wants regardless of my vote. Obama isnt the first one to prove that point but certainly one of the greats. I now have found that my day is much less stressful if I avoid politics entirely. So I stopped reading this after 2 posts ( also because Jarrett types too much). My blood pressure was rising and its healthier not to get involved.
My blood pressure rises when I get pelted with hard candy! D!@K,

Sturds points are also valid....Trickle down economics....Believe it or not spending money when you are broke to find new ways to make money works.
You have to spend money to make money, so that is a two headed coin.

And yes, why Sturd did not win the pot stirring award I do not know. I may make him an honorary one!!!
I'm not saying you don't need to spend money to MAKE money, that's business. Today's world spends money they don't have on bs they don't need just for status or show or because the media drills it in us that we need material possessions. Then those same people demand government assistance when they can't afford food for their families, or their kids get fed chemically laced garbage because it's cheap, but hey, did you see my new iphone!?

We are conditioning the coming generations to expect, not earn. Spend money you don't have, don't worry there isn't really any consequence, because if it gets really bad, the hard working tax payers will take care of you.

It's sadly almost a joke now-days to think one new president can change this or turn it around, it's going to take the collective mindset of the next generations to change things, to actually work together and see the big picture.
Many good points in here. This is a blood boiling concern. I'm not letting it consume me, but it is consuming...we are all affected by these things.

We don't need a President...we need a good leader...if ya catch my drift.

Help me (us) understand these thoughts about not voting for the incumbent? The next presidential election is an open election. If I were President...I would campaign for second term by doing my job.

What is our foremost concern/problem as a nation?

Carson may be eaten alive in Washington. He may be soft spoken, but I believe he has the fortitude to plant his feet and stick to his guns. We often mistake someone being soft spoken or kind as having a lack of courage or backbone.
Give up with Sturd, his only goal is to piss you off.

Alas sturd, PitRacer's tactless troll.

So enjoy?
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him a life time. Give him a phone, free housing, a monthly check that gets larger the more children he produces and have someone else do the fishing for him, you create generations of democrats.
Give up with Sturd, his only goal is to piss you off. Usually his responses arent even his true thoughts or beliefs!

That is not true. They are absolutely my true thoughts. That's hard to do sometimes without pissing
people off but that doesn't make them less true.

And Karl, watch that "spends money they don't have on bs they don't need just for status or show or because the media drills it in us that we need material possessions". Depending on who you're talking to, that could be dirt bikes that you're buying just because "we need material possessions".

I think that bashing folks at the bottom because they have a cell phone is disingenuous. Doing something to teach a kid how to spin
a wrench, or how to fill out a college application, or whatever strikes your fancy as a member of the good ole USofA that seems to care
about the next generation being what you see as "worse" would be time much better spent than posting bumper sticker material that
isn't even factual.
Give up with Sturd, his only goal is to piss you off. Usually his responses arent even his true thoughts or beliefs!

As for the political garbage...

My view has finally come to the point where I have realized the government will find a way to do what it wants regardless of my vote. Obama isnt the first one to prove that point but certainly one of the greats. I now have found that my day is much less stressful if I avoid politics entirely. So I stopped reading this after 2 posts ( also because Jarrett types too much). My blood pressure was rising and its healthier not to get involved.

Not to pick on Dave with his post, BUT (there's always a but, doncha know), apathy towards our political process and our duties as citizens of a representative republic (not a democracy as many believe we are) has become a major impediment in people being/or wanting to be, informed of what is happening in all levels of government from local to national.

I know many people that are confused/don't care/are intimidated by their lack of knowledge/self-centered/disgusted, etc. with politics and choose to disconnect from it so as not to be bothered by it. I get it. But that only perpetuates our problems.

The best and brightest are no longer the people we get to chose from on election day. We now have a system where the most connected/most wealthy/most persuasive/best campaign slogans, etc. are the choices we have now.

Like my original (rambling) post, we need to have term limits and thereby set expectations for our elected officials that we are voting for them to be effective and make positive changes while in office. NOT to put them there to only position and campaign for the next election or many more after that. By limiting their need to be a career politician as their "employment" via our votes, we will find people that are truly invested in our future. Or, at least, we can more easily identify those that are there for "us" or for "them".

"Billions" are spent on ad campaigns, TV adverts, bumper stickers etc. on elections. The President makes $400K a year. Why did his campaign spend $750M plus to get elected? Do you see the dichotomy in spend versus earn here? Not just the last few election cycles am I referring to, but for decades before as well.

"Follow the money" was used in an old movie titled "All the President's Men". Still holds true 40 years later.
What happens when it collapses. The entire system?

Too big to fail ?

All those dependent on the government will get angry and start searching for food. Loot the stores. Loot homes. Then they'll head towards the farms. . .
That is not true. They are absolutely my true thoughts. That's hard to do sometimes without pissing
people off but that doesn't make them less true.

And Karl, watch that "spends money they don't have on bs they don't need just for status or show or because the media drills it in us that we need material possessions". Depending on who you're talking to, that could be dirt bikes that you're buying just because "we need material possessions".

I think that bashing folks at the bottom because they have a cell phone is disingenuous. Doing something to teach a kid how to spin
a wrench, or how to fill out a college application, or whatever strikes your fancy as a member of the good ole USofA that seems to care
about the next generation being what you see as "worse" would be time much better spent than posting bumper sticker material that
isn't even factual.

So then you just exhibit the condescending, entitled superiority of the typical NY Times leftist, know-it-all, nincompoop?

But as for sturd, if not repeatedly tamped down, he tends to flame out of control. I've tired of tending the fire. Time to ignore and enjoy the sport.
What happens when it collapses. The entire system?

Too big to fail ?

All those dependent on the government will get angry and start searching for food. Loot the stores. Loot homes. Then they'll head towards the farms. . .

Georgie, Unfortunately it's your generation and those beyond that will need deal with what my generation has enabled. Reality eventually catches up with an out of control centralized big government. That reality is not a good thing.

It's past time for a change. It's time for a true conservative. The electorate spoke this past election only to be turned back by the establishment before the newly elected took office. The consent of the governed still has meaning. There are a few potential candidates capable of speaking past the status quo and directly to the voters. The blueprint for victory is proven and the correct candidate need only follow that plan.
The best and brightest are no longer the people we get to chose from on election day. We now have a system where the most connected/most wealthy/most persuasive/best campaign slogans, etc. are the choices we have now.

I think that has been true for a long time. Read some of the Morris books, especially "The Rise of Theodore
Roosevelt". The most connected/most wealthy/etc have been our elected representatives since
then, at least.

"Follow the money" was used in an old movie titled "All the President's Men". Still holds true 40 years later.

That could not be truer.