What a weekend.....


WOW! What a crazy weekend! Right from the beginning, 630 am on Saturday morning, digging the entire surface of the track up with a track hoe to get through the frost, to perfect race conditions (we even had to water) on Sunday afternoon! Thanks to everyone for braving the frigid temperatures both days to make a successful season opener! We were very pleasantly surprised at the 140 "crazy" people that rode practice on Saturday, and even more shocked at the almost 350 riders that came on Sunday to race! I don't think there was anyone that didn't lose feeling in their hands at least once over the weekend! Also, there were only a few minor injuries, and the ambulance only had to go on the track once, and that young man ended up walking away! I call that a giant success in itself! We also want to thank our amazing track crew! You guys and girls are the best! We appreciate every single one of you! Again, our sincerest thanks to everyone for supporting us and the OMA! We are looking forward to a great season!
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People keep acting like it was snowing yesterday! Was low-mid 40s. Put a hoody on and after 1 moto I was sweating.
We drove 2 plus hours to freeze our arses off?....... but we had a great time doing it.....numb hands and all, it was a great day!

Track was in great shape too, great job! See you at the qualifier.
Cold or not we wasn't miss missing the Verns open..And very glad we didn't. You guys there did a hell of a job all weekend, We Thank you!!!!
People keep acting like it was snowing yesterday! Was low-mid 40s. Put a hoody on and after 1 moto I was sweating.
Low-mid 40's was the high. It was 17 when we rolled in. Needed the campfire for sure. Ended up being pretty decent weather about the time the bikes started.
Anyone hear how many riders COCR had? They don't have any results posted. That is one thing I love about Connie and OMA.....those results are up half the time before you can get home.
Speaking of finger breaking. My sons finger is black. Lapper came over into his line and they banged bars a little. Cought his finger.... Bummer.
It was an awesome weekend! Kept me busy for sure, my throat was a little scratchy at the end of the day. I haven't talked that much since the battle races. Both C classes being 30+ riders, as well as other classes having large gates, given the conditions, things are looking great for Ohio motocross. Braaap!