Trump daddy

Donations made AFTER the media asked where the donations went.

This guy is more of a lying sack of feces than Mittens was. Hard to believe that is possible.

Before common core we had exam questions like this:

____1. "What is the next number in the series? " As it relates to that list we are due up for another scandal in the year ________.
A. 2016
B. 2017
C. 2018
D. 2021
E. Both C & D

( If educated only via common core please disregard A-E. Continue to F. As we wouldn't want this to be unfair. All F answers will receive full credit)

F. What difference does it make?

Correct answer gets a donut. Or ten minutes on a yacht in the Caribbean with bill and his babes.
So now we have had yet another Islamic Terrorist attack on US soil. The largest mass shooting ever in our country. This jackass was interviewed 3 times in 2013, once in 2014 and once in 2015. But yet him and his terrorist father (yes, I think he is a terrorist too), were roaming our streets, and legally bought guns. How does someone on the FBI radar for possible terrorist activity not have a red flag come up when he applies for a back ground check?

Trump is 100% correct. We need to stop all travel and immigration from specific countries. Until the United States government can vet the people coming to our country, we need to close our border. It is about American security and safety.
So you're ok with giving up some freedoms in order to protect lives of people you don't know or don't know you ?

Are you ok with restricting the Internet ?
So you're ok with giving up some freedoms in order to protect lives of people you don't know or don't know you ?

Are you ok with restricting the Internet ?
no. I am OK with the FBI restricting specific people from firearms that are on watch lists!

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I guess I have misunderstood the current gun laws, since Im not a gun owner I dont pay too much attention. I thought if you were under FBI watch you couldnt purchase fire arms already? What restrictions are there currently that prevent a person from purchasing? There was a lot of talk about laws in place that are not enforced in one of the debates, what are those?
I absolutely say no to that.

Don't take away my freedoms because some want to use freedom to commit crime.

No reason to limit and or restrict the Internet. There's enough countries that do that already. And those said countries are quite oppressed.
I absolutely say no to that.

Don't take away my freedoms because some want to use freedom to commit crime.

No reason to limit and or restrict the Internet. There's enough countries that do that already. And those said countries are quite oppressed.

Yes, let us live with our current, covertly controlled internet!

We have had enough with a current administration that is all too quick to lecture the law abiding, general public regarding the horrendous actions of a few. And seemingly incapable of placing blame where it is truly due.
Anyone can buy a gun, any time. Ever go to a gun show? Everything is for sale in the parking lot.
I am not even a gun guy and I know that.

If you do not know where to buy a gun illegally , you most likely are not the problem.
When the WWW-Internet is the primary tool for spreading the message of radical islam, or any other terrorism message, there just might be a need for some oversight.
I happen to agree with Trump on this one, you just can't let these issues and attacks go unanswered. It's time for a firm and swift show of strength to the whole world that the United States can gets it's act together and handle these medieval thinking religious extremist once and for all. We've put up with this crap loooooooong enough. End it NOW. WHATEVER IT TAKES! No more politically correct Mr Nice Guy.

NQ, I get that, sort of. Any type of oversight is an infringement on rights. They already are watching. What is another bill or law going to do to prevent them from using proxy servers out of another country to continue to spew their rhetoric ? Nothing. Itll do nothing, but it will take away a freedom from someone that is decent and will not commit crime.

If it was legal for the government to have oversight. It would be like vitalmx moderators deleting posts whenever they want if you start talking about a in iffy issue. It would be used to shut people up about truths, or to shut people up about other sided opinions.

Rush Limbaugh would be shut up.
Glen beck would be (wouldn't mind but it's his freedom to yap)

Once theirs oversight we will only hear one side of the story. And be criminalized if we dare speak about the other side.
Changes and hard decisions must be made.
If we continue running our government and country the way we are, it's going to be bad. Very bad.
You're starting to sound like a Hillary ad. Don't be so quick to give your freedoms up in the name of children or safety.....

The masses will give up their freedoms willingly in return for the government saying they will take care of us and protect us....I'm sure governments in the past have said that and it went bad as well.

Knee jerk legislation doesn't really protect anyone I think. If they could think stuff through, instead of going to something quick like "assault style ban" because that fixes it.

3000 people died on 9/11. Not 1 gun shot was fired and I can still go to walmart and buy all their blades and box knives i want.
I've been to a lot of gun show and never witnessed a gun sold illegally or sold in the parking lot.

Well, I have been to two ever, and at one I saw a deal in the parking lot where the guy was approached after seeing the other guy looking at a gun inside the sale.

You gun guys are touchy, ha ha