Trump daddy

Negotiate by rolling over to the status quo? Change the number of votes to get a bill passed so they can hide behind changing the rules?? Well I like a man of principle before I like a man of status quo bs.
Negotiate by rolling over to the status quo? Change the number of votes to get a bill passed so they can hide behind changing the rules?? Well I like a man of principle before I like a man of status quo bs.

No dumb ass. Negotiate. Its a give and take, you ask for more than you want and settle close to what you want. Otherwise nothing changes. Do you want what we have currently to not change? Thats what you will have without negotiation. Look at the Cruz campaign, this is what people think about him. His numbers are falling, he was supposed to win Indiana ( and still can technically) but his poll numbers fell off. His campaign failure over the past couple weeks has shown what type of leader he is and it has failed according to his lack of winning.
I was starting to doze off, into a dream as I was reading this, and instantly flashback pictures of my ex-wife's face with lips moving saying those words: No dumb ass. Negotiate. Its a give and take, you ask for more than you want and settle close to what you want.:D
"Bill & Hillary Rides Again". Who didn't see this coming ? ? ?

Clinton says she'd take Bill 'out of retirement' for White House jobs role
Hillary Clinton already has a certain someone in mind for the role of manufacturing jobs czar: her husband.

In one of the first real indications of the role Bill Clinton might play if the Democratic presidential front-runner brings the family back to the White House, Hillary Clinton told hard-hit workers in coal country that she plans to take her husband “out of retirement” so he can work on bringing jobs back.

“I’ve told my husband he’s got to come out of retirement and be in charge of this, because you know he’s got more ideas a minute than anybody I know,” she said in Ashland, Ky.
There are so many examples of minority middle man companies that do nothing more than win government contracts. They then do nothing but sub contract the government job back out to someone else. This does nothing but drive up the cost to the tax payers. How about in todays world, we take color or sex off the job, and the lowest, best qualified bid wins.

Saw Cruz interviewed this morning again. He has so many long pauses.......breaks in speech. Does he think I need that to understand him? He is just fake. I cant even stand him talking anymore.

Hillary stepped into a pile of s**t in WV. Usually she knows every question before it is asked. That out of work miner asked her why she said she would put all coal mines out of business, and miners out of jobs. Look on her face is priceless. Someone got an ass chewing after that. She said she was miss quoted. LOL. That is not what the tape showed. She pulled the Bill card out, and said her husband was going to work with WV and the coal mines, to bring jobs to WV.
No dumb ass. Negotiate. Its a give and take, you ask for more than you want and settle close to what you want. Otherwise nothing changes. Do you want what we have currently to not change? Thats what you will have without negotiation. Look at the Cruz campaign, this is what people think about him. His numbers are falling, he was supposed to win Indiana ( and still can technically) but his poll numbers fell off. His campaign failure over the past couple weeks has shown what type of leader he is and it has failed according to his lack of winning.

I'm thinking that true conservatives are sick of negotiating, and the give/take method. They want hard line changes. Just the same as the true Liberals won't be happy until they have changed our entire American culture to their skewed ways of thinking.
Broken government. Xenia Ohio
They have a three tier healthcare system based on longevity. Employees pay either 15%, 20% or 30%. Even at 30% the employees pay less than the national average for healthcare. Employees in the US average contributing $4955 a year (family coverage) to employer sponsored health plans. The national average for a employer contribution to a family HSA is $760.

Here is the deal in Xenia.
Family plan:
15% $2119.08
20% $2825.52
30% 4238.28

And the City pays $3500 (front loaded at beginning of year) into the employees HSA accounts. So the Net cost for the employees at 15 and 20% is less than they pay for their insurance.

this is a city that has a million dollar deficit. But yet no one wants to go to the insurance committee (made up of the 7 bargaining units) and say the contracts need to be opened..........WE ARE BROKE! Besides the fact the jobs that have private sector equivalent are paid more than the private sector.

