Trump daddy

Executive order 1. Term limit. Lmao.

Post election, Mitch McConnell already replied to term limits stating that we don't need them because we have elections. If he holds true to form, McConnell will buck the Trump agenda every step of the way.
Trump is already doing a good job!

Mexico is in full panic over NAFTA. Saying don't scrap it, we can make a better deal instead.

How about, Mexico the 51'st state
John you forgot about....Chelsea. If you think that witch is gonna stay out of politics you're mistaken.

Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run
Published November 12, 2016

Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton reportedly is being mooted as a future congressional candidate.

The New York Post reported that Clinton, 36, is being eyed to take Rep. Nita Lowey's place when the 79-year-old incumbent decides to leave the House of Representatives.

Lowey represents New York's 17th District, which covers part of Westchester County, including Bill and Hillary Clinton's hometown of Chappaqua. The Post reported that the Clintons have purchased the home next door to theirs, in which they plan to install Chelsea, her husband and their two children.

Chelsea Clinton currently lives, and is registered to vote, in Manhattan. She introduced Hillary Clinton when her mother accepted the Democratic nomination for president at this summer's national convention in Philadelphia.

"Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand," the Post quoted a source as saying. "While politics isn’t the life Hillary wanted for Chelsea, she chose to go on the campaign trail for her mother and has turned out to be very poised, articulate and comfortable with the visibility."

Chelsea herself has not ruled out seeking public office, telling Buzzfeed in 2014 that "I find it pretty discouraging that almost none of my friends think about running for public office as an option."


Why.... Of course she is.
Why wouldn't the American public just expect this.
Got nothing to do with the public. But all that foreign money in the Clinton foundation. Without Chelsea there are some angry foreign nationals.
It's always the R that have to reach across the aisle and work with the liberals.

Right, like they did the last 8 years right? John Boehner's comment on Obama's agenda; “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” Expect the same from Democrats.

A very interesting read for those that want to understand why we'll be at the inauguration (me, my son, my business partner, room for 3 more if you're interested) -
Right, like they did the last 8 years right? John Boehner's comment on Obama's agenda; “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” Expect the same from Democrats.

A very interesting read for those that want to understand why we'll be at the inauguration (me, my son, my business partner, room for 3 more if you're interested) -
ive been wondering where you've been hiding.

Boegner or boner rolled over and just took butthurting. He didn't fight anything.

Terrible article by the way. Everyone can participate in society. Some choose to, others not to. And others yet make excuses for why they're marginalized. I've been marginilized like anyone else. You have to. But you don't have to stay down. Get up and move forward, freely....with your guns and maybe a possibility of buying cheaper insurance because of competition.
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My boy Ted Cruz being considered for attorney general. Can't think of anyone better for that spot. A true hardcore constitutional conservative.

Trump seriously is surrounding himself with great people that want to move the country forward. There's no hard feelings from campaign bashing. I really think trump is making the right choices and it's gonna be a great next 4 years.

Media still trying to paint the picture of a transitional disaster. .....Well it is, for the media. Haha.
There is hope for the likes of sturd. For decades I've debated politically with a professional colleague. However recently while in his late 60's, he has finally seen the light. The scales have fallen in what could be described as a slow rolling epiphany as some old ways have taken time to break. This has been a truly amazing experience. We now discuss rather than debate. I never thought I'd see the day...

Could an inauguration trip finally quell sturd's cognitive dissonance? We will see. Will he?
My boy Ted Cruz being considered for attorney general. Can't think of anyone better for that spot.

How 'bout a racist? That's better, right?

Stolen from WST - "But earlier in his career, that same committee denied him a position as a lifetime-tenured federal judge after lawyers testified he had used racially insensitive language. Sessions apologized for saying he thought the KKK was OK "until I found out they smoked pot," describing the episode as a joke."
I bet trump could of won even if he went third party and started a new party. Called the economy party. That runs against the social parties.
I bet trump could of won even if he went third party and started a new party. Called the economy party. That runs against the social parties.

If you think he'll be better for the economy, good luck. Hope you're right. I'm pretty sure you've
been conned but if they do what they say, my income tax will go down and yours won't (unless
they pay nurses REALLY well there) so I'm not too upset in the sort run. More upset for my
nephew and nieces. They got conned. Again.
If you think he'll be better for the economy, good luck. Hope you're right. I'm pretty sure you've
been conned but if they do what they say, my income tax will go down and yours won't (unless
they pay nurses REALLY well there) so I'm not too upset in the sort run. More upset for my
nephew and nieces. They got conned. Again.

Best look at Trump's tax plan, everyone's rate drops. Unless you aren't paying anything now.
If you think he'll be better for the economy, good luck. Hope you're right. I'm pretty sure you've
been conned but if they do what they say, my income tax will go down and yours won't (unless
they pay nurses REALLY well there) so I'm not too upset in the sort run. More upset for my
nephew and nieces. They got conned. Again.

And you don't feel as though the voters of this country haven't been conned for the last three presidencies?

Prior to this election most simply had reached a belief level that nothing's ever gonna change in American politics because we keep voting in same old BS politicians, and the system is rigged to keep out anybody that just might be able to bring about some real change for once. And maybe, just maybe work for the interests of the American voters instead of the lobbyists and special interests groups.

Both parties are full of establishment politicians that work to prevent any good from happening, and now we finally have a real true to life outsider in the White House, and yet people are going to bitch, moan and complain about anything and everything he attempts to do and accomplish.
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If anybody is interested, still one seat left in the van to DC for inauguration day. We all got our
"Not my President" T's but you don't need one.
And by the way, we voted in the same old politicians. You're congresscritter change? No, pretty much none did. And they make the laws and set the budget. Only thing Drumpf really will control is the military and of course the nuke codes. Somebody that needs safe space for his VP at a play (from the actors no less!) may not be the right guy for the job.

One dork that conned you guys is not change. But he is dangerous.
Anyone concerned about young people and their future?

And by the way, we voted in the same old politicians. You're congresscritter change? No, pretty much none did. And they make the laws and set the budget. Only thing Drumpf really will control is the military and of course the nuke codes. Somebody that needs safe space for his VP at a play (from the actors no less!) may not be the right guy for the job.

One dork that conned you guys is not change. But he is dangerous.

And you think any other candidate for president was better? He isn't dangerous, calm down liberal fear monger. He isn't Hitler and he isn't going to run around killing Muslims or sending black people to sit on the back of the bus.

What he is going to do is try his best to do the job he got elected for. A narcissist he may be but, if so, that trait will drive him to success. A large part of his job is to drive Congress in a direction he believes we want. With a Republican majority there and him in office hopefully we will see some change this time. Economy and health care are why I voted for him. One more ridiculous Healthcare rate increase and I will probably have to drop coverage for my employees. It is by far the single most expensive over head cost I have and less than half of them are on the plan.