Trump daddy

In 4 years they’ll be 13 justices or more.

And you’ll pay $200 for every high capacity mag. And semi auto rifle you own.

fun times ahead of us. Green deals. Garbage foreign policy. I’m thrilled.
It’s funny how citizens of countries don’t realize how important being able to own weapons is until the government strips them completely.
24 days post-election.
In the mornings I wake, still stunned of what we are going through.
The wife has frequent contact with many senior citizens in her work. They too, still in a daze of what is happening.

I find myself elevating into a fit of rage when the television gleefully plays news clips of Biden's latest comments as "Mr President Elect" and how his transition is progressing.
The last time that I recall Americans feeling this much disappointment, anger and frustration, was the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Made you sick that we could allow this to happen.

We are in the middle of what could arguably be declared as the largest scandal of modern times. And considering how technologically advanced we are, the population of the country and size of our government, perhaps the most egregious scandal of all time for America. And the worst of it is that it strikes at the heart of our constitutional principals and heritage.

The majority press/media are co-conspirators in the crime of the century. And yet nobody ever seems to go to jail for it.

President Trump held a press conference today. As I'm watching it this evening, listening to the press questions, I grew angry once again.
A presidential election scandal should dominate headlines. Journalist would normally be competing against each other on which news outlet can find the worst state in violation of constitutional election laws. You would think that they would be digging like crazy into any and every tip given on voter irregularities and mining for every voter fraud case they could expose.

But not so. Today, as usual, they never failed to fail.
They were far more interested in rather or not President Trump will concede and vacate peacefully or not to "MR PRESIDENT-ELECT BIDEN".

I try to explain this to my kids and grandkids and don't even know where to begin.
What the hell happened to the America that I knew? What the hell happened to the Democratic party that our grandparents knew?
It’s funny how citizens of countries don’t realize how important being able to own weapons is until the government strips them completely.
Georgie, did you happen to notice the "absence of the NRA commercials" in this election runup?
It completely slipped my mind until I read an explanation of it in a Fox News clip earlier this week.
60 Minutes just aired their exclusive interview with Trumps ex-Cyber Security Director Chris Krebs.
"Says the election was legit and accurate".

Guess we just need to suck it up, accept it, get over it, and move on.

I think it might have been a little more convincing if CBS's Scott Pelley would have asked him to give explanation to issues that are verified factual. They didn't address any issues raised by election official affidavits.
Krebs said that what makes the election results reliably accurate was that for every digital vote, you have a paper ballot. But Pelley never questioned him on the legitimacy of the paper ballots?
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Hello again NQ1965,
I am not willing to give up. I’m not willing to watch the presidency be stolen and accept it.
I too can’t watch any news. Cause it’s all so one sided. I also get wound up quick hearing the BS. It ain’t over yet. The Supreme Court is gonna have a say. Let’s just hope they have the balls to make a honest and fair ruling.
Every court so far passes the buck and the news reports it as a loss.
The reality is this is speeding up the Supreme Court hearing.
Hoping to get some respect there.
Have a good day all. And look out for the virus!!! You might even get sick...
So if Biden won the election straight up and there there was no fraud or tampering, then full disclosure shouldn't be a problem. Nothing to hide right?

Kayleigh McEnany: 'Tainted election' did not capture America's vote

Trumps legal team are granted "Discovery" in their lawsuit in the state of Nevada. This gives them the ability to subpoena witness's and to build their case. They send out two Trump team attorney's. Problem is, they were met with a team of "TEN" attorneys representing the democratic party. And the lead attorney for the group is Marc Elias. Top election attorney in the country.

Elias's internet profile is interesting, and not too surprising.

Marc Erik Elias (born February 1, 1969)[1] is an American attorney specializing in election law, voting rights and redistricting.[2] He is a partner at Perkins Cole and head of the firm's Political Law practice. He served as general counsel for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign.

Elias is the head of the Political Law practice at Perkins Cole, a large Seattle-based law firm with many political clients.[7] He represents the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Governors Association, and many Democratic members of Congress.[4] He has represented the leadership of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. He was the General Counsel for the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry and the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.[8]

He served as lead counsel for Senator Al Franken in the 2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota recount and contest, the longest recount and contest in American history.[9] Elias has testified before committees in both houses of Congress and before the Federal Election Commission on campaign finance.[10] Elias has worked on voting rights and redistricting lawsuits in more than 25 states including: Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, New York, Virginia, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin .[11]

In 2010, Elias sought advisory opinions from the Federal Election Commission declaring that certain on-line[12][13] advertisements were, like advertisements sent via text, covered by the "small items" and "impracticable" exemptions of the law that otherwise requires advertisements by political committees to include a disclaimer revealing who paid for it.[13] The commission granted the request involving character-limited search advertisements, and deadlocked on the request involving small display advertisements.

