Trump daddy

This is like debating the issues in Alice in wonderland.

I do not believe anything anymore but what I see.
Internet, news, government , anything but the cash in my hand.
We are no different than ancient Rome ,or any third world country lead by a dictator.

So moto gladiator games!
I read a lot of this stuff. I read a lot of articles from many outlets. Conservative, liberal, neither, etc.
there's a lot of it that is just unfounded BS stemmed from tunnel vision. Open your eyes up to some unbiased research. Cut through all of the crap.

Ive made a big effort to do the same, especially the last month or so. Ive watched both sides rallies, press conferences ( Hillary hasnt done any), both the RNC and the DNC and read everything I can. Ive learned that the media is the root of all the evil in this. No matter what is said the candidate is blasted for being stupid. Id say Trump gets the worst of this side. He could say the sky is blue and CNN would call him a racist bigot because of it. On the flip side, Hillary is painted as a saint and did no wrong with the email scandal. Yet if you watch the judicial hearings the FBI plainly said she lied about everything. It goes both way s for both of them. She has said some good things as well as he has but you would never know it if you dont look in the right places.

One thing is sure, I have found that ignorance is bliss. Im scared and sad at how much corruption there is in this country and honestly I feel helpless to do anything. I will vote but dont believe it makes any difference.
I'm scared for myself because of the ignorant people in this country. I worry that too many people believe the things they see on Facebook. We've all seen that stuff. I look at some of these "articles" on there and think to myself, "someone is believing this $hit". And then I look to see who posted it. That's when I lose all respect for said person and eliminate them from my life. But I feel like I'm overwhelmed with idiots and it gives me anxiety for the future.

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Open your eyes up to some unbiased research. Cut through all of the crap. It's embarrassing. Some of the things you hear on TV are just ridiculous. And almost anything that comes out of one of these candidates' mouths is so far over the top that it makes me laugh.

I hear you.
But like it or not, the closer we get to the election the more the public is going to be subjected to their "Biased" campaign messages. And they are going to spend "B"illions to make sure you hear it. And then you will wake up one November morning, post-election, faced with the fact that one of these two crooks is your President for the next 4 years. And with that will also come all of the constant scandal news, criticism and attacks from the losing party and the media. It won't end, it only gets worse.

Double D mentioned the Romans and history. I have a coworker that that I discuss a lot of this with often, and he's a history buff as well. He ties much of this to the fall of our currency and the inevitable crash of a capitalistic system. The system can only continue if there's constant growth. Otherwise the system is in failure mode.

The transfer of wealth in America, with the disappearing Middle-Class has clearly done some damage. I'm not knowledgeable enough to dispute or confirm. All I know is it's a mess that's getting worse. Especially with our national debt and deficit, of which neither candidate is talking anything about.

So really,...... are both candidates effectively leading us down the same path to nowhere?
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I really wish people would quit with this two party system.

In many ways, your wish has been granted. After years of Alinskite Obama rubbing sores more raw (one of many nasty things that Alinskites do) to affect change, we find a Republican party, having ceded it's Congressional power, allowing the Democratic party agenda to proceed. Republicans campaign on opposing Democrats but they really don't. Democrats continue to sell their utopian dream that is never realized. And the whole bunch gain power and wealth in the process. What happened to consent of the governed? Maybe a reason why so many are so upset?
I just think back to my history lessons in high school and college. The guys that formed this government and country....those guys cared. They wrote the Constitution for all the right reasons. We have allowed lawyers and politicians to interpret it in their own way over the years as well as totally tear it down. Today's politician and today's government is not what they had in mind. I can promise you that. I cringe every time I think about that because it's such a shame.

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Well we're 6 days from the finish line. Anybody want to make a prediction?

Wikileaks is still hard at work helping everybody see what the politicians don't want us to see.

The Republican party is still as divided as ever, with Ryan and company avoiding the media and Trump.

The Department Of Justice and the FBI are being forced to reveal cards that they've tried to hide.

