Trump daddy

Trump made one heck of a speech at the New York rally yesterday aon news is the only one that showed it .

He made some great points.
That's what is going on. He pointed at all the cameras and gave email an earful. Saying theyou are biased
What the hell happened in Colorado ! ! !
Does anybody understand what took place here?

I had to work this weekend, and so missed all the talk show stuff, and missed the news last night.
I need information... I need facts

Feed me Seymour, Feed Me!
Here's a news clip I just read:

As WND reported, Trump erupted on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning after a weekend that saw Cruz sweep all of Colorado’s 34 delegates without a popular vote.

“I’ve gotten millions … of more votes than Cruz, and I’ve gotten hundreds of delegates more, and we keep fighting, fighting, fighting, and then you have a Colorado where they just get all of these delegates, and it’s not [even] a system,” Trump said. “There was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything. There’s no voting.”

His comments came after Cruz won the remaining 13 delegates at the weekend’s convention, bringing his total for the state to 34, an outcome he claimed was unfair and just shy of illegal.

“They offer them trips – they offer them all sorts of things, and you’re allowed to do that,” Trump said, of the method by which some woo delegates. “I mean, you’re allowed to offer trips, and you can buy all these votes. What kind of a system is this? Now, I’m an outsider, and I came into the system and I’m winning the votes by millions of votes. But the system is rigged. It’s crooked.”

The televised remarks followed a weekend of tweets expressing similarly critical views.

“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger – totally unfair!” wrote Trump in one Twitter post.

He followed it up with a second tweet: “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”

It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided they would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.

The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”


Trump has repeatedly blasted Colorado's Republican leadership since this weekend's state convention, and did so again Monday at a rally in Albany, N.Y., calling Cruz's win "a total fix."

"There’s so much - the people all wanted to vote. They took away their votes," Trump said. "I think it’s going to come back to haunt them because people aren’t going take it anymore. We’re not going to take it anymore. It’s a corrupt system. It’s a totally corrupt, rigged system."

Trump tied the Colorado controversy to next week's New York primary, where polls show him holding a big lead over Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

"You’re going to go out and vote … well, we found out in Colorado it's not a democracy like we thought and we're not going to have a rigged election," Trump said.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus pushed back against Trump's claims Monday, telling conservative radio host Mike Gallagher in an interview that the convention system used in Colorado is "not an affront to the people of Colorado. It just is what the rule is."
"I don't know why a majority is such a difficult concept for some people to accept," Priebus said.
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What the hell happened in Colorado ! ! !
Does anybody understand what took place here?

I had to work this weekend, and so missed all the talk show stuff, and missed the news last night.
I need information... I need facts

Feed me Seymour, Feed Me!

It's a caucus system and they've been doing it that way since I believe 1912. Trump didn't even go to speak. He's either winning or whining. Did you know that he has a larger percentage of the delegates than his percentage of actual votes.

You won't hear an decent explanation about Colorado on Fox or read it on Drudge. They're in propaganda mode. Interesting how sources are shaking out this primary season..
The whole system is corrupt. Caucus states are a joke in my opinion. Colorado is a total disaster. I mean, really? You have a state party that wants to make sure "their" guy gets in their. People of Ohio, wake up........the same things are happening right here in your state of Ohio, and with the state republican central committee. Matt Borges, the chair of the state was furious, over the candidates that the Greene Co. Republican party endorsed. Guess what.........every central committee member gets a vote, and gets to make THEIR choice for the endorsement! NOT the State chair.

The whole system needs to do away with delegates. Go to the popular vote. Let the people of the United States vote in every single primary. No more winner take all, no more apportioned delegates, no more caucus states. Count the PEOPLES vote and that is who wins. Simple concept I know, but seems to work very well for every single elected office except President of the United States. And that system is looking to be very flawed on not only the republican side, but the democrat side also.
Did you know that he has a larger percentage of the delegates than his percentage of actual votes.

