Exactly. And they are trying to spin them as Soviet Union labs that Ukraine inherited after the collapse. Yeah, OK. If it were true, why has it taken 30 years to study and then destroy what was in those labs? And now warning Russia may use chemical weapons. Our government and State Department are so corrupt, they ALL need purged.Well what do you know, the State Department has admitted the existence of the Ukrainian bioweapons laboratories. Wuhan, now Ukraine, some have been very busy.
And the piggy bank to corrupt politicians.Now Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Russia will likely use chlorine and suffocate people to death. Chlorine draws the air out of your lungs. And also burns your eyes. And every other damn thing possible. Drop them in 55 gallon drums. Major havoc.cheap and effective.Exactly. And they are trying to spin them as Soviet Union labs that Ukraine inherited after the collapse. Yeah, OK. If it were true, why has it taken 30 years to study and then destroy what was in those labs? And now warning Russia may use chemical weapons. Our government and State Department are so corrupt, they ALL need purged.
In 2014, our government helped with a coup in Ukraine to install a puppet government. Now Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. How much of our tax dollars have gone over there? How many of those ended up in the pockets of State Department personnel or American politicians and their families?
We are being lied to and propagandized about this "war". We are trying to be sucked into it. All the heart string pulling BS you see and hear is all to win public approval for us to get involved.
To those still on FakeBook, see if the ad for this movie shows there.Free Speech?
An interesting take coming from our originator of 'Trump daddy'. By "we" are you referring to consent of the governed? If not "we", then what entity does control any of this?I’ve just accepted the fact that we have no control in any of this. They’re all smooth lipped s**t heads.
Staffers to congressman. It’s lifelong swAmp all of the.
Our country is at war Georgie.I’ve just accepted the fact that we have no control in any of this. They’re all smooth lipped s**t heads.
Staffers to congressman. It’s lifelong swAmp all of the.
I hear what you’re saying but both sides is dug in and feels the same way about the opposite side. There’s no resolution here.Our country is at war Georgie.
We have been since the Clinton Administration got elected in 1992.
Trump getting elected was an act of war back against the corrupt political machine of the left.
Constantly exposing, repeating, and educating of anything and everything corrupt by the left, or the right, is ammo for fighting back. Critically Important !
To educate and inform the un-informed of our American society.
This video is example of the warfare.To those still on FakeBook, see if the ad for this movie shows there.
Rigged 2020 - Watch The Film
Mark Zuckerberg Funded $400 Million Plot To Defeat Donald J. Trumpcitizensunitedmovies.com
We don’t control s**t at the national level. We control everything at the local level. After it gets past your county elections it’s a crap shoot.
we can’t utilize the proceeds to get on the ballot. And once we do. We get smeared. There’s some really screwy reasoning behind a guy spending 1 million to get a county commissioner job that pays $60,000 a year.
even some county elections “we”
Have no control over. you can think punching that ballot changes things, but if that’s the case why in the f**k do we have the same incompetent clowns at the highest level ? You can find all of them saying s**t and flipping over years. Yet somehow they’re still on the ballots. Still campaigning. And “we” show up to vote for who gets put on the ballot.
WE don’t pick who gets put on the ballot.
And now we don’t even know how the hell they count votes anymore.
yet an ATM can count my money and exchange it if I’m in different countries and it always shits out the correct amount. Strange.
And trump daddy was basically meant to say it’s an outside guy. I never thought he’d get as far as he did. He was literally the trial. Big lessons learned from that guy getting elected. The swamp has to make sure s**t like that never happens again.
You start as a staffer and do all the work for elected officials and connect with lobbyists and in 10 years your new the elected and you get a slurry of 22 year old staffers to wash rinse and repeat.
Our country is at war Georgie.
We have been since the Clinton Administration got elected in 1992.
Trump getting elected was an act of war back against the corrupt political machine of the left.
Constantly exposing, repeating, and educating of anything and everything corrupt by the left, or the right, is ammo for fighting back. Critically Important !
To educate and inform the un-informed of our American society.
I hear what you’re saying but both sides is dug in and feels the same way about the opposite side. There’s no resolution here.
The clowns in office know it’s better to keep everyone fighting eachother and thinking they can change things. What the hell do these guys do when there not in session ? By the time they travel to dc. Travel back. Recesses all the time. Maybe 1-2 times a year are they in the house bickering at eachother and they’re the first to say oh we are working 16 today in the statehouse. Twice a year. Great job. Rest of the time you’re not.
Before surrending to defeatism or applying a war analogy, one should visit the WarRoom.This video is example of the warfare.
Trump is now suing Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and a handful of other complicit bad actors, and the failed $42 million dollar Mueller Investigation followed by the long running Durham investigation has uncovered enough factual evidence along with processing indictments to give Trump the legal grounds to proceed and likely win.
Meanwhile 18 months ago, the entire corrupt left wing of the government and their Propaganda ministers, the Media, went into full cover-up and bury mode over Joe Biden's long track record of bribery, and influence peddling dirty deals with foreign countries including adversaries, (just as Hillary was doing while Secretary of State), all for personal financial gain, while selling out the United States. And the left, the Media, and Oligarchs did this to prevent losing the election that they were working so hard to steal. Treason at the highest level of our government.
And now with the Tony Bobulinski's press releases and Fox News interview, along with the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, you have all of the factual evidence and proof that the cover-up scandal has developed into the greatest crime of our time for United States.
And this battle isn't going away. It's only growing by the day.
What's really scary and shameful, is the CIA and FBI's involvement in these scandals. WOW ! ! !
Dang you.....took me down a worm hole for the last 1.5 hours....lolBefore surrending to defeatism or applying a war analogy, one should visit the WarRoom.
WarRoom — Home of ultraMAGA on GETTR
Home of @SteveBannon-America's #1 Political Podcast | WATCH HERE: 10AM-12PM ET MON-SAT & 5-6PM ET MON-FRI | Battleground 6-7PM ET MON-FRI SHOPWARROOM.comgettr.com
With four hours of WarRoom on five days a week, including the new Battleground at 6:00, initial total immersion may be a bit much. Better work into it gradually. LolDang you.....took me down a worm hole for the last 1.5 hours....lol