Bill Clinton's past just won't go away. He's in FoxNews again this morning over the FBI releasing documents on it's past investigation of Bills last-hour/last-minute criminal pardon of campaign contributor Marc Rich (and wife), who also happened to be a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's Senate race campaign.

Hillary still doesn't have a real plan for change that deviates from Obama's, and Hillary's toughest opponent is herself and the scandals that plaque her and Bill. Yet, her campaign ads portray her as a saint.

Pelosi and Reid still like to make fools of themselves on camera defending Hillary, and now they are joined by a new moron, DNC interim Chairperson Donna Brazile.

Man.... If you like politics, it don't get any better than this!
By the way, I happened to catch a campaign commercial yesterday from the NRA, Wayne LaPierre that was very impressive and well done.
Hope I get to see it again. It made the case for how corrupt and messed up our government is as a whole.
The only thing this election has shown is how deeply corrupt our government is.... the State dept, the DOJ, the FBI, Clintons, the AJ, just doesnt end.

The worst part of all of the corruption is that the biggest majority of people dont care one bit. Regardless of what emails were sent or not, Clinton broke the law by deleting emails and destroying devices AFTER a subpoena was issued for them. By law she isnt allowed security clearance any more.

Nobody, not the Republicans or Democrats, do anything about it. What does that tell you???
It is shocking to witness how lazy, ignorant and uneducated, and un-informed the general public is to the crap that really goes on in our government and political system.

And there is a very large gulf that separate's those that see it and those that don't.

We are surrounded by Sheeple!
Anybody that even remotely poses a risk at exposing and ruining this wonderful system of corruption and influence peddling in Washington or Wall Street get "taken out" in one way or another! The list of casualties is long.

Anybody notice that almost every Trump campaign commercial on TV is followed immediately by a Trump slamming Hillary campaign commercial?

Something else that really frost's my ass is how much it's costing the American taxpayers to have Obama and his entourage flying around America in Air Force One doing campaign stops and fundraisers for Hillary.

In times that we have to pass emergency stop gap legislation to continue raising our debt ceiling and funding our insolvent government, this is an outrage and shouldn't be allowed by either party, Period!
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In times that we have to pass emergency stop gap legislation to continue raising our debt ceiling and funding our insolvent government, this is an outrage and shouldn't be allowed by either party, Period!

If funding the government truely was the reason...

We are so close to one party rule. Progressives have been at undermining the Constitution for over a hundred years. We are being destroyed from within.
If funding the government truely was the reason...

We are so close to one party rule. Progressives have been at undermining the Constitution for over a hundred years. We are being destroyed from within.
A coworker brought us in a DVD to watch that came out this year, called Hillary's America. The video covered a lot of this. I learned a lot from watching it.

Most of all, it made me think that if half of what is said in the video is true, we're in a heap of trouble because the problem runs way deeper than I (most of us) ever realized.
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If funding the government truely was the reason...

We are so close to one party rule. Progressives have been at undermining the Constitution for over a hundred years. We are being destroyed from within.

Lol.....we basically are one party ruled. Its called the corruption party. The exact reason why Hillary is running for president. The reason nothing changes no matter what party is in the majority of the congress. Republicans have had the majority in both the house and the senate.....what has changed? Not a damn thing. Open your eyes.....our vote already doesnt matter. Our needs, whats best for the country, whats right.....none of that is of value to Washington DC. Only the almighty dollar and power.
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The information age is a big part of the problem. The criminals have figured out how to use it for their lies and deceit. But just figured out it is a double edged sword.

but the old stand by rule seems to be working for them, deny, deny, DENY! deflect and then deny again!
Lol.....we basically are one party ruled. Its called the corruption party. The exact reason why Hillary is running for president. The reason nothing changes no matter what party is in the majority of the congress. Republicans have had the majority in both the house and the senate.....what has changed? Not a damn thing. Open your eyes.....our vote already doesnt matter. Our needs, whats best for the country, whats right.....none of that is of value to Washington DC. Only the almighty dollar and power.

So what are you laughing about? Lol!