No kidding he only has a large percentage. He has won the most states, and there were 17 candidates running in the beginning, and still three in the race! That popular vote number is getting split many ways.

That is why I hate listening to the stupid talking heads saying that Hillary has millions more votes than Trump. No s** has been her against Bernie the whole time. The republicans have had millions more people voting than the democrats but it is being split 17 ways in the beginning, and now three ways since our dumb ass governor will not step aside like he should since he cant get to 1237.

Kasich talks about bringing the party together, while he is doing nothing but trying to keep someone from 1237. He wants to be the nominee even after millions of voters have said NO to him at the ballot box. And Ohio's whole primary system was changed last year by Matt Borges, Kasich's guy, and the state central committee to benefit Kasich. It truly is a flawed system.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Trump isn't winning now that the field is down to two and spoiler. He didn't whine when he won caucus states, did he? He doesn't whine about his disproportionate delegate numbers due to crowded field.

Is John250 advocating national central government control?
Trump isn't winning now that the field is down to two and spoiler. He didn't whine when he won caucus states, did he? He doesn't whine about his disproportionate delegate numbers due to crowded field.

Is John250 advocating national central government control?
Nope. I just like the idea of the PEOPLE voting. Just my opinion.
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The change to Colorado's caucus system was announced last August. Trump chose not to campaign in Colorado, knowing he wouldn't do well there. He now wants to cry foul claiming he was cheated. It was a planned strategy to capitalize on the disenfranchisement of the American voters.
The change to Colorado's caucus system was announced last August. Trump chose not to campaign in Colorado, knowing he wouldn't do well there. He now wants to cry foul claiming he was cheated. It was a planned strategy to capitalize on the disenfranchisement of the American voters.
Do you think it is OK the popular vote means nothing?

Dont you think in a democracy we should be allowed to vote?

I do.
I agree the system sucks. It is stacked against anyone not in lock step with the party. The voters should be the determining factor regarding who represents their party. Not the media. Not the party hacks. Not the wealthy.

Trump is lashing out in an attempt to save face over his poor showing in Colorado, yet he chose not to campaign there.
Do you think it is OK the popular vote means nothing?

Dont you think in a democracy we should be allowed to vote?

I do.

Pull off again Bubba.

We don't live in a democracy. It's a federalist system, a representative republic. The problem is that we are now post constitutional.
Do you think it is OK the popular vote means nothing?

Dont you think in a democracy we should be allowed to vote?

I do.

You'll get to vote, in November. But parties decide on who you'll get to vote for and they get to do it any way they want. Until the
debacle of Chicago cops beating up protesters at the '68 democratic convention, there was no such thing as a primary.
yet he chose not to campaign there.

I don't think what Cruz did in Colorado could actually be referred to as campaigning. Technically it's more along the lines of Lobbying, because of the wooing, courting and back room deal making without the general public's knowledge or consent. (I say knowledge or consent because you know damn well the majority of the general public were likely unaware of all of this until it was too late!).

From the Denver Post:

A day after being trounced by Sen. Ted Cruz in Colorado, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump blasted the state party's process for selecting national delegates and called into question the results.

"The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!" Trump posted on Twitter on Sunday evening.

Moments earlier, he posted a tweet that asked: "How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger — totally unfair!"

The Cruz campaign ran the table in Colorado, capturing all 34 delegates at a series of seven congressional district meetings this month and the state party convention Saturday in Colorado Springs. .................(How is this Democracy?????????)

Colorado GOP leaders canceled the party's presidential straw poll in August to avoid binding its delegates to a candidate who may not survive until the Republican National Convention in July.

Instead, Republicans selected national delegates through the caucus process, a move that put the election of national delegates in the hands of party insiders and activists — leaving roughly 90 percent of the more than 1 million Republican voters on the sidelines.
This sort of BS is the exact reason we have an non-politician outsider running and doing so well in this election.
And yet the Republican part just continues down the same path. That's insanity!

The Republican Ship is going Down.