Government is BROKE both financially and operationally at all levels. More politicians are not going to fix it. We need people with common sense business experience, that will make tough decisions to get us back in the black.
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Is that what a Deficit means ......? ......WE ARE BROKE ? ? ? Are You Sure John ? ? ?

I've become so accustomed to the idea that having less revenue coming in, than money going out is OK. Taught by our US Government, I just assumed that this was how things get done. After all we are the greatest country on the face of this rock we all live on.

I've always liked this site:
Trump has done a number on Cruz. Trump does a number on me too. I can't help but feel that I've lost a few more of my precious remaining IQ points every time I force myself to listen to guy.

Common sense from Trump? So do Trumpsters even listen to the garbage coming out of the Donald's mouth? Now lying Ted's dad was with Lee Harvey Oswald in Cuba?

Trump received the all important, big government, Medicare for all Sturd endorsement early. Lol!

A race to watch in Indiana is the Republican Senate race. The establishment through McConnell's reelection committee has poured in big $ supporting their candidate against a true conservative. They don't want another Ted Cruz in the Senate. Guess which way Trump's $ has gone.
Is that what a Deficit means ......? ......WE ARE BROKE ? ? ? Are You Sure John ? ? ?

I've become so accustomed to the idea that having less revenue coming in, than money going out is OK. Taught by our US Government, I just assumed that this was how things get done. After all we are the greatest country on the face of this rock we all live on.

I've always liked this site:

Want to talk unfunded liabilities?
Cruz says trumo can't tell the truth. LMAO. Cruz puts false statements out about Trump everyday.

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trump will be running for re-election in 2020. it will be 2024 before he runs again.

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I've said it for months that trump would be our nominee. now time for the party to get 100% behind him.

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Dancing the happy dance. Senate majority a real possibility. As long as republifucks keep
control of lower house, best of all possible outcomes. We get supremos that can actually
read and understand the constitution and nothing much else gets done to impede those
of us that know how to make things.
I was really surprised that Cruz dropped out last night after a week of hearing he was in it til the end. I have a feeling he was directed to drop out if he lost Indiana by party officials. Also very surprised he didnt congratulate Trump but then again I guess he proved to me again why I didnt like him. Trump in the other hand gave him some serious props. If you noticed Trump was all about thanking and building people up in his victory speech. That has always been his strong point and how he builds good teams that support him. Hopefully he continues that in the future.
Donald, Bernie and the establishment Republican senatorial candidate all had big Indiana wins yesterday.

Donald gave Cruz some props just hours after whipping up another lyin' Ted Twitter storm. That's how he builds good teams that support him?

And of course we have our new paper of record, as cited again yesterday by the presumptive Republican nominee Trump and promoted by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.

The news media have begun their polarizing spin stating Polls results revealing Bill & Hillary Clinton defeating Trump in the General election, but they'll really be ramping it up now.

With Trump now being able to focus on the General Election, there shouldn't be any difficulty having enough mud slinging material for campaigning against the Clintons. Trump will really have to have his act together on this and hire the best help that his big money can buy. The Clintons are masters at taking advantage of slip ups like he has had in the primary elections. They are the best in the business when it comes to politics and campaigning. And her and Bill have been working on the Hillary campaign since he left office in January 2001.
I think Cruz dropping out had to do with the big money donors. They said if you lose Indiana, a state where you should smoke Trump, and were up 20 points 2 1/2 weeks ago, we are out. Once the big money donors dry up, campaign is over.

As for Cruz's father, while he may not be connected to the JFK assignation, no one has denied that it is him in the photo with Oswald. Didn't they always say that Oswald had Cuban connections? May sound crazy. but the Enquire has been correct on many other huge political stories in the past.

Trump will start building the team now. VP will be interesting. For many reasons, I would really like to see Mike Huckabee as Trumps running mate. I think he brings the right of the party to Trump. Huckabee has executive branch experience also. His daughter is also a Senior political advisor to Trump. Trump/Huckabee 2016.