In April 2015, Hillary Clinton engaged Elias as attorney of record for her 2016 presidential campaign.[8] According to The Washington Post, in April 2016, Elias hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign to create the research that resulted in the Steele dossier.[14] On October 24, 2017, Perkins Coie released Fusion GPS from its client confidentiality obligation.[14]

Elias serves on the Board of Advisors of Let America Vote, an organization founded by former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander that aims to end voter suppression.[15]

Elias served as the attorney for Dan McCready during the investigation of fraud allegations in the 2018 North Carolina's 9th congressional district election.[16] In January 2019, Elias became general counsel of the Kamala Harris 2020 presidential campaign.[17]

Ahead of the 2020 Election and amid the Coronavirus pandemic, Elias has filed dozens of lawsuits to expand voter access.[18][19]

On September 14, 2020, the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign announced that Elias would join the campaign's "'special litigation' unit", leading a team of lawyers focused on the state-by-state fight over vote casting and counting rules.[20]
I'm at a point that I believe Trump is screwed on this election.

He's not really getting any help or support from the Republican Party at this point, and flat out being shunned by many. Their silence and inactivity says everything. The RNC is only concerned with the Georgia senate race.

What puzzles me though is that first, it's absolutely factual that the blue wall states that the democrats had to win, did make changes to their individual state election laws in ways that undermine legal voter confirmation, as well as the laws not being changed in accordance to the requirements of the US Constitution.
Second thing is that they definitely have statistical analysis proof that the amount of Biden votes that were data dumped into the ballot counting tabulators in the middle of the night Nov 3rd/4th were absolutely and incredibly suspicious. EVERYBODY, EVEN THE DEMOCRATS know that mail in voting is easily corruptible. And they also knew that they had to take every step that could be taken to achieve benefit from said corruption. They could not win the election without it.

And they pulled it off! The Democratic Party has SUCCESSFULLY STOLEN this election, and the Republican Party has allowed it.
Conservative, patriotic Americans are getting screwed, and the whole country will ultimately pay the price for it.
What's really unfortunate is that beginning in 2021, we will begin to hear more and more about the dirty details and corruption, and this will always be remembered and talked about. In fact the further down the road we get, the more it will come out and be revealed.

And I'm done thinking about it.
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Sadly, the only way the people of this country are going to get the attention of the Federal Government is with weaponry and bloodshed. Whether it is against the elected people in the government, or against their allies, we are quickly approaching a revolution against our government and the agencies it has created. Just like our original Revolutionary War, when the government does not listen to the governed, the government, or the people therein, receive the wrath.

"Of the people, by the people, FOR the people". The elitists are forgetting the FOR the people part. They just want to empower and richen themselves, voters be damned. Both sides of the aisle.

I am not saying this is the time, I am saying that this is definitely one of the pieces in the puzzle leading us to that point.
18 State Attorney Generals filing suit seeking relief to the United States Supreme Court for blatant voter fraud and corruption, and yet the highest court in the land, with 6 conservatives, will turn their backs to it, and allow this election to proceed.

With less than 25% of registered Republicans in the country believing that this election was fair and legal, the division and failure of trust in our democracy will further damage the little confidence that we have in elections and voting.

I just can't get over what is happening here.
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I’m right there with ya.
I keep waiting for the “checks n balances” to check and balance some s**t out. But it's not looking good.
I no longer watch major news networks. Don’t have Facebook or twitter and deleted YouTube when I heard their BS yesterday.
I’d rather be uniformed,
than mislead.
Heard that yesterday myself, that Google and You Tube were going to begin deleting all post referring to "voter/election fraud".
One would think that all of this censorship, news information blackouts, and disinformation campaigns in itself would be criminal and subject to legal prosecution. And I somewhat understand that the Section 230 provision is partly responsible.
Friends and co-workers make political statements and comments, and it hits me, "they REALLY don't understand, or know what's going on, or just what all has taken place". It's easy to see why they have the views they have, when they get so little accurate information, or don't look further into news info to test for truthfulness. And I don't get angry about it, because they just don't know any better.

The mass-communication message control going on in our country, of this magnitude, is unlike anything that we have ever seen for America. Major historical importance!
Propaganda Warfare for the hearts and minds of the governed.
Huh, who could have guessed that Hunter Biden has been under investigation by the FBI since 2018 for taxes, money laundering and other crimes? Oh yeah, and Jim Biden for other crimes. Certainly nobody who watches the main stream media, Twitter, Facebook. It's Russian disinformation they claimed. 50 former intelligence officials said so! It's just a smear campaign!

If you voted for Biden, do you feel duped? You should. Harris is going to be President by the end of the year. We have all been scammed.
If you voted for Biden, do you feel duped? You should. Harris is going to be President by the end of the year. We have all been scammed.
Hell, I kind of feel that way supporting the Republican leadership and Trump's legal team at this point.
They've lost every damn court case they've filed in. Is their evidence just not valid enough or what?????? Has it all been just talk????
How in the hell could they of failed so miserably?

The only thing that I am comfortable in knowing is that the Democrats will only make everything much worse than it already is, and has been. They always do. They truly don't give a damn about America anymore, only about themselves. And the next four years will simply be scandal, scandal, scandal.

mcso434 said:
Harris is going to be President by the end of the year.
Yep, and then she'll Pardon the Biden Boys, and anyone else from the left that gets investigated, charged and convicted throughout all this mess.
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Here we go, State vs State.
This how Civil Wars begin.

Lt. Col. Allen West: SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states'​
